View Full Version : Damn, I didn't know the Rothschilds purchased The Weather Channel

General of Darkness
13th February 2013, 11:21 PM
Dunno how I missed this.


Weather Channel Suggests Chemtrails Are $4Trillion Solar Umbrella? Part II of IV

http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=5848012286026687939&postID=6001093674092329527) at 01:00 Posted by Vatic Master (http://www.blogger.com/profile/12100917896532169496)

Vatic Note: Remember the weather channel was purchased by NBC owned by GE (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/07/business/media/07weather.html?pagewanted=print) with Britains Queen as a major shareholder and by two equity firms; one is Bain Capital owned by Romney and Blackstone which is a big illuminati company as the Chairman of the Board (http://ir.blackstone.com/management.cfm909A3E5970AF58E5CA749BCD) proves, he is a khazar, (probably representing Rothschilds interests) CFR player, and was managing director of Lehman Bros, Wow, a true insider. Well, here is something Vatic project has been saying for a very long time now. Chemtrails were being dumped at sunrise in the east and at sunset in the west. So Why? What are they hiding? Could it be Nibiru? Could it be a very large Space Weapon that can affect weather on the planet? Could it be a combination of both? The evil perverts never do anything for just one reason. IS THAT WHY ALL THE BANKERS IN ALL THOSE COUNTRIES, RESIGNED??? Going underground, are they???

One of the reasons they were dumping based on location in the AM and the PM was to hide something at sunrise and sunset. Other reasons could be as stated in the title, but also the Barium for the military communications, Aluminum for the weather creation and manipulation, and Haarp to see if they targeted it correctly or because it was in operation and the chemtrails aided in the effectiveness of the ELM waves. Who knows what other reason. We read that TV stations had tests done and apparently it was to also dump fungus, cancer cells, morgellons disease, and other such gifts to humanity. Thanks for the thought... yeah right.

Well now this below could be possible given the chemtrails in the Am and in the Pm to hide something. What could it be? Nibiru? Its anyones guess. Notice Rothschild bought into weather channel, according to this interview, to manipulate "global warming" and thus extract trillions through a carbon tax.... the Bogus global warming I might add. I would seriously doubt they did anything for the sole purpose of helping any of us. Thats just not the psychopaths history, now is it? LOL As we have pointed out on anther blog today, it could also be a false flag triggering a mini ice age for depopulation reasons. Just keep reading and watching until we manage to "finish" building the big picture. AT some point, we will "know" what is what. Hopefully soon enough to prepare for it.

14th February 2013, 12:58 AM
These over inflated idiots have know idea what they are doing.

Dumping poison on everyone and everything, they are stupid rich people who have stupid ideas because they are so rich they have no idea of reality.

These people disgust me and I hope all their riches turn into one foul smelling rotting heap of trash .

These creeps are sick and dont deserve a human body.

This whole thing of destroy America reeks of putrid sick self interest .

Not once have the elite tried to anything to help thier brothers and sisters ...mankind.....instead they treat them like shit and rape and plunder, these people now deserve everything they get handed too them when/if the tables turn.

14th February 2013, 01:16 AM

Alex Jones Interviews David De Mayer Rothschild


If you haven't listened to this, you should.

14th February 2013, 02:37 AM
Wow, Alex gets so mad he almost calls him a Money Changing Jew! he stops himself just short about 15 minutes in you can hear says "money changing J....' then stops himself LOL

14th February 2013, 05:44 AM
Wow, Alex gets so mad he almost calls him a Money Changing Jew! he stops himself just short about 15 minutes in you can hear says "money changing J....' then stops himself LOL

This also goes along with that thread where researchers found a way to eliminate the feeling of cold from lab rats.

They will simply raise the temperatures on the Weather Channel as proof of Global Warming.

14th February 2013, 05:59 AM
I think North Korea holds a special place in the hearts of the elite. It is a fuedal society in which human population seems to be held in check by constant hunger. Take a look at a sattelite picture and compare North Korea to the surrounding areas. No developement, no lights at night. It is a good thing from their point of view. No excessive fossil fuel use.

The main thing we need to keep in mind in all of our pondering on the global warming issue is the fact that they claim it is the mass of humanity that is causing run-away developement and they are implementing plans to remediate this developement. Their claim on humanity is false. It is the corporations generated by their filthy banking system which are keeping themselves and their ilk living the lifestyle they prefer that are plundering the earth and destroying everything that makes life worth living and verily, capable of living for humanity. We are certainly overpopulated for the manner in which we are using the earth, but that is a far second to the fact that the manner the earth is being used is a function of their very own carbon fuel based system of universal greed driven by the nessessity to support their vile, blood-sucking asses.

We have less an overpopulation problem than an over population of elite problem. It is the elite who are the useless eaters.