View Full Version : magnet motor video trolls

1st February 2013, 07:55 PM
Hahaha, I am going to try this tomorrow, just because of the amount of trolls in the comments:



1st February 2013, 09:15 PM
Here is another complete failure from the trollio section:



2nd February 2013, 09:07 AM
I didnt watch it with sound, so it may have been addressed.

HOwever, the failure point I can see in it now is that fact that magnets lose their power quicker when constantly subjected to opposing polarities. I.E. the push/pull of the north and south. WHen a magnet is inert, say simply holding a magnetic object, it will stay magnetic for some time.

Theres no free energy, just like theres no new energy. Just the redirection of energy. The expense in these magnents vs their frequency of their replacment would make it prohibitive.

In fact, the only infinite energy machine is the cat/toast contraption, but theres been no man yet brave enough to actualy build it.

2nd February 2013, 10:52 AM
Hence the concept of a magnet keeper.

If I were to try this I would have to talk like the guy in the first video the entire time...I believe the power of free energy is in his voice.

The Cat Toast theorem seems.....plausible....

http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/5/5e/Cat_toast.JPG (http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/5/5e/Cat_toast.JPG)

2nd February 2013, 05:03 PM
Hence the concept of a magnet keeper.

If I were to try this I would have to talk like the guy in the first video the entire time...I believe the power of free energy is in his voice.

The Cat Toast theorem seems.....plausible....


And thusly, my point is proven!

2nd February 2013, 06:58 PM
Give me a couple days to find all the crap my kid put in boxes before we moved. If I can get a magnet wheel to spin without elec than I consider it a success. Regular organite pucks above the electric meter dropped kw usage but then again I didn't make the aluminum or crystals either but it worked. The joos trolls were so clustering on the first video there might be something to it. And on his personal page he states that 'free energy' is impossible, then posts a few videos that prove everything else he does is fake... If true he also knows he won't be around very long if he goes against TPTB.

2nd February 2013, 07:04 PM
Hooh boy...it goes deep...

The amount of force generated by the magnets will be feeble with this fan. You would need massive rare earth neo dymium magnets..like 20lb+ ea per pole to do anything "useful".... 8 of those monsters, and they would begin to lose strength over time, and cost a ridiculous amount to replace.

2nd February 2013, 07:14 PM
Here is a great one with complete trollio comments to boot:



He admits this is fake by saying to scrape the insulation off the ends of the coils LOL. Some of these are absolutely great even fake.

2nd February 2013, 07:17 PM
But then we have this one, complete with trollio but whats weird is it looks possible. I am not counting the cost for the magnets or wires or any of that shit I can't mine from the earth, just sayin...



2nd February 2013, 07:33 PM
Youtube videos are great and all, and so are rare earth magnets. I have a nice collection in various stacks from well over 50 hard drives. Older Seagate SCSI drives are the best btw.

How much do you think neo dymium magnets cost, and how long do you think they keep their magnetism is the question.

Energy in this universe changes phase constantly when work and time is applied. That means it goes somewhere, and tuns into something else...the original source can never be infinite or self renewing without putting new energy into it from somewhere else.

2nd February 2013, 07:42 PM
Youtube videos are great and all, and so are rare earth magnets. I have a nice collection in various stacks from well over 50 hard drives. Older Seagate SCSI drives are the best btw.

How much do you think neo dymium magnets cost, and how long do you think they keep their magnetism is the question.

Energy in this universe changes phase constantly when work and time is applied. That means it goes somewhere, and tuns into something else...the original source can never be infinite or self renewing without putting new energy into it from somewhere else.

So I change the magnets out. I'm not comparing apples to joos here biatch.

2nd February 2013, 07:45 PM
So I change the magnets out. I'm not comparing apples to joos here biatch.

And have you thought about the cost of that? Have you looked into it?

Amateur youtube videos are great and all, but sadly they don't hold the answers to the secrets of the universe.

Have you ever taken a post high school physics class?

2nd February 2013, 07:45 PM
Nothing is free joo I agree, as the phase changes so does the universe. Used to be I get free pussy just by saying "I want to nut you" then it got more costly and I had to say "hey I got a beer" then it went to "just ride me while I ride you around" I never created the neighborhood hoes, just used them and replaced when they got old looking or worn out.

K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid)

2nd February 2013, 07:47 PM
Have you ever taken a post high school physics class?

No but I completed psychology and your a joo trollio.

2nd February 2013, 07:47 PM
Nothing is free joo I agree, as the phase changes so does the universe. Used to be I get free pussy just by saying "I want to nut you" then it got more costly and I had to say "hey I got a beer" then it went to "just ride me while I ride you around" I never created the neighborhood hoes, just used them and replaced when they got old looking or worn out.

K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid)

K.I.S.S ....Keep it stupid....simple?

2nd February 2013, 07:50 PM
No but I completed psychology and your a joo trollio.

Why is it you always get edgy when people try to explain reality to you?

2nd February 2013, 08:26 PM
Why is it you always get edgy when people try to explain reality to you?

Cause your a joo troll and I have nothing to lose by pointing it out.

Your reality is other than most of reality. I choose not to be of your reality joosman.

2nd February 2013, 08:36 PM
Cause your a joo troll and I have nothing to lose by pointing it out.

Your reality is other than most of reality. I choose not to be of your reality joosman.

Well see now you're rambling off into a crazy train again when I'm trying to point out situations that have to do real world applications.

Why post something you don't understand if you're not willing to hear the truth about it, or learn anything in the process?

Someone is giving you factual information, and you're acting like this?

You're welcome. Such a nice guy.

3rd February 2013, 07:13 AM
Who ever asked for your troll input anyway? Go suck yourself asshat.

3rd February 2013, 10:27 AM
Who ever asked for your troll input anyway? Go suck yourself asshat.

You better back it UP!

Ima sick Epic MAll cop on yo aSS!

LOL....ok dude...Have fun with your magnets when you get your boxes unpacked.

3rd February 2013, 04:41 PM
Think about it, the Earth is a perpetual motion machine. Either Air, The ocean and EMF is always moving so it is possible, we just need to figure out how to tap into it. Tesla knew we just need to study his work more.

3rd February 2013, 06:07 PM
Think about it, the Earth is a perpetual motion machine. Either Air, The ocean and EMF is always moving so it is possible, we just need to figure out how to tap into it. Tesla knew we just need to study his work more.

According to Bruce Cathie (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65285-Harmonics-animal-magnetism-and-messmerism&highlight=harmonics), you need an antenna 15m (I think it was Metres) and some inches long to hit the right harmonic for the earths electromagnetic energy field. I don't have his books with me, but I'll dig out the information later today and post it.

I know someone into high voltage stuff, I want to see if I can convince them to try it. Can't see why not. Tesla is what got them into their career and they know of Cathie's work. I guess we can work out frequency or we can just try various impedences until we can an inductive feedback of some sort.

The other thing to consider would be the orientation or polarizaton of the antenna. Vertical vs horizontal or even some other arrangement.

4th February 2013, 01:36 PM
According to Bruce Cathie (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65285-Harmonics-animal-magnetism-and-messmerism&highlight=harmonics), you need an antenna 15m (I think it was Metres) and some inches long to hit the right harmonic for the earths electromagnetic energy field. I don't have his books with me, but I'll dig out the information later today and post it.

I know someone into high voltage stuff, I want to see if I can convince them to try it. Can't see why not. Tesla is what got them into their career and they know of Cathie's work. I guess we can work out frequency or we can just try various impedences until we can an inductive feedback of some sort.

The other thing to consider would be the orientation or polarizaton of the antenna. Vertical vs horizontal or even some other arrangement.

I was reading something very similar to that. That Tesla used an antenna to pull High Frequency AC out of the atmosphere then stepped it down to usable levels. Because the High Frequency Voltage is unlimited you don't need to worry about any kind of loss when converting it.