View Full Version : Lisa Pease, "JFK Researcher", talks a lot about JFK & RFK - but never mentions Israel

5th March 2013, 07:09 AM
She brands herself as a 'historian' & has something called the "Real History" archives (or news).

She has been going on (and on and on) about the JFK assassination for about 15 years now - maybe more.

I emailed with her during that timeframe, thinking she was "the real thing".

Now, I can only conclude, she is either -

1/ Controlled Opposition, or

2/ Dumb.

I'm leaning towards #1.

her blog

her blog, searched for Israel

JFK & RFK (& MLK & Malcolm X)



In conclusion - JFK pissed a LOT of people off. His telling the Prime Minister of Israel, Ben Gurion, to abandon their nuclear weapons program in the summer of 1963, was yet another strike against JFK.

He pissed off the Dulles brothers, firing one from a leadership position at the CIA, when another just happened to be mayor of Dallas.

He pissed off the US Military. He was winding down American involvement in Vietnam.

I suppose Michael Piper is one of the best researchers on Israeli involvement in JFK's assassination.


The ADL has gone to great lengths to silence discussion of Israel's possible involvement in the JFK assassination. Piper describes this witch-hunt in his book, as described in one of the book's reviews -

"I gave it 3 stars because of the long preface in the book dealing with the story of Piper's 1994 run-in with the ADL when he came to be part of a panel on the JFK assassination at a California community college, and how the ADL also went after the professor who presented the seminar. They were out for the professor's job, and they nearly got it. It took a couple of years and a lot of money, but the ADL thought it was energy and money well spent, obviously."