View Full Version : “Catholic Power: Irish American Politics” series

23rd February 2013, 10:30 PM
good series here - has some overlap with the work of E. Michael Jones (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62986-The-Jewish-Revolutionary-Spirit-amp-History-Dr-E-Michael-Jones-amp-Dr-Tom-Sunic) about Catholic Church's historic (pre-Vat-2 Conference (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church#Second_Vatican_Council)) role as bulwark against judeo-bolshevism/communism/zionism/JWO-ism (http://truthtellers.org/alerts/jewishactivistscommunism.html).

Martin P. Mullen: Pennsylvania State Congressman (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/martin-p-mullen-pennsylvania-state-congressman/)
In 1971, Pennsylvania lawmakers introduced a bill that would have allowed no-fault divorce.
Pennsylvania State Representative Martin P. Mullen stood up against the bill and defended the family. During debate, he declared: “We are just trying to protect motherhood and womanhood. A woman is born clean and decent. If she is bad, it is because a man made her go wrong.” Later, he further explained: “This is only the beginning, abortion is next.”

Al Smith: Irish Catholic New York Governor (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/al-smith-irish-catholic-new-york-governor/)
The 1926 International Eucharistic Congress was held in Chicago, Illinois. One million Catholics gathered and heard Cardinal Giovanni Bonzano declare that “the Church had come of age in the United States”. Al Smith, the Governor of New York attended the ceremony and bent a knee to kiss the ring of Cardinal Bonzano, the papal delegate to the Eucharistic Congress.

Father Charles Coughlin: Catholic Fascism? (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/father-charles-coughlin-catholic-fascism/)
Throughout history, Catholicism has been linked with fascism. In fact, many critics claim the authoritarian structure of the Church was the basis for fascism. In 1949, Protestant author Paul Blandshard wrote “American Freedom and Catholic Power”, which became a bestselling book. He claimed America had a “Catholic problem” and believed the Church was an “undemocratic system of alien control”. Blandshard suggested Americans believed in democracy but Catholics preferred fascism. Father Charles Coughlin’s broadcasts have been described by historians as ”a variation of the Fascist agenda applied to American culture“.

John Fitzgerald: Irish Catholic Boston Mayor (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/john-fitzgerald-irish-catholic-boston-mayor/)
During a 1908 rally celebrating the one hundred year anniversary of the Archdiocese of Boston, Bishop William Henry O’Connell declared: “The Puritan has passed, the Catholic remains. The city where a century ago he came unwanted he has made his own…” The Mayor of Boston was John Fitzgerald, the first Catholic elected to that office in the city’s history.

Joe Kennedy: America’s Royal Family? (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/joe-kennedy-americas-royal-family/)
The power, wealth, and glamour of the Kennedy family has contributed to their iconic status in American history. In fact, they are often referred to as “America’s Royal Family”. The Kennedy Dynasty was largely created by Joe Kennedy, who strategically created his family’s image towards the public. He was fiercely ambitious, motivated by competition and winning. Throughout his life, Joe was a committed Catholic and spent his life battling Jews.

James Michael Curley: Irish Catholic Massachusetts Governor (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/james-michael-curley-irish-catholic-massachusetts-governor/)
During World War I, a British officer arrived in Boston, Massachusetts. He asked Mayor James Michael Curley for permission to sign up soldiers from people of British nationality living in the city. The Mayor smiled and replied, “Go ahead Colonel, take every damn one of them.”

Frank Hague: Irish Catholic Jersey City Mayor (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/frank-hague-irish-catholic-jersey-city-mayor/)
Frank Hague’s critics claimed he was “New Jersey’s Hitler“, “Hitler on the Hudson”, and “Dictator – American Style“. His opponents also typically described him as a “fascist” and a “dictator”. In 1937 when they accused Hague of breaking the law, he famously declared “I am the law!”

Joe McCarthy: Irish Catholic Wisconsin Senator (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/joe-mccarthy-irish-catholic-wisconsin-senator/)
Joe McCarthy has become one of the most hated men in American history. His opponents successfully thwarted his efforts and destroyed his legacy. His critics have portrayed him as an obnoxious bully who exploited the threat of communism for political goals. More recently however, historians have discovered the facts and uncovered the truth about McCarthy.

John F. Kennedy: Irish Catholic United States President (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/john-f-kennedy-irish-catholic-united-states-president/)
On August 1st, 1945, the twenty-eight-year-old John F. Kennedy traveled through Germany and visited the Eagle’s Nest, Hitler’s mountain retreat in the German Alps. In his diary, Kennedy wrote: “After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.”

Richard J. Daley: Irish Catholic Chicago Mayor (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/richard-j-daley-irish-catholic-chicago-mayor/)
During the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, Jewish Senator Abraham Ribicoff stood at the podium and declared: “With George McGovern, we wouldn’t have Gestapo tactics on the streets of Chicago!” These “Gestapo tactics” were the Chicago police beating a group of protestors led by Jewish revolutionary Abbie Hoffman. Ribicoff’s words were directed toward Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, the leader of the Democratic Party.

19th October 2015, 08:21 AM
Joe McCarthy: Irish Catholic Wisconsin Senator (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/02/joe-mccarthy-irish-catholic-wisconsin-senator/)Joe McCarthy has become one of the most hated men in American history. His opponents successfully thwarted his efforts and destroyed his legacy. His critics have portrayed him as an obnoxious bully who exploited the threat of communism for political goals. More recently however, historians have discovered the facts and uncovered the truth about McCarthy.

Mike King, TomatoBubble:

JOE McCARTHY vs JOE WELCH: THE REAL STORY (http://www.tomatobubble.com/id902.html)

19th October 2015, 08:51 AM
In the early 1800's, you could NOT be a member of congress IF you were a Catholic.
Now look at it!

Thanks to the infiltration of the Jesuits, it's stuffed with Roman Catholics ALL SWORN to uphold Vatican state (and it's edicts) OVER any country they (supposedly) "serve"

Of course God has a few choice things to say about this beast of a system. you'll find it in Revelation 17 and 18

mick silver
20th October 2015, 08:57 AM
Joe Kennedy, who strategically created his family’s image towards the public. He was fiercely ambitious, motivated by competition and winning. Throughout his life, Joe was a committed Catholic and spent his life battling Jews. didn't joe win big with the stock market ,didn't the jews control the stock market in his time

2nd May 2016, 09:51 PM
@ memoryholeblog

Rest in Peace, Daniel Berrigan
Posted by MHB Administrator

Richard Edmondson

“The Feast of Carrion”
a chapter from Daniel Berrigan’s book,
The Nightmare of God

Daniel Berrigan, Jesuit priest and outspoken opponent of US wars, has died at the age of 94. Berrigan was jailed numerous times–initially in the 1960s when he broke into a draft board office in Cantonsville, Maryland, and later on in the 1970s and 80s for his anti-nuclear activism.

Berrigan and his younger brother, Philip Berrigan, who was also a priest, were in some respects your quintessential liberation theologians. They were in fact forerunners to the Liberation Theology movement, rising to national prominence with an act of civil disobedience in 1968 that made national and international headlines. Here is a bit from the New York Times’ obituary for Berrigan. It’s actually rather well stated

More: https://memoryholeblog.com/2016/05/01/rest-in-peace-daniel-berrigan/