View Full Version : The Linchpin Lie: How Global Collapse Will Be Sold To The Masses

1st February 2013, 10:20 AM

Thursday, 31 January 2013 Brandon Smith

The Linchpin Lie: How Global Collapse Will Be Sold To The Masses
In our modern world there exist certain institutions of power. Not government committees, alphabet agencies, corporate lobbies, or even standard military organizations; no, these are the mere “middle-men” of power. The errand boys. The well paid hitmen of the global mafia. They are not the strategists or the decision makers.

Instead, I speak of institutions which introduce the newest paradigms. Who write the propaganda. Who issue the orders from on high. I speak of the hubs of elitism which have initiated nearly every policy mechanism of our government for the past several decades. I am talking about the Council On Foreign Relations, the Tavistock Institute, the Heritage Foundation (a socialist organization posing as conservative), the Bilderberg Group, as well as the corporate foils that they use to enact globalization, such as Monsanto, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, the Carlyle Group, etc.

Many of these organizations and corporations operate a revolving door within the U.S. government. Monsanto has champions, like Donald Rumsfeld who was on the board of directors of its Searle Pharmaceuticals branch, who later went on to help the company force numerous dangerous products including Aspartame through the FDA. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have a veritable merry-go-round of corrupt banking agents which are appointed to important White House and Treasury positions on a regular basis REGARDLESS of which party happens to be in office. Most prominent politicians are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization which has openly admitted on multiple occasions that their goal is the destruction of U.S. sovereignty and the formation of a “one world government” or “supranational union” (their words, not mine).

However, one organization seems to rear its ugly head at the forefront of the most sweeping mass propaganda operations of our time, and has been linked to the creation of the most atrocious military methodologies, including the use of false flag events. I am of course referring to the Rand Corporation, a California based “think tank” whose influence reaches into nearly every sphere of our society, from politics, to war, to entertainment.

The Rand Corporation deals in what I would call “absolute gray”. The goal of the group from its very inception was to promote a social atmosphere of moral ambiguity in the name of personal and national priority. They did this first through the creation of “Rational Choice Theory”; a theory which prescribes that when making any choice, an individual (or government) must act as if balancing costs against benefits to arrive at an action that maximizes personal advantage. Basically, the ends justify the means, and moral conscience is not a factor to be taken seriously if one wishes to be successful.

Hilariously, rational choice theory has been attacked in the past by pro-socialist (collectivist) critics as “extreme individualism”; a philosophy which gives us license to be as “self serving” as possible while feeling patriotic at the same time. In reality, the socialists should have been applauding Rand Corporation all along.

What Rand had done through its propaganda war against the American people was to infuse the exact culture of selfishness needed to push the U.S. towards the socialist ideal. At the onset of any communist or national socialist society (sorry socialists, but they do indeed come from the same collectivist mindset), the masses are first convinced to hand over ultimate power to the establishment in order to safeguard THEMSELVES, not others. That is to say, the common collectivist man chooses to hand over his freedoms and participate in totalitarianism not because he wants what is best for the world, but because he wants what is best for himself, and he believes servitude to the system will get him what he wants with as little private sacrifice as possible (you know, except for his soul…).

The psychologist Carl Jung notes in his observations of collectivism in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia that most citizens of those nations did not necessarily want the formation of a tyrannical oligarchy, but, they went along with it anyway because they feared for their own comfort and livelihoods. Many a German supported the Third Reich simply because they did not want to lose a cushy job, or a steady paycheck, or they liked that the “trains ran on time”. Socialism is by far the most selfish movement in history, despite the fact that they claim to do what they do “for the greater good of the greater number”.

Rand also used Rational Choice Theory as a means to remove questions of principle from the debate over social progress. Rational Choice propaganda commonly presents the target audience with a false conundrum. A perfect example would be the hardcore propaganda based television show ‘24’ starring Kiefer Sutherland, in which a government “anti-terrorism” agent is faced with a controlled choice scenario in nearly every episode. This choice almost always ends with the agent being forced to set aside his morals and conscience to torture, kill, and destroy without mercy, or, allow millions of innocents to die if he does not.

Of course, the real world does not work this way. Life is not a chess game. Avenues to resolution of any crisis are limited only by our imagination and intelligence, not to mention the immense number of choices that could be made to defuse a crisis before it develops. Yet, Rand would like you to believe that we (and those in government) are required to become monstrous in order to survive. That we should be willing to forgo conscience and justice now for the promise of peace and tranquility later.

This is the age old strategy of Centralization; to remove all choices within a system, by force or manipulation, until the masses think they have nothing left but the choices the elites give them. It is the bread and butter of elitist institutions like Rand Corporation, and is at the core of the push for globalization.

More at link above....

old steel
1st February 2013, 11:21 AM

1st February 2013, 11:28 AM
Rational Choice Theory

Interesting. Notice the ironic similarity between Rand Corporation's "Rational Choice Theory" and Zionist Ayn Rands "Objectivist Theory?
Notice how they both began being promoted and popularized through the Zionist Media at the same time... right after WWII.

Also notice how the collectivist Zionist philosopher, Carl Marx was an admirer and contemporary of Hegel, the philosopher responsible for the intellectual development of Hegelian dialectics.

Remember also, that the words Communism and Capitalism were introduced to popular western vernacular by the Zionist Carl Marx himself, shortly before the Zionist Rothschild created the American Civil War by playing one side against another, which is essentially the definition of Hegelian Dialectics.

And as has been repeatedly suggested here that those two words are flip sides of the same ZioBankster coin, as being pure Hegelian Dialectic Propaganda.

And finally, remember that Ayn Rand herself was rabidly and unapologetically Zionist, even in total absolute contradiction to her supposed "Objectivist" ideals, claiming(LYING) that Israel was the only free and democratic state in the entire mid east, and should be protected at all costs by the U.S. BIG GOVERNMENT MILITARY, which of course is in complete violation of our Constitution.

1st February 2013, 11:43 AM
Everyone should click on the link and finish reading the article.

1st February 2013, 12:13 PM
Interesting. Notice the ironic similarity between Rand Corporation's "Rational Choice Theory" and Zionist Ayn Rands "Objectivist Theory?
Notice how they both began being promoted and popularized through the Zionist Media at the same time... right after WWII.

Also notice how the collectivist Zionist philosopher, Carl Marx was an admirer and contemporary of Hegel, the philosopher responsible for the intellectual development of Hegelian dialectics.

Remember also, that the words Communism and Capitalism were introduced to popular western vernacular by the Zionist Carl Marx himself, shortly before the Zionist Rothschild created the American Civil War by playing one side against another, which is essentially the definition of Hegelian Dialectics.

And as has been repeatedly suggested here that those two words are flip sides of the same ZioBankster coin, as being pure Hegelian Dialectic Propaganda.

And finally, remember that Ayn Rand herself was rabidly and unapologetically Zionist, even in total absolute contradiction to her supposed "Objectivist" ideals, claiming(LYING) that Israel was the only free and democratic state in the entire mid east, and should be protected at all costs by the U.S. BIG GOVERNMENT MILITARY, which of course is in complete violation of our Constitution.

Hey, it's Karl Marx! damn it...

And, it's almost like you're inside my head....

1st February 2013, 12:16 PM
Definitely,.... read the entire article.

1st February 2013, 12:18 PM
Hey, it's Karl Marx! damn it...

And, it's almost like you're inside my head....
LOL.... Thanks for the correction. And I think we've both been doing a LOT of research.

1st February 2013, 12:23 PM
Thought for today...

Maybe it's time to throw in the towel...maybe there will be no collapse in our lifetime?

When the elite can print money to infinity, they can literally give everyone a free check and just keep syphoning off what's left from whatever remaining productive.

I can't think of anything big enough to bring this economy down, that they cannot print their way out of.

Gold should continue it's slow climb for many years, as inflation keeps robbing the wealth of nations.
They have managed prices damn well, and as long as they can keep excitement out of the market, they will be able to supply the market indefinately.

Congrats to the global elite! American's will bend over and take what ever you deal them.
If no one has stood up by now, they probably never will.

Maybe we should all go out and have fun...let the next generation, or two, worry about their shitty new world.

1st February 2013, 12:31 PM
Thought for today...

Maybe it's time to throw in the towel...maybe there will be no collapse in our lifetime?

When the elite can print money to infinity, they can literally give everyone a free check and just keep syphoning off what's left from whatever remaining productive.

I can't think of anything big enough to bring this economy down, that they cannot print their way out of.

Gold should continue it's slow climb for many years, as inflation keeps robbing the wealth of nations.
They have managed prices damn well, and as long as they can keep excitement out of the market, they will be able to supply the market indefinately.

Congrats to the global elite! American's will bend over and take what ever you deal them.
If no one has stood up by now, they probably never will.

Maybe we should all go out and have fun...let the next generation, or two, worry about their shitty new world.

Instead of giving up, why don't we work to create our own paradigm shift, our own Linchpin Event.

All we have to do is convince a few states to withdraw their consent to the 17th Amendment and seat their own selection of Senators.

1st February 2013, 12:36 PM
I can't think of anything big enough to bring this economy down, that they cannot print their way out of.

Collapse of the faith in the credit of the US Government?

1st February 2013, 12:44 PM
Instead of giving up, why don't we work to create our own paradigm shift, our own Linchpin Event.

All we have to do is convince a few states to withdraw their consent to the 17th Amendment and seat their own selection of Senators.

While I agree whole heartedly about the 17th in theory, but what if anyone of those senators are as corrupt as the ones that are elected? The ones that would be elected by the states are more than likely just as corrupt and have the same F'd up agenda.

1st February 2013, 01:05 PM
The global collapse was set in motion with teh bretton woods agreement...and since then all that has been done is postponement of the inevitable collapse of the lie fighting Truth.

Bretton woods was a lie that all in the USA and the world have been slaving to supply power to sustain it's appearance is Truth...or path to salvation.

the collapse is the logical conclusion of the take more than you give equation...it's always the logical conclusion when you choose to embrace a lie as the path to salvation.

damnation is all you will get in the end.

Of course what happend prior to the collapse is just an effect in the chain that can be promoted as the cause in order to protect the cause from the consequence.

running out of people to sign on teh dotted line back in 2008 was an effect of the cause...not the cause of the collapse..which was the choice to take more than you give...or chop down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existance..

It's like a criminal that was caught due to their last crime...thinking that if they would have done something different prior to being caught...they would not have been caught...but the reason they are in teh jail cell to begin with was their chocie decades previously of choosing to be a criminal to begin with.

1st February 2013, 01:14 PM
running out of people to sign on teh dotted line back in 2008 was an effect of the cause

Is the push for the illegal immigrants to be 'legal' another delay tactic? To get more people signing the dotted line... Or unrelated?

1st February 2013, 01:18 PM
While I agree whole heartedly about the 17th in theory, but what if anyone of those senators are as corrupt as the ones that are elected? The ones that would be elected by the states are more than likely just as corrupt and have the same F'd up agenda. No senatorial elections, no campaign contributions and no way to hide corruption. The people believing they've lost half of their voice when they lost "their senate" will focus like lasers on their remaining representation, which will make corruption in the house less and less lucrative and harder to pull off. Of course, the states will probably cease upon this as an opportunity to loot the treasury via the senate but the people will fight that presumption and attempt to make their decision to take back the senate as arduous as possible. And we'll just sit back and laugh our asses off as we watch they system the banksters and corporations thought they owned, through their nutured proxies the DNC and RNC, self destruct.

1st February 2013, 02:00 PM
No senatorial elections, no campaign contributions and no way to hide corruption. The people believing they've lost half of their voice when they lost "their senate" will focus like lasers on their remaining representation, which will make corruption in the house less and less lucrative and harder to pull off. Of course, the states will probably cease upon this as an opportunity to loot the treasury via the senate but the people will fight that presumption and attempt to make their decision to take back the senate as arduous as possible. And we'll just sit back and laugh our asses off as we watch they system the banksters and corporations thought they owned, through their nutured proxies the DNC and RNC, self destruct.

Interesting premise. Anything that's a change from the same ol-same ol is positive IMO and I also believe that the founders had it right to begin with and then we let them convince us otherwise.

1st February 2013, 02:20 PM
Interesting. Notice the ironic similarity between Rand Corporation's "Rational Choice Theory" and Zionist Ayn Rands "Objectivist Theory?
Notice how they both began being promoted and popularized through the Zionist Media at the same time... right after WWII.

Also notice how the collectivist Zionist philosopher, Carl Marx was an admirer and contemporary of Hegel, the philosopher responsible for the intellectual development of Hegelian dialectics.

Remember also, that the words Communism and Capitalism were introduced to popular western vernacular by the Zionist Carl Marx himself, shortly before the Zionist Rothschild created the American Civil War by playing one side against another, which is essentially the definition of Hegelian Dialectics.

And as has been repeatedly suggested here that those two words are flip sides of the same ZioBankster coin, as being pure Hegelian Dialectic Propaganda.

And finally, remember that Ayn Rand herself was rabidly and unapologetically Zionist, even in total absolute contradiction to her supposed "Objectivist" ideals, claiming(LYING) that Israel was the only free and democratic state in the entire mid east, and should be protected at all costs by the U.S. BIG GOVERNMENT MILITARY, which of course is in complete violation of our Constitution.

I believe this "rational choice theory" is the cornerstone for everything we see today. As you mention it underlies seemingly opposed isms.

The author of the article seems to frame the problem with RCT as an issue of moral ambiguity. This is the same reasoning I see used by conservatives, many religious people, white "premacists", etc. They think that if simply proper wholesome morals were established or valued, all these problems would go away.

I don't think that RCT is a moral issue however. It's a human control method which depends on individual human weakness - specifically fear and as a consequence rejection of personal responsibility - in conjunction with a flawed underlying intellectual process.

Basically what they do is create a false dichotomy where the only logical deductive conclusion is their desired action. The flaw is not moral ambiguity, but people's unwillingness to question their own assumptions. Why is it so hard to question one's own assumptions? Because all assumptions have to be questioned, not just a few. This leads to uncertainty and absolute personal responsibility. If moral ambiguity was the issue, Islamic countries would be the best places on earth.

I wrote two threads about this subject - what questioning assumptions really looks like, and where it ultimately leads.
Confession: Inside the Mind of a Conspiracy Theorist (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?66870-Confession-Inside-the-Mind-of-a-Conspiracy-Theorist)
Thesis: Beyond the Scientific Method - Shifting into the New Age (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?66869-Thesis-Beyond-the-Scientific-Method-Shifting-into-the-New-Age)

As long as we keep using the same thought processes, we will keep being beat again and again imo.

2nd February 2013, 11:57 AM
I believe this "rational choice theory" is the cornerstone for everything we see today. As you mention it underlies seemingly opposed isms.

The author of the article seems to frame the problem with RCT as an issue of moral ambiguity. This is the same reasoning I see used by conservatives, many religious people, white "premacists", etc. They think that if simply proper wholesome morals were established or valued, all these problems would go away.

I don't think that RCT is a moral issue however. It's a human control method which depends on individual human weakness - specifically fear and as a consequence rejection of personal responsibility - in conjunction with a flawed underlying intellectual process.

Basically what they do is create a false dichotomy where the only logical deductive conclusion is their desired action. The flaw is not moral ambiguity, but people's unwillingness to question their own assumptions. Why is it so hard to question one's own assumptions? Because all assumptions have to be questioned, not just a few. This leads to uncertainty and absolute personal responsibility. If moral ambiguity was the issue, Islamic countries would be the best places on earth.

I wrote two threads about this subject - what questioning assumptions really looks like, and where it ultimately leads.
Confession: Inside the Mind of a Conspiracy Theorist (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?66870-Confession-Inside-the-Mind-of-a-Conspiracy-Theorist)
Thesis: Beyond the Scientific Method - Shifting into the New Age (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?66869-Thesis-Beyond-the-Scientific-Method-Shifting-into-the-New-Age)

As long as we keep using the same thought processes, we will keep being beat again and again imo.

I don't think he's framing the issue as a play on morality at all, He's just pointing out one of the consequential aspects of RTC. As for your push for individual dialecticalism; it's prudent for a person to examine their beliefs now and again, but I don't think that a civilization can be built or function if every individual is expected to run everything that comes along through a self analysis filter only to have the output ripped apart and reassembled by someone else's analysis filter ad infinitum...

Remember: Gogito Ergo Sum.

2nd February 2013, 04:34 PM
I don't think he's framing the issue as a play on morality at all, He's just pointing out one of the consequential aspects of RTC. As for your push for individual dialecticalism; it's prudent for a person to examine their beliefs now and again, but I don't think that a civilization can be built or function if every individual is expected to run everything that comes along through a self analysis filter only to have the output ripped apart and reassembled by someone else's analysis filter ad infinitum...

Remember: Gogito Ergo Sum.

You're right that "framing the question" isn't really what he's doing, he does seem to present it as kind of the underlying principle but doesn't really expand on that or make it the main part of his article.

But whenever some describes control methods, I always try to find the source of its power. Why are they successful and how can they be defeated? The article does a good job of describing the "what" but not the "how" and "why". When you can answer all those questions you can try to come up with a solution.

Even though the article doesn't focus on it, I do see many people blaming moral ambiguity as the principle upon which this control method is based. I've seen many people who hold this basic idea, even though perhaps they don't rigorously present or defend it usually.

So one "cause of the problem" could be moral ambiguity.

Another "cause of the problem" could be zionists, which we're discussing here. Sure moral ambiguity exists, but they systematically use it and refine it to divide and conquer goyium populations. Moral ambiguity doesn't exist for them, because we're considered animals/subhumans.

However, zionists do not in fact exist in overwhelming numbers. They simply hold key positions of artificial power which we give them. If nobody chose to allow it, their power would cease to exist. Furthermore, when we become deeply indebted, go to war, allow our personal freedoms to be taken away, etc, its always something the majority of people agree to go along with. Even if not supported, its accepted.

These zionists operate on every level, not just in relation to the "sheep". Whenever there is a potential to divide people, usually it happens, you can even see it in the alternative media people, where the "sheep" believe in the same general things we do.

In this case, if the cause of the problems are zionists, then a solely anti-zionist response is needed.

"The zionists divide us, corrupt us, and control our majority through coercive yet willing participation. Therefore, we need to get rid of them."

I agree we need to get rid of them. But how do you get rid of a parasite without destroying the host? That's really the question this is all leading to.

In order to kill the parasite, you have to create an environment where they cannot survive in. You can't physically go inside, identify them, and remove them. Instead you have to identify the weakness they are exploiting and fix it.

This rational choice theory is indeed a method being used. My argument is that instead of attempting to identify and remove the perpetrators who are using this method, we should instead make the method itself ineffective. It's not just a single method and counter-method that we need to be looking at, but rather a basic flaw we have which various methods exploit. The other side of that is, what do the zionists possess that allows them to take advantage of our flaw over and over? I don't know, but I don't think we have control over that part. We only have control over our own flaws.

My 'solution' which you are skeptical of is really just based on empirical observations of the thought processes of people who have identified the problems and control mechanisms. It's about questioning assumptions. For us, it's easy to see 911 was a false flag. But for someone else it could be the cornerstone of their lives for the last 11 years. It may be one of the key assumptions they have. It would be the equivalent to whatever one of our top 5 personal assumptions are. Therefore, the only answer is to question everything, and I've described the thought process of doing so. It's pretty much all empirical from people I've seen on this forum, etc.

I think the problem and solution goes beyond the way senators are elected. What you speak of is an effect, not a cause imo. It is an effect of people not understanding and taking responsibility for what's happening around them. In this case, RCT will continue to be used to change the way government works, senators are elected, etc.

People's flaws -> RCT -> 17th amendment, etc -> basic problems in society

Fixing the 17th amendment and things like it would indeed fix problems in society, but it wouldn't fix the root cause.

2nd February 2013, 04:55 PM
~ Fixing the 17th amendment and things like it would indeed fix problems in society, but it wouldn't fix the root cause.

vacuum, the purpose of fixing the 17th non-amendment is to restore the environment of liberty within which ideas can flourish.

Your ideas aren't going to get much traction in a totalitarian police state.

2nd February 2013, 06:31 PM
Collapse of the faith in the credit of the US Government?
I think you got that almost correct. Yes it is going to be a psychological event, the collapse of faith, and it is going to be caused by the excessive credit of the US government, but they WILL NOT DEFAULT on the debt, they will just continue to print whatever they need, and they will attempt to keep the trickle down to a minimum, so not to create price inflation. But sooner or later we will come to a breaking point in the confidence of the US dollar. Personally I am surprised they kept this game running as long as they have (they are skilled), but psychological breaking point WILL COME. WHEN? Impossible to tell, but most probably it will be a drop that makes the glass flow over, and the problem wasn't the drop, the problem was that the glass was already full...

2nd February 2013, 07:02 PM
Your ideas aren't going to get much traction in a totalitarian police state.

Karl,...(lol).... somehow I doubt your idea will fair any better in the rapidly developing totalitarian police state.

2nd February 2013, 09:00 PM
Karl,...(lol).... somehow I doubt your idea will fair any better in the rapidly developing totalitarian police state. Karl?...ok

It would stand a chance if more people pressed their states' legislators to take back their right and authority in and over the Federal Government.

They do have a choice in this; they can be the front line enforcers for the bankrupt centralized totalitarian gaggle of criminals and be the front line, first recipients of the consequences of that choice or they can stand up, take back their rightful place in the Senate and put a stop to the bullshit, rescue our Constitutional Republic and our liberty and become our nation's heroes.

The states' legislators know time is running out, for them as well as for us, and I think it's about time we confronted them with that choice.