View Full Version : Who's at fault?

6th March 2013, 09:13 PM
The cop or the biker?



6th March 2013, 09:53 PM
He didn't even bother to get that guys insurance info? WTF man Id be getting anyones info that just rear ended me. I mean how do think an insurance company would rule on this one if it was just two regular guys?

6th March 2013, 10:07 PM
The cop was at fault. The biker dude should have gone straight to the police station and reported it. He could have said he was afraid of the cop, that's why he didn't try to fill out a report at the scene.

7th March 2013, 12:02 AM
OH yeah the cop was in the wrong. Getting all puffed up at the guy right when he got out of the car. It's funny to see a cop caught off guard and out of his comfort zone. Didn't seem to act with an air of authority, more like a child saying "it was your fault"

guy: "i wasn't aware you were that close to me sir."
cop: "i wasn't, but i can't stop that ****** fast when you hit your breaks!"

write you a shitload of tickets... oh that's classic

I honestly think this guy was having some fun making this turd of a cop look like an idiot.
I think the guy might be from some other vids floating around out here in the bad lands

7th March 2013, 12:10 AM
The biker was looking for trouble otherwise he would not have had the camera rolling and driving like he was. He was totally Trolling that cop and is lucky that worse things did not happen to him. Yes the cop was following too close but the biker was not driving normal either.

7th March 2013, 05:16 AM
I don't care what reason people have for hitting their breaks, when you get hit from behind, the person hitting you was following too close. People hit their breaks for no reason all the time, they could be looking for a street, or an address.
When a cop is threatening you with tickets, he threatening to extract money from your wallet.
The cop definately didn't want an accident on his record...that's why he took the offense.
I know when I see a cop wanting to change lanes next to me, I'd prefer to slow down and let him get in front of me.
Who likes having a cop following you while driving/riding?

7th March 2013, 05:18 AM
The biker was looking for trouble otherwise he would not have had the camera rolling and driving like he was. He was totally Trolling that cop and is lucky that worse things did not happen to him. Yes the cop was following too close but the biker was not driving normal either.

Driving normal? What is that? Ever drive in LA?

7th March 2013, 10:08 AM
They were both wrong. The cop was embaressed 'cause he rear-ended him and that should never happen. But the biker was playing fucking games. He was slowing down, hanging to the right and leaving a huge gap in front. Then he jams on the brakes for no reason? Screw him. I thought the cop was being reasonable under the circumstances and he was damn nice not to right the biker some tickets. That biker got away with a tongue lashing and he was lucky that 's all it was.

7th March 2013, 10:13 AM
there was a car in front of the biker with his turn signal on, just driving along. i do that all the time if some dumbass car driver is driving along signaling he's going in to my lane. the one time i didn't do what this biker did, some old grandma ran in to me and forced me in to the ditch.

7th March 2013, 10:13 AM
As a motorcycle rider myself I kept asking myself, "what the hell is this idiot doing?" If anything I assumed the cop was going to pull him over for riding so erratically.

7th March 2013, 10:37 AM
I'm glad the cop wasn't a total asshole, and he turned out to be reasonable, I think because he knew he was wrong, but tailgating is just plain stupid. He should have written himself a ticket.