View Full Version : RKBA: UNconfusing an extremely simple matter about what constitutes the militia

midnight rambler
7th February 2013, 01:50 AM
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The gungrabbers/collectivists want everyone to think that where the 2nd Amendment states the term 'militia' that it is referring to a standing army. Not only does the Federalist Papers make a clear distinction between a standing army and the militia, the term 'militia' as NEVER been used to describe a state's regular army. The people constitute the militia, NOT 'regulars' (full time soldiers in a standing army) - that's all there is to it. This is the key I think we need to push more in order to overcome the (false) meme the competition is using against us.

7th February 2013, 09:38 AM
It wont matter, they simply counter with "well, that was 200 years ago and we have an army, national guard and cops to protect us now. So you dont NEED a military assault rifle."

The people that are that hardcore against guns suffer from mental short comings, mostly the failure to process logical conclusions without emotion being used as the deciding factor.

7th February 2013, 10:11 AM
I will never understand why people think Politicians scibbles (sometimes called 'Law') have ANY bearing whatsoever on morality or reality.

The REAL problem lies between the ears of 300 million people, as they are under MIND CONTROL.

I OWN myself. THAT is where my Right to defend myself, my family and my property comes from. NOT from Politicans scribbles.

If you actually believe that your Rights come from a peice of paper, PLAN ON BEING A SLAVE all of your life. This is how they control you. If you truly understand that you own yourself, then no scribbles on paper can ever change that. Just like the scribbles cannot alter morality or truth. Although the Politicans and their slaves would disagree......

7th February 2013, 10:16 AM
I will never understand why people think Politicians scibbles (sometimes called 'Law') have ANY bearing whatsoever on morality or reality.

The REAL problem lies between the ears of 300 million people, as they are under MIND CONTROL.

I OWN myself. THAT is where my Right to defend myself, my family and my property comes from. NOT from Politicans scribbles.

Leagle or not, those scribbles can get your ass locked behind a shit load of concrete and steel if you do not follow. We can own our self's but that will not stop them from messing us up if they get their physical hands on us (or in range).

As long as there are more of them than us, we will always be on the short end of the stick.

Sorta like trying to piss upwind in a hurricane! There will be blow back.

7th February 2013, 03:44 PM
Leagle or not, those scribbles can get your ass locked behind a shit load of concrete and steel if you do not follow. We can own our self's but that will not stop them from messing us up if they get their physical hands on us (or in range).

I disagree 100%.

Its not those 'scribbles' that will 'get my ass locked up', but it is the MIND CONTROL that certain people are under that make them believe that those scribbles EXEMPT THEM FROM MORALITY.

As long as there are more of them than us, we will always be on the short end of the stick.

I think you may be under this same MIND CONTROL if you think there are 'more of them than us'. Example: There are 100 million gun owners, and 100 thousand IRS agents. Do you REALLY think the 100 million people pay up because of the fear of the 100 thousand? Give me a break. They pay up for one reason only: THEY ARE UNDER MIND CONTROL.

The belief in 'Authority' is the most destructive 'myth' in the history of this planet. See my sig....

When people say "I have this Right because of the Constitution", they are not only admitting that their Rights come from scribbles on paper, they are leaving their Rights up to INTERPRETATION. When you realise that your Rights come from self-ownership there is no argument against it, and the system is forced to use coercion to make you act, thus revealing their true intent: TO CONTROL YOU.

7th February 2013, 04:29 PM
I disagree 100%.

Its not those 'scribbles' that will 'get my ass locked up', but it is the MIND CONTROL that certain people are under that make them believe that those scribbles EXEMPT THEM FROM MORALITY.

I think you may be under this same MIND CONTROL if you think there are 'more of them than us'. Example: There are 100 million gun owners, and 100 thousand IRS agents. Do you REALLY think the 100 million people pay up because of the fear of the 100 thousand? Give me a break. They pay up for one reason only: THEY ARE UNDER MIND CONTROL.

The belief in 'Authority' is the most destructive 'myth' in the history of this planet. See my sig....

When people say "I have this Right because of the Constitution", they are not only admitting that their Rights come from scribbles on paper, they are leaving their Rights up to INTERPRETATION. When you realise that your Rights come from self-ownership there is no argument against it, and the system is forced to use coercion to make you act, thus revealing their true intent: TO CONTROL YOU.

When people say "I have this Right because of the Constitution" they have not read the Constitution and do not understand that the Constitution binds down the government. The Constitution does not grant any rights to the people. The Constitution was written to limit the power of government. People are born with unalienable rights.

7th February 2013, 05:46 PM
57th Congress, Session II Ch 196 January 21, 1903 (aka the Dick Act)

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, That the militia shall consist of every able-bodied male citizen of the respective States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, and every able-bodied male of foreign birth who has declared his intention to become a citizen, who is more than eighteen and less than forty-five years of age, and shall be divided into two classes - the organized militia, to be known as the National Guard of the State, Territory, or District of Columbia, or by such other designations as may be given them by the laws of the respective States or Territories, and the remainder to be known as the Reserve Militia.

Note that this is how the federal government has chosen to classify THEIR able bodied male subjects between eighteen and forty five years of age. Other entities might have their own definition of militia which might have different age limits or even might include females and infants.

7th February 2013, 08:46 PM
When people say "I have this Right because of the Constitution" they have not read the Constitution and do not understand that the Constitution binds down the government. The Constitution does not grant any rights to the people. The Constitution was written to limit the power of government. People are born with unalienable rights.

This is absolutely true. I asked a guy once what the purpose of the Constitution was. His reply:

"It tells us what we can do."


Twisted Titan
7th February 2013, 09:34 PM
I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials."

George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3, June 16, 1788

Hatha Sunahara
7th February 2013, 10:31 PM
57th Congress, Session II Ch 196 January 21, 1903 (aka the Dick Act)

Note that this is how the federal government has chosen to classify THEIR able bodied male subjects between eighteen and forty five years of age. Other entities might have their own definition of militia which might have different age limits or even might include females and infants.

Here is a list of other entities that call themselves militias:


Does anybody remember in the 1990s, from the time of the Waco Branch Davidian massacre until the OKC Murrah Building bombing there was a media campaign and government activity to shut down the militia movement that had been growing during the Clinton administration? I can remember watching the MSM interviewing various militia leaders, and showing videos of what they were doing. I also remember this was the first time I noticed what Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center was doing to demonize these militias, and to shut them down. I remember how Timothy McVeigh was portrayed as a militia nut just when he was arrested for the OKC bombing. One of the larger militias was one from Michigan. They had videos of these guys out in the woods target shooting, and at the time it struck me as a useful and necessary thing to have a volunteer group that was armed available to protect the interests of the people. The SPLC and ADL did not agree and went to great lengths to discredit and shut down these militias. The government apparently was freaking out about these militias mainly because they were armed and organized, and not entirely under their control.

You don't hear too much about these militias today. The MSM wants us to believe that the government will protect us. Very few people ever ask who is going to protect us from the government when it goes rogue.


19th February 2013, 04:11 PM
Dr. Edwin M. Vieira Jr. Has writen volumes about revitalizing the "Militia of the Several States" as mandated by the Constitution. It is really sad more people are not aware that this is our means of defending our individual liberty.

A short synopsis on his book "Constitutional Homeland Security":

"Homeland security" is the most serious issue challenging Americans today. How they deal with this problem will determine whether the United States will preserve individual liberty and economic prosperity, or degenerate into a centralized bureaucratic police state. This book explains why "the Militia of the several States" are the only establishments the Constitution explicitly empowers to provide the crucial elements of homeland security. And it describes the practical steps Americans should take to revitalize the constitutional Militia in each of the States.

Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in the above mentioned writings. I am not connected to the author or publisher in any manner.