View Full Version : JFK body swapped after death

12th February 2013, 02:12 PM
Reason was to hide direction of bullet which entered his neck and came out top of head



12th February 2013, 02:21 PM
Been telling you all along....

12th February 2013, 02:24 PM
Been telling you all along....

After the Jackie thing everyone thought the crushing weight of the tinfoil was cutting off blood supply to the brain stem.

General of Darkness
12th February 2013, 02:26 PM
If I didn't have a heart I'd photoshop a "Thanks Jews" on the photo.

12th February 2013, 02:39 PM
Been telling you all along....

Facts give me facts Cebu otherwise its',,,,,,,,,,,


12th February 2013, 02:39 PM
Facts in the OP

12th February 2013, 03:03 PM
Facts in the OP

Zarprudar film is complete make over or false covering fact the car slowed for drain shot,

If Jackie had done it then why slow the car


12th February 2013, 03:14 PM
If Jackie had done it then why slow the car

I never said she did the only shot, he was shot before she blew his head apart. The car slowed down when the initial shots were taken. I never paid much attention to the Zarprudar production. Remember these people, they hide shit in plain sight all the time.

12th February 2013, 03:33 PM
I never said she did the only shot, he was shot before she blew his head apart. The car slowed down when the initial shots were taken. I never paid much attention to the Zarprudar production. Remember these people, they hide shit in plain sight all the time.

On this clip(bottom left) it appears as if the driver turns and shoots,the angle is different in this one. As the other ones of the driver appear to be sunlight reflection not so with this one,


12th February 2013, 03:43 PM
I never said she did the only shot, he was shot before she blew his head apart. The car slowed down when the initial shots were taken. I never paid much attention to the Zarprudar production. Remember these people, they hide shit in plain sight all the time.

What you're doing is well poisoning the truth movement. You're either quite possibly insane, or paid to post this viewpoint. Flip a coin, same result.

12th February 2013, 03:46 PM
What you're doing is well poisoning the truth movement. You're either quite possibly insane, or paid to post this viewpoint. Flip a coin, same result.

Stick to the facts and stop attacking people for what they believe,what truth movement are you talking about,,,,,,,yours?

12th February 2013, 04:03 PM
What you're doing is well poisoning the truth movement. You're either quite possibly insane, or paid to post this viewpoint. Flip a coin, same result.

pot meet kettle.

12th February 2013, 04:25 PM
What you're doing is well poisoning the truth movement. You're either quite possibly insane, or paid to post this viewpoint. Flip a coin, same result.

Touched a nerve there, funny when people spin out over what is obvious from videos.

12th February 2013, 04:31 PM
Touched a nerve there, funny when people spin out over what is obvious from videos.

Hoboo is a spin out

12th February 2013, 05:02 PM
And to think he's getting paid for such a paltry performance...oh the irony. I mean how more obvious can a guy get?

12th February 2013, 05:05 PM
And to think he's getting paid for such a paltry performance...oh the irony. I mean how more obvious can a guy get?

They pay him in food stamps

12th February 2013, 05:45 PM
Stick to the facts and stop attacking people for what they believe,what truth movement are you talking about,,,,,,,yours?

When I point out something contrary it's attacking, but when anyone else does it to me, it bears no mention.

LOL...crusader for justice, and all that is fair in the world.

The guy by the fence off the right right shot him, and bailed. Was there a gunshot wound under his neck? How bout powder burns there from the point blank shot?

12th February 2013, 05:46 PM
Touched a nerve there, funny when people spin out over what is obvious from videos.

Ridiculous theories need to be identified for what they are.

12th February 2013, 06:19 PM
On this clip(bottom left) it appears as if the driver turns and shoots,the angle is different in this one. As the other ones of the driver appear to be sunlight reflection not so with this one,


Frame 310 to315 shows the driver turn around and aim and just then Jlk gets head shot.

12th February 2013, 06:21 PM
When I point out something contrary it's attacking, but when anyone else does it to me, it bears no mention.

LOL...crusader for justice, and all that is fair in the world.

The guy by the fence off the right right shot him, and bailed. Was there a gunshot wound under his neck? How bout powder burns there from the point blank shot?

Point out someone is crazy for believing abc according to you with no evidence

12th February 2013, 06:38 PM
Frame 310 to315 shows the driver turn around and aim and just then Jlk gets head shot.

I could never see that part, the brainwashing aspect of the Zap class made me not even look at that aspect, frankly I could,t see if he did turn or not. AND didnt the passenger also get shot in the front seat too?

12th February 2013, 08:14 PM
Frame 310 to315 shows the driver turn around and aim and just then Jlk gets head shot.

I posted a video that showed the driver had both hands on the steering wheel at the time he looked back. The gun you see is the sunlight reflecting off of the hair of the agent in the passenger seat.

Jackie the Jew did it. (http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=158912)

12th February 2013, 08:33 PM
I posted a video that showed the driver had both hands on the steering wheel at the time he looked back. The gun you see is the sunlight reflecting off of the hair of the agent in the passenger seat.

Jackie the Jew did it.

Seen that also but the clip I was talking about seems different..........

On closer inspection it pans out ,it wasnt the driver....

That gay grassy knoll guy did it.....but how does the bullet go thru throat and out back of head at that angle

12th February 2013, 08:34 PM
jackie the jew did it.


12th February 2013, 09:38 PM


12th February 2013, 10:22 PM

http://listverse.com/2007/09/08/11-alternative-jfk-assassins/<a href="http://listverse.com/2007/09/08/11-alternative-jfk-assassins/" target="_blank">
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDo78gP5Zf4 (http://listverse.com/2007/09/08/11-alternative-jfk-assassins/)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDo78gP5Zf4

sounds like the mob and cia where very close

12th February 2013, 10:27 PM
Maybe he was hit by a missile.

12th February 2013, 10:40 PM

12th February 2013, 11:05 PM
Over 100 murders, suicides, mysterious deaths--the strange fate of those who saw Kennedy shot.


12th February 2013, 11:06 PM
Maybe he was hit by a missile.

NO it was a bullet............................................ .............................:confused:

12th February 2013, 11:44 PM
Read one of the pdfs posted, what a slut!

13th February 2013, 12:26 AM
Read one of the pdfs posted, what a slut!

Who ?your girlfriend , jack jack jackie..........

13th February 2013, 01:24 AM

13th February 2013, 01:28 AM

so after reading this the conclusion is................................................ ..................................

hole in windshield



Some of the points raised here bothered me on the scene in Dallas,” wrote Dudman, “where I witnessed President Kennedy's assassination and the slaying of the accused assassin two days later. Three circumstances --- the entry wound in the throat, the small, round hole in the windshield of the Presidential limousine, and the number of bullets found afterward --- suggested that there had been a second sniper firing from a point in front of the automobile.


off reported that Freeman said he observed a hole in the windshield when the car stood outside the Emergency Room at Parkland Hospital. “I was right beside it,” said Freeman. “I could have touched it. It was a bullet hole. You could tell what it was.”

Dr. Glanges told me that, when she talked about the hole in a loud voice at Parkland, someone got into the vehicle and sped away, “almost taking my arm off.”... She stated she felt she “needed to keep her mouth shut.” She was insistent that the official story was “phony.”

grassy knoll guy missed (would of hit jackie

(cebus42 girlfriend))

oswald was patsy

number of hit men

The throat wound puzzled the surgeons who attended Mr. Kennedy at Parkland Memorial Hospital when they learned how the Dallas police had reconstructed the shooting. Dr. Robert McClelland, one of the three doctors who worked on the throat wound, told me afterward that they still believed it to be an entry wound, even though the shots were said to have been fired from almost directly behind the President.


fatal shot came from storm drain the perfect place to hide,shoot,escape

shot goes thru windshield ,thru throat

http://rense.com/politics4/drain.htm (http://rense.com/politics4/drain.htm)
