View Full Version : Was Dorner a Sign of the Times?

mick silver
16th February 2013, 12:02 PM
Was Dorner a Sign of the Times?
By Staff Report
Christopher Dorner – the former Los Angeles police officer and fugitive accused of killing several people, including one police officer and a sheriff's deputy ... died this week in a cabin fire while on the run. A rambling manifesto Dorner issued had many gripes, but chief among them were that racism, abuse of power and corruption ran rampant in the Los Angeles Police Department and that he had been fired for reporting it. Now Dorner is being compared to movie heroes, has a song written about him and has a long list of fan pages on Facebook. But make no mistake: Christopher Dorner is no hero. – New York Times
Dominant Social Theme: Dorner was a psychotic nut job, not a hero.
Free-Market News: We are seeing a lot of pushback in the mainstream media (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1861) to any mythologizing of Chris Dorner. This column by New York Times editorialist Charles Blow is along those lines. He points out that Dorner brutally took lives and intended to take more, and that his actions were not those of a hero but a murderer.
No argument there. But was Blow asked to write this, or given the suggestion? This would fit in with our theory that Dorner's actions were unexpected and took the powers-that-be by surprise, even made them uneasy. Blow's editorial seems almost like a form of damage control. If so, it's significant.
It is well known at this point that the New York Times provides a viewpoint that is in sync with larger US powers-that-be, specifically the US Intel community that acts as a proxy for the tiny power elite (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=610) that actually runs the US and utilizes its armed forces to help create world government.
Operation Mockingbird (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2719) is still in effect, so far as we know. That operation, sponsored by the CIA (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2401), informed top publishers of their duty to country and requested their support in advancing what we call certain dominant social themes (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=652) that would enhance the US's economic and military power in the world.
Dorner's actions were apparently not part of any dominant or subdominant social theme (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2310). Articles by Blow and others in the mainstream press suggest that US officials were taken by surprise by Dorner's actions. What happened with Dorner was not, then, in any sense planned.
Spasmodic "directed history (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=28330)" is doubtless as old as the human race. Leaders have surely sought to manipulate public opinion on a regular or irregular basis with planned sociopolitical and economic crises – on either a bigger or smaller stage depending on the size of the audience.
But only the modern elites, from what we can tell, (at least in recently recorded human history) have taken directed history to new heights, seemingly orchestrating most major historical events, at least in the past several hundred years, to support a steady progression towards a more centralized world.
Here at The Daily Bell, we regularly comment on these elite memes (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=654) and how they work. We also note and analyze what may be various violent false flags that seem to be taking place with increasing frequency.
Some recent incidents that are said to have had false flag indicators include the Aurora movie shooting and the more recent Sandy Hook school shooting. Of course, 9/11 is commonly held by conspiracy theorists (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1967) to be the most famous of recent false flags, conveniently kicking off a "war on terror (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1877)" and other governmental efforts that have resulted in fewer and fewer freedoms throughout the West.
The alternative 'Net media often accuses the powers-that-be of orchestrating violence for purposes of passing legislation that removes guns and the like. Some of this seems to have a ring of truth, but nonetheless, we don't believe that Dorner was part of this process. It doesn't feel that way ...
And now we see columns like this one, directly asking people not to read anything special into Dorner's behavior. Usually by this time, the mainstream press would have linked Dorner's behavior to a necessity for gun control but Dorner doesn't fit that pattern.
The idea of gun control in the US is that only officials are properly trained to wield guns. But Dorner WAS a police officer and his actions don't reinforce this particular meme.
For this reason – and because of columns like Blow's warning people away from making any connections between Dorner and larger sociopolitical issues – we would tend to think that the Dorner episode took (Tavistock (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2438)'s) narrative spinners and the US government by surprise. Here's more from Blow's column:
Through his own words, Dorner forfeits any aspiration to the title of hero.
Some commentators have tried valiantly to thread an impossibly small needle in separating what Dorner did, which all people of good conscience despise, from the serious issues he raises ...
I agree that the issues of police brutality and corruption should now and always be part of the conversation, particularly when discussing police departments with a bad history when it comes to minority and other vulnerable communities.
But I do not see a need to explain why people — particularly many on social media — are mythologizing Dorner. Rooting for a suspected killer who makes threats against even more innocent people and their families is just horrendous. It's not exciting; it's revolting ...
This is not a game or a movie. This is about real people who lead real lives and their real families who dug real graves. Let's give everyone involved time to mourn. Let's have the respect to not honor the person believed to be responsible for the mourning.
Dorner would seem to be a candidate for an elite false flag. We note, for instance, that his behavior allowed for a drone to be used on domestic (US) soil to search for a US citizen. But columns like Blow's warn us off reading anything of larger significance into Dorner's actions.
Instead, what we seem to have is a truly messy incident that played out in the US on national TV, alerting people once more to the corruption of one of the nation's largest police departments – and also to an inconvenient reality – those trained by the US government to handle weapons could be every bit as unstable as non-uniformed civilians.
The significance of Dorner may lie not in any false-flag manipulation but in the stark reality that the ongoing economic depression, combined with increasing US authoritarianism (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2606), is going to give rise to further episodes of social instability. Some of these may be a good deal graver and more widespread than Dorner's single operation – which nonetheless occupied a good deal of LA law enforcement personnel and manpower over an extended period of time.
Conclusion: Perhaps this explains the hundreds of millions of rounds of military grade ammunition that Homeland Security continues to buy. Did they already perform a similar analysis?

mick silver
16th February 2013, 12:10 PM
Dorner Burned to Death? What a Collapsing Society Looks Like
By Staff Report

Ex-LA cop hostage story renews manhunt questions ... The sheriff's department has refused to answer questions about how one of the largest manhunts in years could have missed Dorner ... According to the Reynoldses, the cabin had cable TV and a second-story view that would have allowed Dorner to see choppers flying in and out ... San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said Wednesday that his deputies shot pyrotechnic tear gas into the cabin, and it erupted in flames. While authorities have not corroborated the couple's account, it matched early reports from law enforcement officials that a couple had been tied up and their car stolen by a man resembling Dorner. Property records show the Reynoldses as the condo's owners. The sheriff's department has refused to answer questions about how one of the largest manhunts in years could have missed Dorner. – AP (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=28312)
Dominant Social Theme: US law enforcement is among the most professional in the world. Its SWAT teams are among the best and brightest.
Free-Market Analysis: Was Chris Dorner burned to death in a cabin? This video tells us that story in a fairly irrefutable way. You can hear law enforcement officers calling for "burners" to be thrown into the cabin where Dorner had taken cover days earlier.
The incident itself – first Dorner's murderous revenge-oriented rampage and then his end in a cabin that was deliberately burned to the ground – provides with a taste of the destructive chaos that is lurking at the heart of US society early in the 21st century.
This is increasingly a failed republic, tortured by a tiny band of elites that wants to create world government and has apparently targeted the US for several centuries. It is increasingly obvious, thanks to what we call the Internet Reformation (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2195), that after identifying the culture and physical region as a prime impediment to their plans, top elites have generated an intergenerational campaign to destroy that culture.
It is a republican culture, antithetical to world government and even to statist solutions generally. Several hundred years of efforts to create a neo-Europe – a cowed and seemingly cooperative people – in the new world have failed, however, much to the chagrin of the powers-that-be.
Today, the US is a polarized and militarized society. But much of the militarization that had been sought for the US has basically been turned on its head by those involved in military and law enforcement affairs. These individuals, while not fully understanding the roots of US exceptionalism, are committed to defending their families and communities against federal depredations.
The US is therefore a society in crisis. The elites have a chokehold on the US government and are bleeding the country to death via out-of-control government spending on various kinds of welfare programs and, more importantly, on a vast, world-spanning military-industrial complex (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1864).
The US is an empire even though many of its citizens don't want it to be one. World government continues to be carried out using US muscle, but it is being created during an Internet Reformation that has thoroughly exposed their plans.
The power elite (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=610) has traditionally used dominant social themes (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=652) to control society. These fear-based scarcity themes are intended to frighten middle classes into giving up power and wealth to specially created globalist facilities that provide foundational elements for world government.
But in the Internet era these scarcity memes (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=654) are often exposed as false and the power elite has fallen back on brute force – economic depression, wars and regulatory authoritarianism (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2606) – in its attempts to maintain momentum for global governance (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2045).
Caught in the midst of all this is the United States, the world's dominant freedom culture and last large republic – a republic like Switzerland (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=28260) that relies as much on culture as actual legal structures to maintain cohesion. Despite a Civil War (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1876) and endless attempts to penetrate the culture with statism, at least half of the US population, especially in the so-called Red States, remains armed and suspicious of centralized authority.
For this reason, the tragic Dorner episode seems to embody a lot of modern US trends: the corruption of the modern state, the lawlessness of law enforcement and the determination by Dorner himself to act out a kind of Hollywood movie role by taking up arms against the power he believed had illegally disenfranchised him.
Dorner actually became a kind of folk hero in the California area despite the violence – and in fact because of it – that he visited on the LA police dept. and affiliated law enforcement. His end – apparently burning alive in a small vacation cabin (if indeed that was his fate) – was also representative of the erosion of US civil society, as LA law enforcement apparently deliberately burned down the cabin.
Many may find it hard to believe that law enforcement would engage in an official policy to burn a person alive. But the FBI (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2344) official that the video presents to us has no explanation for the profane calls for the cabin to be set on fire. And the article we've excerpted above from the AP reports that the LA Sherriff's Department is not commenting on the allegations.
There is no hearsay in these accusations, as law enforcements officers can clearly be heard shouting expletives and demanding that the cabin in which Dorner was hiding be burnt to the ground. The comments were made mistakenly on an open frequency.
Ironically, the cabin was nearby the command center that the police had set up to search for Dorner, who had killed one officer and wounded another in a series of revenge killings for being fired from the department. Dorner proclaimed his innocence, posted a manifesto on the Internet and began to shoot at officers that he said had betrayed his trust and allowed a corrupt and racist police force to fire him.
From the beginning the case has been a public relations disaster for the LAPD. Dorner is black and by accusing the LAPD of racism, Dorner merely further confirmed charges that are regularly made against the department by various members of Los Angeles's minority community.
In the US these days, law enforcement has reached a high pitch both in terms of laws being passed and and enforced. SWAT teams, military grade equipment, Ph.D.s offered in the area – all of these are symptoms of how law enforcement has become increasingly militarized and intolerant of civil opposition.
In the Dorner episode we find a kind of metaphor for everything that is going wrong with the US – from a desperate attempt to take revenge against injustice via murder, to a massive and incompetent quasi-militarized response that ended with an official policy that utilized targeted incendiary devices to make sure that Dorner did not emerge alive.
Conclusion: The brutality of Dorner's attacks was easily matched by the official response, it seems, and the results have doubtless left LA society more racially divided, violent and suspicious of authority than ever.
(Video from MOXNEWSd0tCOM's YouTube user channel.)

mick silver
16th February 2013, 12:10 PM

16th February 2013, 01:21 PM