View Full Version : Does thinking to hard wear you out?.............. V

5th March 2013, 10:42 AM
Remember what I wrote a while back about thinking to hard? that when doing that all your neuros in your brain were only scrambling each other?.......and that you should relax and let the problem solved itself?

Should they bike tax your brain for thinking to had and using to much oxygen?..... hummmmmmmmm. I would be broke in one month.

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The brain makes up about 1⁄50 of our body weight but consumes about one fifth of the oxygen we breathe. It’s natural to assume that overtaxing the cerebrum would leave one feeling lethargic, but that’s not quite true. The brain uses most of its energy just to maintain its baseline state; one tenth of our energy at rest goes to pumping sodium and potassium ions across brain-cell membranes, a simple process that keeps each neuron charged and ready. Specific mental activity, whether chatting with a friend or doing a crossword, does not suck up much extra energy.

That said, studies show that people do slow down after performing taxing mental tasks. One experiment, conducted by Samuele Marcora of the University of Kent, split subjects into two groups. Members of the first played a mentally challenging computer game. Those in the second group watched a documentary about trains or sports cars. Then everyone took an endurance test on an exercise bike. Marcora found that people who were “mentally exhausted” gave up pedaling more quickly than the documentary-watching controls. It was as if the heavy thinking had worn them out.

At the same time, Marcora found no correlation between the mental task and measures of their cardiovascular response, such as blood pressure, oxygen consumption, or cardiac output. In other words, the mental workout didn’t seem to slow their bodies so much as it appeared to skew their perception of how hard a given physical task might be.


mick silver
5th March 2013, 12:33 PM
dam my head hurts

5th March 2013, 02:01 PM
I don't see why......after all.......is empty hahhahahhah.


Twisted Titan
5th March 2013, 02:32 PM
Thinking is the hardest work their is.........that is why so few engage in it.

H. Ford