View Full Version : Harvesting of Big Game Animals to Be Legalized? Oxford Mathematical Equation May Appr

mick silver
22nd February 2013, 10:05 AM
http://www.thedailybell.com/28739/Harvesting-of-Big-Game-Animals-to-Be-Legalized-Oxford-Mathematical-Equation-May-Approve ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZhBBj8ZSZ9Q

mick silver
22nd February 2013, 10:06 AM
Harvesting of Big Game Animals to Be Legalized? Oxford Mathematical Equation May Approve
By Staff Report

Cracking the code of rhino poaching ... A team of academics are building a mathematical model they hope will shed light on the complexities surrounding the illegal trade of rhino horns. The team believe their equations will provide policy-makers and conservationists a clearer path on how to protect the endangered mammals from extinction. – Reuters (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2551)
Dominant Social Theme: If we work out a proper mathematical model, maybe it will show us that fighting poachers is a useless exercise.
Free-Market Analysis: It is well known from thousands of years of human experience that fighting the Invisible Hand (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=2546) of competition is a losing proposition. This hasn't stopped governments around the world from standing firm against poaching. And it hasn't stopped the poachers.
In fact, what's going on is that the trade in dead animals is simply the currency of Money Power (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=679) that constantly seeks to expand the role of the state and will seize on any justification to do so.
Extinction is merely another gambit used to emphasize the necessity of the state. Not so long ago we reported on this trend when analyzing an AFP article in our article, "Now UN Blames Lord's Resistance Army for Elephant Poaching (http://www.thedailybell.com/28554/Now-UN-Blames-Lords-Resistance-Army-for-Elephant-Poaching)."
This was, as we pointed out, obviously an elite meme (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=654) – actually, two of them rolled into one. The first meme was that the Lord's Resistance Army – all 20 of them – was extremely dangerous and warranted the on-the-ground implementation of US and NATO (http://www.thedailybell.com/floatWindow.cfm?id=1854) troops. The second was that poaching must be "fought."
This is, of course, another weary "war" to go with the war against drugs, the war against smoking, the war against cancer and umpteen other wars that Western societies are waging in endless iterations and without much success.
What can break the deadly failures of these "wars"? Well, in the case of poaching, perhaps abject failure will do the trick.
We see, in this video above, that a team of Oxford academicians is preparing a mathematical equation that will allow "stakeholders" to determine whether the illegal harvesting of big game animals should be legalized. This would mean presumably that rhinos would be raised so that their horns could be harvested. Elephants might have to give up tusks.
This is eminently sensible, of course. Trying to defend animals from human depredation doesn't work. Much better to breed them, legitimize the trade, monitor it and even attempt to create alternatives.
But the wholesale slaughter of beautiful big game animals has been tolerated because it massages the mythology of the state – which is to stand up against poaching by protecting target animals.
Now it has gotten to point a where the animals are almost all gone. Instead of simply reversing the policy, elites provide us with yet a new wrinkle. It is not market forces that will make this decision but a technocratic equation.
It really is incredible. Those in power will do ANYTHING to avoid granting credibility to market forces. Listen to the video above and you can hear it. The reason to legitimize animal harvesting – or at least the harvesting of horns – will be the result of ... a mathematical equation!
If the equation created by Oxford dons provides a proper justification, then those in charge may allow the market to operate. But first they have to run the numbers.
If the math adds up, the veracity of the Invisible Hand may be recognized. But only if it is supported by a complex "equation."
Conclusion: Somehow we are not surprised. The solution to the problem of poaching is to be realized via an academic equation presented to a variety of "stakeholders." Academics provide the evidence, government bureaucrats and environmentalists decide on its applicability. Eventually, the market is grudgingly recognized. We could have saved them the trouble ...

22nd February 2013, 12:13 PM
just have to convince 700 Million Chinese men that powdered rhino horn does nothing for one's love life.

22nd February 2013, 12:35 PM
just have to convince 700 Million Chinese men that powdered rhino horn does nothing for one's love life.give them some viagra, cialis, or any other hard dick pill theyll quit yesterday. i read somewhere about a year after viagra came out that more asians were using it and they thought this might be what saves the rhino!