View Full Version : Uncensored Survival Secrets - For sale at $37! I'm tempted.

7th March 2013, 09:16 PM

Uncensored Survival Secrets, 5 volumes

A how-to guide for surviving the coming dollar and system collapse - or so the narrator claims - all for $37.

Does anyone have this or know about it?

Uncle Salty
7th March 2013, 09:30 PM
He probably just trolled GSUS for a few months and collected all our ideas and opinions and then put a package together and is now trying to sell it.

Twisted Titan
7th March 2013, 09:36 PM
Im kinda leery of anybody that uses the format porter stansberry popularized

For 40 bucks i really dont think much will be offered that people such as GSUSers dont know maybe a point or two.

This is for somebody fresh out the box with no awarness of our dire economic situation.

I dont think its garbage. ....but i cant really justfy the cost.

I would pass on this one.

7th March 2013, 09:40 PM
Why pay? You have GS-US, perhaps one of the best resources available. You have a lot of like-minded people putting their minds together.

7th March 2013, 09:47 PM
Apparently, there's a lot more to it than preps - alot of mental and physcal survival techniques, strategic and tactical knowledge from folk experienced in crisis situations - stuff like that. Heck, $37 is nothing to spend today. You guys all squeak when you walk?

I might buy it. It's not the money. I hate giving out my CC info. Invariably, spam and junk mail seems to follow.

7th March 2013, 10:27 PM
I never trust a salesman who talk to much, the product should sell itself.


7th March 2013, 11:20 PM
Apparently, there's a lot more to it than preps - alot of mental and physcal survival techniques, strategic and tactical knowledge from folk experienced in crisis situations - stuff like that. Heck, $37 is nothing to spend today. You guys all squeak when you walk?

I might buy it. It's not the money. I hate giving out my CC info. Invariably, spam and junk mail seems to follow.

I hope you fill us in on the good tips if you get it. at least the cliff notes version anyway.

8th March 2013, 04:11 AM
Observe and learn. The guys survival plan is to sell books at $37 a copy. How you construct your golden parachute is of less concern.

8th March 2013, 04:48 AM
Observe and learn. The guys survival plan is to sell books at $37 a copy. How you construct your golden parachute is of less concern. Yep!

Packaged doom and gloom scary hard sell, without any information or any detail on the info offered.

The forum has abt 16 members http://uncensoredsurvival.com/forum/course-basics/

Try to leave the site from the op link, the first time visit to the site a popup ad shows offering a discount to try and hook you into buying.

Probably a repackaged bunch of PDF info that is freely available on the web (who can tell with out a course breakdown) (our forum probably had much of the same info in pdf here at one time)

It's all about the money it seems to further the livelihood of the author/owners of the site.

8th March 2013, 05:19 AM
Does he have an "uncensored survival secret" silver round, to go with my "slave queen" and "freedom girl" medallions?
Oh, and a T-shirt

8th March 2013, 05:40 AM
I never trust a salesman who talk to much, the product should sell itself.


He is selling Shtf, he has to keep talking until his product arrives.

I'd rather like to think it should be experienced on a wholly personal, and original level.

8th March 2013, 08:37 AM
Does he have an "uncensored survival secret" silver round, to go with my "slave queen" and "freedom girl" medallions?
Oh, and a T-shirt

Hmm. Perhaps it is time for a GSUS silver medallion contest.

8th March 2013, 09:47 AM
Hmm. Perhaps it is time for a GSUS silver medallion contest.

How nice of you!

Would it be a one ounce or would it be larger?

Maybe you could have it made along the lines of that silver girl round that our new member Roland has for his avatar.


8th March 2013, 09:55 AM
How nice of you!

Would it be a one ounce or would it be larger?

Maybe you could have it made along the lines of that silver girl round that our new member Roland has for his avatar.


I think we should do a 2 ounce coin: a nice hefty size, a departure from the oh-so-common one ounce, and not so large as to be prohibitively expensive.

4th April 2013, 04:55 PM
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this?

My father showed the website to me asking what I thought. My initial thoughts were of concern. A sales pitch that went on for that long rings warning bells to me. The whole buy now or my mate will take it away and it will cost thousands also added another part of concern, as well as saying how much it should cost, and waiting right to the end to find the actual price. Felt like I was been badgered by a dodgy TV marketing company.

After that, I noticed that the only payment option was C/Card. (No Paypal) which had me also wondering if it may have been going to the Russia Mafia instead, or what would become of my details after I paid.

It's unfortunate - as I like the idea of learning a lot of what he mentioned on the video - and think that it would be worth it - if indeed he was (a) legitimate and (b) the contents actually contained very useful information. As such I was disappointing by the flaws I found - and was wondering if anyone here has any experience with him, and if it's OK?

4th April 2013, 05:13 PM
Im kinda leery of anybody that uses the format porter stansberry popularized

For 40 bucks i really dont think much will be offered that people such as GSUSers dont know maybe a point or two.

This is for somebody fresh out the box with no awarness of our dire economic situation.

I dont think its garbage. ....but i cant really justfy the cost.

I would pass on this one.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this?

My father showed the website to me asking what I thought. My initial thoughts were of concern. A sales pitch that went on for that long rings warning bells to me. The whole buy now or my mate will take it away and it will cost thousands also added another part of concern, as well as saying how much it should cost, and waiting right to the end to find the actual price. Felt like I was been badgered by a dodgy TV marketing company.

After that, I noticed that the only payment option was C/Card. (No Paypal) which had me also wondering if it may have been going to the Russia Mafia instead, or what would become of my details after I paid.

It's unfortunate - as I like the idea of learning a lot of what he mentioned on the video - and think that it would be worth it - if indeed he was (a) legitimate and (b) the contents actually contained very useful information. As such I was disappointing by the flaws I found - and was wondering if anyone here has any experience with him, and if it's OK?

Trust your instincts. Read TT's quoted post. This is the same website tactic that Stansberry used for his "End of the American Empire". Hell he had different radio spots with different webpages so he could gauge which markets sold better. Shit he had Alex Jones doing national radio spots.

It reeks of a scam.

I haven't watched the video.

One thing for your father and yourself to remember is that the knowledge you require cannot be bought for 38 frns.

4th April 2013, 05:31 PM
hmm, I'm more tempted by http://www.thetaoofbadass.com/special/goldfish/indexatit.html?utm_expid=42889565-4&utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fbdz.cendool.com%2Fkizzz% 2F

4th April 2013, 06:45 PM
My sister bought me a book called Beyond Collapse by Joseph Miller. It's ok, but very brief on many topics, trying to do too much. I did learn about Fish Mox Forte though.

4th April 2013, 06:54 PM
I did learn about Fish Mox Forte though.

Fish Mox Forte (http://www.vetdepot.com/fish-mox-forte-amoxicillin-500-mg-100-capsules.html)

Thanks ximmy for this useful tip!


4th April 2013, 07:18 PM
Number 1 rule of survival.

First one to die is a rotten egg. :)

25th September 2014, 12:43 AM
I don't see what the big fuss is all about. I've seen this around and thought I'd let you all know that he's giving his full course away for free.

All you have to do is cover the shipping which is $9.00 and you get everything. Pretty sweet deal;

25th September 2014, 02:24 AM
I don't see what the big fuss is all about. I've seen this around and thought I'd let you all know that he's giving his full course away for free.

All you have to do is cover the shipping which is $9.00 and you get everything. Pretty sweet deal;

Well hello Mr. Author.

25th September 2014, 05:37 AM
Well hello Mr. Author. as in "malcom in the middle?"


25th September 2014, 06:59 AM
I started listening to the presentation....

I never trust someone that says: If you listen to this entire presentation, omenna do something for you...

It's the omennas that flag me off. BTW- sounds like silver shield. Speaker's name is Oli Fischer.

25th September 2014, 07:08 AM
Shoot first and live.......as the saying goes.....I'd rather be judge by 12 than to be carry by 6.


25th September 2014, 08:45 AM
Well hello Mr. Author.
Most likely let's see if he is a one trick pony... Sorry for the edit!