View Full Version : Race Relations during SHTF

25th February 2013, 02:01 AM
This guy starts out right with what he knows to be the truth but then gets into a bit of wishful thinking.


I think things are going to go to shit much faster than he thinks and there will be no time for trying to figure out who has a good heart or not. It will simply be us vs them or them vs us. or in the case of the massive balkanization it could be strait up Zombies everyman for himself.

25th February 2013, 02:42 AM
I think he's mainly saying that people will break up into racial groups, as he's seen it happen many times. His main point is that when it does go down, if you are in a situation where you are not in the minority, to treat those who are in the minority with friendliness and help as much as possible. There will be a lot of good people mixed into any racial group. Also, the tables can turn and you will want to be viewed as friendly and reasonable to receive the same treatment in return.

25th February 2013, 03:02 AM


25th February 2013, 03:10 PM
A wise man and mentor once told me simply, "Trust nobody."

25th February 2013, 04:03 PM
A wise man and mentor once told me simply, "Trust nobody."

Very true. My Grandpa used to say that as soon as you left your front porch you were in Nomans land.

25th February 2013, 04:34 PM
I don't think the racial divide will be much different than it is now. If you have bad race relations now, they will be forced to the forefront. If you don't, then it probably won't be much of an issue.

But it's kind of futile to speculate because the whole idea of a WROL event is somewhat abstract until it actually happens. There are just too many possible scenarios. Are we talking about neighborhood fighting? Band of roving marauders? Area-wide mayhem? Rural area or suburban or city? So many possibilities. I think whatever race relations currently exist (good or bad) will simply be magnified.

25th February 2013, 11:43 PM
I don't think the racial divide will be much different than it is now. If you have bad race relations now, they will be forced to the forefront. If you don't, then it probably won't be much of an issue.

But it's kind of futile to speculate because the whole idea of a WROL event is somewhat abstract until it actually happens. There are just too many possible scenarios. Are we talking about neighborhood fighting? Band of roving marauders? Area-wide mayhem? Rural area or suburban or city? So many possibilities. I think whatever race relations currently exist (good or bad) will simply be magnified.

It will not be good that's for sure, every where I go white people are treated with contempt by the Blacks and Latinos for the most part. There are some good apples but most seem to think it's time for us to die and get out of their way.

26th February 2013, 04:14 AM
I don't think the racial divide will be much different than it is now. If you have bad race relations now, they will be forced to the forefront. If you don't, then it probably won't be much of an issue..

I agree, I think communities would form in a wrol event and perhaps strengthen the group, if they are like minded regardless of race, religion. If you currently live in a community with good people, people will band together, to protect each other, for survival. If there's currently race issues going on where you live, it will be magnified x1000 however.

It's important to look at these things now, before they happen. Do you live in a community with good neighbors around? People who look after each other.

I really like the message this prepper is sending. Great video, imo. I'd also like to add, that being kind and respecting others, is not a weakness. It's a strength. These are the qualities of providers, people who take a look at the big picture and realize that the most important thing, in any emergency situation, is working together. If you trust no one, likely nobody is going to end up trusting you.

mick silver
26th February 2013, 07:56 AM
survival of my family will be what i will be working on like growing more and being able to keep what i grow and building my fort bigger