View Full Version : The Fake Australian Government?!

27th February 2013, 09:55 AM
Thanks to Alfred Adask for pointing this film out!


Whether income tax, carbon tax, drivers licence or marriage license, liquor legislation or car registration - not forgetting GST... Dire threats & penalties loom should one dare step out of line...yet

Is who we think of as Government really Government..?

Which Commonwealth is Government from..?


Go to the site to see the impostors!!!

Hatha Sunahara
27th February 2013, 12:48 PM
Don't we have something similar here in the USA? I seem to remember reading a piece by Lee Brobst called USA The Republic Is The House No One Lives In. (http://freedom-school.com/history/usa.html) We seem to have one abandoned government that was established in 1789 which is guided by the Constitution of The united States, and an imposter government that is a corporation set up in 1871 that has usurped by stealth all government functions, and nobody but the most astute among us is aware of.

I have recently been playing with a wireless network setup which has a surprisingly similar concept. One aspect of setting up the network is getting the main network server to trust my computer. This problem is dealt with by asking my computer to log into the network with a user name and password. The second aspect is to get my computer to trust the network server. This is accomplished by having the server issue a certificate, which is stored on my computer, and compared with the certificate the server presents when I log in. This arrangement prevents someone from setting up an imposter network with the same name which I would connect to, and use to store some of my private documents. I want to make sure that the network I connect to is 'trusted'. Similarly, in the real world, I want to make sure that the GOVERNMENTS I am connected to are the ones that I trust, not an imposter. What Scott Bartle is doing here is asking the Australian Government for a certificate of legitimacy, which they cannot provide because they are imposters.

We Americans should be just as diligent in vetting our government for legitimacy.


Hatha Sunahara
2nd March 2013, 06:26 PM
Here is the story of how we got two governments in the USA:


And here's a video that describes it:

