View Full Version : USDA respecting its "cultural transformation" training session, WOW

General of Darkness
15th February 2013, 09:20 PM
Never seen anything in my life like this. I would have said, "Fuck You" and walked out.


15th February 2013, 10:57 PM
Well its 3 hrs ....got a brief on it

16th February 2013, 01:14 AM
Well its 3 hrs ....got a brief on it

Actually the clip is less than two minutes. Give me a Bam.

16th February 2013, 04:12 AM
Actually the clip is less than two minutes. Give me a Bam.
BAM motherfucker! Emerald says he wants his cutting board back man.

Celtic Rogue
16th February 2013, 04:34 AM
No shit.... Fuck that shit! I will not be made guilty for anything I had nothing to do with! Period! F those bagle inspired multi so called culturism ideas

16th February 2013, 10:13 AM
This "the evil white man has been keeping everyone down" crap is really driving me crazy. I've started going back to college to finish my degree after 25 years away, and yes colleges have always been liberal cesspools, but now it's so "in your face", the teachers aren't even shy about telling me to my face that I'm responsible for all the worlds problems. I'm old enough to shrug off their bullshit and move forward without too many complaints as long as they respect my work and grade appropriately, but I feel sorry for the mushed brain 18 to 20 year olds that are being brainwashed.

The class "format" for my writing class actually mirrors methods used by the Communist Chinese to "re-educate" political prisoners. Having read about forms of "re-education" and communist propoganda techniques, I can see it for what it is and be mindful of it, but other more impressionable minds are not so fortunate and this trend of "blame old white guys" is just going to continue to grow until we're either forced to fight or find ourselves hanging from lamp posts.

16th February 2013, 11:20 AM
if that guy is a USDA employee ... guess who pays his salary ?

Twisted Titan
16th February 2013, 11:51 AM
This "the evil white man has been keeping everyone down" crap is really driving me crazy. I've started going back to college to finish my degree after 25 years away, and yes colleges have always been liberal cesspools, but now it's so "in your face", the teachers aren't even shy about telling me to my face that I'm responsible for all the worlds problems. I'm old enough to shrug off their bullshit and move forward without too many complaints as long as they respect my work and grade appropriately, but I feel sorry for the mushed brain 18 to 20 year olds that are being brainwashed.

The class "format" for my writing class actually mirrors methods used by the Communist Chinese to "re-educate" political prisoners. Having read about forms of "re-education" and communist propoganda techniques, I can see it for what it is and be mindful of it, but other more impressionable minds are not so fortunate and this trend of "blame old white guys" is just going to continue to grow until we're either forced to fight or find ourselves hanging from lamp posts.

My wife is going back as well and I am utterly astounded about the vitrol that is passed off for education another angle that they push is making young women Radical Narco feminists. The man and family bashing in favor of being a "liberated" woman is absolutely palpable.

All the classes were taught by bitter single moms or undercover lesbians with a massive ax to grind .

I told my wife to keep quite about our stable relationship and loving family and just play the game to get the grade.

Narco fem was so impressed with a paper she wrote she invited her to submit it at a panel discussion on womens issues at a upcoming convention

They are like blackholes that try to destroy everything thing that happens upon their gravitational pull

16th February 2013, 12:00 PM
I always get weird vibes when someone throws out a string of phrases, then gets people to repeat them verbally like that.