View Full Version : silver prices...

21st February 2013, 07:10 AM
We have been having soo much fun these past few weeks watching mamboni and pat-colo expose halo and his adl- official government-the media is never wrong- positions... We have not talked much about the shiny little metal that brought us all together in the first place. I recently loaded up again on this dip....and strangely im having buyers remorse! Someone slap some sense into me!!:|~

Celtic Rogue
21st February 2013, 07:44 AM
slap!!!! (""')

Celtic Rogue
21st February 2013, 07:44 AM
You will have to supply the sense! 8-)

21st February 2013, 08:20 AM
ahh thanx! i feel better....

21st February 2013, 08:27 AM
Last time I bought was 16.70s delivered. This is a great time to load up again though.

21st February 2013, 08:31 AM
I bought ALOT....now im thinking its going to like $12.00.....

21st February 2013, 08:53 AM
I doubt it. I think we are pretty close to a bottom here. Maybe a couple more bucks. I keep hearing that the mints are having trouble keeping up with physical demand. Can't see how it would plunge to $12.

21st February 2013, 09:49 AM
I have buyers remorse for when I bought a shit load in the $40s. For Gold I got that all early so I'm way up there. When you account for both Gold and Silver, I'm still way up considering my Gold purchases where all in the $700-900 range.

I wouldn't be shocked if Silver breaks below $25 this time. When this happens a lot of the Silver gurus will scream MANIPULATION. Then many of the Silver investors will be livid and lose faith in the gurus. That's when you want to buy.

It's like when Bitcoin went from $30 to $2, BrotherJohnF stopped making videos since he had egg on his face. When that happens, BUY. Bitcoin then went back up to $30. But you had to be patient.

I've become a less emotional investor, and I now try to do the opposite of what the Silver gurus/community tells me. They're wrong more than they are right. Most of the gurus are linked to Silver dealers/miners. These Silver dealers, for example, claim there's a shortage of Silver eagles and have high premiums. When suddenly when they price goes down that shortage magically disappears and they have low premiums. From what I gather, there is no Silver shortage, it's a load of BS concocted by the Silver industry to sell more Silver.

We also need to face the fact that the general public will not enter this market. It's just angry "awake" people on forums/YouTube who are buying Silver.

If you want to play it say, go with Palladium.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
21st February 2013, 10:06 AM
I'm guessing it's not buyer's remorse you're feeling. Probably more like "dip bias" which I just made up but is defined as believing the dip you bought in at isn't the lowest the dip will go. As a cure, fondle the silver you just purchased. Notice how it doesn't tear like the paper notes used to purchase the silver. Read a few articles that value silver at $100+. You should get over your dip bias in no time.

21st February 2013, 10:26 AM
Well I'm not selling my Silver. I still believe I will get returns/profit in the future. I'm just pissed I didn't buy at lower prices so I could have gotten more.

Though in hindsight I would have focused more on guns/ammo when they were available/cheap. Also Palladium looks better in hindsight too since no one will confiscate/tax that. No one knows WTF it is.

21st February 2013, 10:33 AM
I've thought about it, but haven't yet pulled the trigger.

That means prices are sure to go up to the high 30's or lower 40's.

If i do decide to buy I'll let you know so you can unload before the price goes down to 12-13.[(:)]

21st February 2013, 11:28 AM
I started buying silver in the 6 dollar range in 2005. This is just another of the sickeningly long consolidations we have had to endure. I've been along for the ride when it went from $9 to $6 and from $21 to 9. Then from $49 to $26. You don't want to buy when it is making new highs You want to buy at times like these when many people are doubting their purchases.

Pretty soon all the weak hands will have folded and we will be off to the races again. It is a long annoying process but that is how this market works.

21st February 2013, 12:37 PM
When you peasents can get it for $5.16 per then you will have the right to talk to me hahaahahahahahaah... after 31 years of holding and not having to cash it this is all but a game to me.


21st February 2013, 12:40 PM
We have been having soo much fun these past few weeks watching mamboni and pat-colo expose halo and his adl- official government-the media is never wrong- positions... We have not talked much about the shiny little metal that brought us all together in the first place. I recently loaded up again on this dip....and strangely im having buyers remorse! Someone slap some sense into me!!:|~

Long term, physical silver is the best investment on planet earth. The two or three dollar difference in price paid will be inconsequential. The fundamentals for silver are so bullish. Presently, there is debate as to whether there is a silver shortage. It really depends on how you define shortage. Today, silver is managed as a just-in-time commodity, not a generally owned monetary asset like a hundred years ago. In this sense, silver is very scarce, as the stock is virtually exhausted and price is dictated by flow, in contradistinction to gold. What's the fair price for silver? It all depends on the offer and the bid. But the prevailing price is depressed by the paper market. Some will argue that this is OK as it is the function of the paper market to discover the silver price that is most efficient. I believe that this will work until there is a dollar crisis. When that happens, silver's role as money will be reinstated per necessity (with gold) and the price will explode for the following reasons:

1. there is no significant silver stock extant - it has been consumed (i.e. in the 1970 there were several billion ounces of physical silver available for trade plus many billions of silver circulating coins (junk silver) held by Americans.
2. Silver ore grades are collapsing as mines deplete. Even if energy costs remain flat, and that is a big if, silver price will have to continually rise to finance the mining of increasingly depleted silver ores.
3. China and India have entered the race to modernize and industrialize. That represents 3 billion futre consumers who will demand computers, TVs, audio systems, solar panels, cars, switches, and all manner of electronic and other consumer products that contain silver. Silver demand is going to explode just as mine supply struggles to maintain.

I own physical and paper silver and don't lose a wink of sleep when the price drops because it is going much much higher. This conclusion is inescapable. I only wish I had bought more silver at $7, $10, $12 and $16. In a couple of years I'll be kicking myself for not buying silver at the screaming bargain price of $29!!!!!

21st February 2013, 02:11 PM
We have been having soo much fun these past few weeks watching mamboni and pat-colo expose halo and his adl- official government-the media is never wrong- positions... We have not talked much about the shiny little metal that brought us all together in the first place. I recently loaded up again on this dip....and strangely im having buyers remorse! Someone slap some sense into me!!:|~

last weekend's webcasts at King World News did a great job pointing out the market fundamentals - supply shortfalls & market emotion.

supply is getting really thin, and both Gold & Silver are VERY un-popular as short term investments right now, comparable to September 2008/ March 2009.

what is being reported is short term investors dumping paper positions. what is reported far less often in the mass media is the massive physical buying - although Bloomberg did cover recent Russian purchases.

when the "herd" comes back in ...


21st February 2013, 02:45 PM
Long term, physical silver is the best investment on planet earth. The two or three dollar difference in price paid will be inconsequential. The fundamentals for silver are so bullish. Presently, there is debate as to whether there is a silver shortage. It really depends on how you define shortage. Today, silver is managed as a just-in-time commodity, not a generally owned monetary asset like a hundred years ago. In this sense, silver is very scarce, as the stock is virtually exhausted and price is dictated by flow, in contradistinction to gold. What's the fair price for silver? It all depends on the offer and the bid. But the prevailing price is depressed by the paper market. Some will argue that this is OK as it is the function of the paper market to discover the silver price that is most efficient. I believe that this will work until there is a dollar crisis. When that happens, silver's role as money will be reinstated per necessity (with gold) and the price will explode for the following reasons:

1. there is no significant silver stock extant - it has been consumed (i.e. in the 1970 there were several billion ounces of physical silver available for trade plus many billions of silver circulating coins (junk silver) held by Americans.
2. Silver ore grades are collapsing as mines deplete. Even if energy costs remain flat, and that is a big if, silver price will have to continually rise to finance the mining of increasingly depleted silver ores.
3. China and India have entered the race to modernize and industrialize. That represents 3 billion futre consumers who will demand computers, TVs, audio systems, solar panels, cars, switches, and all manner of electronic and other consumer products that contain silver. Silver demand is going to explode just as mine supply struggles to maintain.

I own physical and paper silver and don't lose a wink of sleep when the price drops because it is going much much higher. This conclusion is inescapable. I only wish I had bought more silver at $7, $10, $12 and $16. In a couple of years I'll be kicking myself for not buying silver at the screaming bargain price of $29!!!!!

Thank HEAVEN the doctor was in.....im feeling much better now..

21st February 2013, 03:00 PM
As I see it.....many of those holding silver are probably loosig their jobs so that they will have to get rid of most of their silver assets just to pay the rent and eat.....this will provide some extra silver in the market so that the price will remain low for a little while........but......once all that is gone then the gate will open and silver will take off.


21st February 2013, 05:02 PM
Personally i dont believe for a minute that the price of silver (spot) has any real world significance.

mick silver
22nd February 2013, 09:52 AM
i am so glad i sold all my gold an silver and brought into the stock market . oh by the way i sold my guns an ammo at the same time

22nd February 2013, 03:02 PM
How nice of this recent dip to coincide with my tax return......

wink wink.

mick silver
26th February 2013, 08:20 AM
dam the metals are moving up today ...

26th February 2013, 10:56 AM
Gold And Silver Inverse Slamdown http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 02/26/2013 10:58 -0500


It would appear that someone tripped and flipped the algo switch this morning as the ubiquitous morning slamdown has morphed into a take-off. Perhaps it is no coincidence that every Muppet's favorite banker (cough Goldman Sachs cough) opined on Gold's coming weakness yesterday (http://www.businessweek.com/news/2013-02-25/gold-s-cycle-seen-as-turned-by-goldman-as-etp-holdings-collapse) and that hedge funds are the least exposed to the precious metals on record, which as everyone BUT Goldman knows, is the traditional signal that it is a time to buy. Actually we take that back: Goldman certainly knew it, which is why it has been urgently advising its clients to sell... To Goldman.

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2013/02/20130226_PMs_0.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2013/02/20130226_PMs.jpg)

26th February 2013, 11:18 AM
Today's price jump was brought on by Bernanke's affirmation to Congress that the Fed remains committed toward supplying liquidity to the system until the economy improves, which the Fed has defined as an unemployment rate below 6.5%.

26th February 2013, 11:20 AM
Today's price jump was brought on by Bernanke's affirmation to Congress that the Fed remains committed toward supplying liquidity to the system until the economy improves, which the Fed has defined as an unemployment rate below 6.5%.

What's -1% of 0?

Or his incentive for being correct.

mick silver
28th February 2013, 08:47 AM
back down now

28th February 2013, 08:50 AM
i can't wait until monday morning when the dow opens. huge selloff coming as a result of sequestration. all of those 150k a year government types being laid are going to need da liquidity.

28th February 2013, 12:29 PM
i can't wait until monday morning when the dow opens. huge selloff coming as a result of sequestration. all of those 150k a year government types being laid are going to need da liquidity.

Layoffs and furloughs do not begin until April.