View Full Version : Just keep saying "Recovery"

14th February 2013, 06:54 AM
Markets Have Turned South After GDP Bombs Everywhere
Joe Weisenthal | Feb. 14, 2013, 4:20 AM | 4,577 | 22

The story of the day is: Weak GDP numbers everywhere.

It started in Japan, where GDP came in at -0.1%, vs expectations of 0.1% growth.

Meanwhile, GDP numbers across Europe are lower as well.

Specifically, Germany saw economic contraction of 0.6%, while France saw contraction of 0.3% in Q4, according to MarketWatch.

Italian GDP fell by 0.9%, also worse than expected.

Eurozone GDP fell 0.6% vs. expectations of a 0.4% decline.

Numbers out of Greece and Portugal are also awful.

European markets started the day higher, but are all falling.

Spain is down nearly 1%.

Italy is off 0.8%.

Germany is down 0.3%.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/morning-markets-february-14-2013-2#ixzz2Ksx9v3Fe

midnight rambler
14th February 2013, 07:02 AM
Just keep saying "Recovery"

Are we supposed to be clicking the heels of our ruby slippers together when we say that?

14th February 2013, 07:14 AM
Are we supposed to be clicking the heels of our ruby slippers together when we say that?

since the whole thing is a big circle jerk, maybe they expect us to reach a little lower ?

"The economy is now in the 6th year of its recovery." ... to be repeated over and over using that big calm deep semi-re-assuring media voice.

14th February 2013, 07:21 AM
The thing is, perception is all we have left. Without the illusions of recovery broadcast and accepted by the majority, reality would pull this economy apart quickly. Think about the way they report these figures, they distort and tweak the numbers to fit the perception of recovery, and the fact that most people believe it is the glue holding it all together. Once faith in the system, in these perceptions, dies, so does the economy.

14th February 2013, 07:49 AM
Like I have being saying for a long time:

"No Export = No Recovery"... Ponce

First post of the day.........good morning to one and all.


14th February 2013, 08:58 AM
TPTB have been managing perceptions and cooking the numbers to convince the masses that all is OK with the economy while they have been systematcally looting the system, loading unspeakable debt onto the public tab while acquiring private fortunes through government give aways and outright look-the-other-ways. The economic indicator formulae have been changed to create a falsely rosey picture. We used to call that cheating. When the cooked rosey numbers still look bad, TPTB simply invent numbers to serve their agenda using hedonics, seasonal adjustments and outright invention ex vacuo. The public is either not paying attention or too ignorant and stupid to even comprehend and suspect what is happening. This has been going on for years. The US and EU economies are now so moribund that they are literally collapsing. Greece is the leading edge of the economic disintegration where unemployment is epidemic, capital investment has collapsed and half the population is on the verge of starvation. This is coming to America, but at too slow and gradual a pace to wake enough people up in time. This ship of state called the US of A is going down and it's too late to save the passengers. The crew left the ship last night on their guilded life boats. So it's every man, woman and child for himself. Good luck and goodby.

Got gold, silver, guns, grub and basic shelter and necessities?

Twisted Titan
14th February 2013, 10:08 AM
I agree with you position about greece but i will say this
The morbid level of poverty and unemployment is occuring in the over crowded metro areas

The country and rural dwellers are faring MUCH MUCH better.

Of course this is not reported like iceland

14th February 2013, 10:40 AM
Like I have being saying for a long time:
"No Export = No Recovery"... Ponce
First post of the day.........good morning to one and all.

In a self-sufficient economy, there would be no need to export. More accurately, one would say:

"Imports greater than exports means declining economy."