View Full Version : Gold Run? 43 Tonnes of Gold Stand for February Delivery on 1st Notice Day

1st February 2013, 05:21 PM
February 1, 2013 By The Doc

Today was first notice day for February delivery in gold, and as usual, we had a waterfall raid in gold to $1655. The cartel MO has long been to raid gold and silver on options expiration as well as first notice day, to help prevent longs from standing for delivery.

While the the cartel raid was successful based on the paper futures price, it was an epic fail based on physical gold delivery requests, as a monumental 1.391 million ounces, or 43.26 tonnes of gold stood for delivery today on first notice day.

To put this number in perspective, December delivery in gold, which is traditionally the largest delivery month of the year, saw less than 10 tonnes stand for delivery.

Has the Buba’s gold repatriation request ignited a full-fledged run on the cartel gold bank?

From Harvey Organ’s COMEX update:

Today we had first day notice and what a surprise. We had a massive 1,391,000 million oz of gold stand or 43.26 tonnes of gold. I have been following the gold and silver comex data from the mid 1970′s and I have never seen anything like this before. You will recall that this past December we had only 10 tonnes of gold delivered upon. Generally December is the biggest delivery month of the year. The comex is not a physical market. If one needs physical they generally head over to London at the LBMA and purchase the metal over there. The high amounts standing may mean that our gentlemen from Eastern persuasion are having difficulty finding metal and thus they are heading over to our neck of the woods to obtain this very valuable commodity.

The total comex gold open interest rose 425 contracts to settle at 431,137 from Wednesday’s level of 430,712. We now have the number of contracts for gold standing as today is first day notice. The total number of contracts standing for gold is a whopping 13,910 contracts or 1,310,900 oz of gold which translates to 43.26 tonnes of gold. I am sure that Blythe will be one busy girl these next few weeks as she tries to entice some longs standing to accept paper instead of metal. The next non active contract month is March and here the OI rose from 1087 up to 1211 for a gain of 124 contracts. The estimated volume today at the gold comex was fair at 161,916. The confirmed volume yesterday was quite good at 245,696.

In all the years that I have covered the comex I have never seen such a high amount of gold standing. The comex is a paper market and too see such a high level of gold standing seems to suggest that the gold investor boys (and sovereigns) are crossing the pond because physical gold is scarce. London must be out or close to it.

Uncle Salty
1st February 2013, 05:46 PM
Rich riots! Ha ha ha.

This could finally be the month we have all been waiting for.

1st February 2013, 06:02 PM
Rich riots! Ha ha ha.

This could finally be the month we have all been waiting for.

silver sub 20 frns?

1st February 2013, 06:05 PM
silver sub 20 frns?
Dow 15,000?

1st February 2013, 06:10 PM
Dow 15,000?

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Kyle Bass Tells 'Nominal' Stock Market Cheerleaders: Remember Zimbabwe (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-02-01/kyle-bass-tells-nominal-stock-market-cheerleaders-remember-zimbabwe)

Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 02/01/2013 - 13:45

"Zimbabwe's stock market was the best performer this decade - but your entire portfolio now buys you 3 eggs"

Twisted Titan
1st February 2013, 06:44 PM
They can play games with gold till the end of time.....they have tons of it.

Not so with Silver......Silver is a JUST IN TIME delivery scheme and its only a matter of time before it fails.

1st February 2013, 07:36 PM
They can play games with gold till the end of time.....they have tons of it.

Not so with Silver......Silver is a JUST IN TIME delivery scheme and its only a matter of time before it fails.

The Banks have NO silver

Walter Mitty
2nd February 2013, 04:23 AM
Force Majeure. Alot of people are going to end up holding pretty pieces of paper. Like the MF Global customers.
Unlike the MF global customers they will be able to exchange them for other pieces of paper with dead
President's pictures on them.

Twisted Titan
2nd February 2013, 04:33 AM
Problem is they wont control the terms or exchange rate.

The devil is always in the details

2nd February 2013, 06:44 AM
Dear bullion banks, Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker, Blythe Masters, Ben Bernanke, Jeffrey Christian, Jon Nadler, and all the rest of you: please keep the price of gold low, right up until the time all of it is gone and we have a force majeure. Please please please; low prices mean high physical demand, and as more and more people figure out the end game is nigh, the existing supply will deplete faster. Once we get to this "Game Over" event, maybe then we can return to a genuine capitalist system with genuine, un-manipulated capital markets which are able to send accurate price signals, allocate resources efficiently, reward the wise and punish the foolish (without bailouts), producing real goods and services according to actual demand, returning consumption- and production-based debt back to their natural balance, creating wealth and jobs, and making it possible for us to envision and build our own future(s). Imagine! How fucking radical!

2nd February 2013, 01:06 PM
Dear bullion banks, Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker, Blythe Masters, Ben Bernanke, Jeffrey Christian, Jon Nadler, and all the rest of you: please keep the price of gold low, right up until the time all of it is gone and we have a force majeure. Please please please; low prices mean high physical demand, and as more and more people figure out the end game is nigh, the existing supply will deplete faster. Once we get to this "Game Over" event, maybe then we can return to a genuine capitalist system with genuine, un-manipulated capital markets which are able to send accurate price signals, allocate resources efficiently, reward the wise and punish the foolish (without bailouts), producing real goods and services according to actual demand, returning consumption- and production-based debt back to their natural balance, creating wealth and jobs, and making it possible for us to envision and build our own future(s). Imagine! How fucking radical!

Brother, you said a mouthfull!

Uncle Salty
2nd February 2013, 02:20 PM
silver sub 20 frns?

Paper silver might go that low, but physical will soar!