View Full Version : The Great Depression- The Road To Rock Bottom

21st February 2013, 12:59 PM
Good site below if you're a documentary fan...



"The world has experienced many recessions and depressions in its economy and the current economic system based on the banking rules is always prone to depressions and declines. Today, in 21st century, economists refer to The Great Depression as a warning and extent to which the economy of world can crumble.

A decade before World War II in 1930s the era of economic depression started as economy in United States of American started weakening and worsening. The Great Depression effected rich and poor alike throughout Europe and America and especially the areas that were dependent on heavy industry.

The Great Depression lasted for almost a decade and affected a number of countries and is still remembered as a worst nightmare that can happen to any economy. Great Depression accompanied by World War II had even worse effects to the living of people. Initial effects of this depression started popping up in the United States of America but it soon engulfed other economies into it.

The main reason to this economic fall can be assumed today as the war and war industry. The economy that flows into the war is simply wasted and there are no fruits out of it.

Besides economic set back and poor financial condition in America, it also had some of the political outcomes as well. It was as a result of this economic crash that Democrat leader Franklin Roosevelt was elected as president of United States of America in 1932. Roosevelt brought changes to economic system of America and created jobs for the public but still unemployment remained up to 15 percent till the start of World War II.

The recovery from Great Depression resulted into a number of reforms at governmental level in the form of taxation and industrial regulations. Besides the damage that it caused, it also enabled economists to think over again and bring changes to the weakening system."

21st February 2013, 02:54 PM
We are the same people that we were in 1929, the only difference is that we no have more so that we will loose more so that we will suffer more........as you all know my country has been in a GREAT depression for over fifty years but because they had less to loose than here they are now suffering less.........WTSHTF here in the US my Cuban people wont even feel it so that their way of life will change very little........but.........here in the US there will be hell to pay, not because of the situation but because of the people.

Where in other countries they will recover in one generation (or less) here in the US it will take four to five generation... and that's only to be where we are today...other countries will be three to four generation ahead of us.............unless....... there is some radical changes in our education systems and we are able to get rid of those who have placed us in the present situation.

Like I said before, they were able to recover from the great depression for many reasons, among them....60% of the population were farmers, the whole world wanted what we were producing and WWII gave everyone a job........but........ now days less than 1% are farmers, the whole world can now produce what we used to produce and our implements of war are now made overseas and assembled here...........so that WE ARE IN DEEP SHIT.