View Full Version : Riots in the great depression...... V

19th February 2013, 04:16 PM
50% of Americans die poor because they play by the rules that they were given to play with and not by the natural rules of law........I have been a bad boy but only because I march to the sound of my own drums...and you know what? my drums sound like rumbles and thunders in the sky........I love Ponce :)
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Before we were sheeple and addicted to cable.

Newsreel footage of rioting across the U.S during the great depression.


19th February 2013, 04:50 PM
Hell, we've become so lazy and profligate, we expect the blacks and mexicans to do the rioting now. Rioting is hard work. We have outsourced it.

In all seriousness though, when we start again, we won't be so nice and restrained as we were back then. They didn't have tasers and a drug war back then. Back then, there was no income tax on the typical working man. Back then, police were percieved as lawmen. Now they are rightfully seen as thugs and bandits and gangsters.

20th February 2013, 06:28 AM
comments reveal these to be union strikes?