View Full Version : Usury in Christendom - Michael Hoffman

10th March 2013, 08:30 AM
this is a topic I've wanted to get a better bead on-- Christendom's apparent slow transition over the centuries WRT the im/morality of usury; AKA the wellspring of the roth-zio global usury empire (the JWO). Hoffman discusses here on Red Ice Radio. I haven't listened yet, will comment more afterward. Only 1st hour of the show is free; mp3 file 24 MBs, or can listen via the video console at the link.

Michael Hoffman - Hour 1 - Abdication of the Pope & Usury in Christendom (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2013/02/RIR-130214.php)
February 14, 2013
Michael Hoffman is a former reporter for the Associated Press and the author of six books of radical history, journalism and literature. He describes himself as a "heretical writer." Hoffman is also the managing editor of the newsletter Revisionist History. In the first hour, we begin discussing Pope Benedict’s resignation. Michael questions who procured his abdication and he talks about ruthlessness in the pious conclaves. We’ll also discuss Masonry within the Roman Catholic Church. Then, we talk about his new book Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not. Michael explains how the Renaissance was not a great rebirth but instead saw the rise of the machine of the social robot, the rise of money power and usury. He talks about usury in religious doctrine and the early Protestant’s resistance to the usury revolution. In the member’s hour, we return to the Vatican and discuss their symbiotic relationships. Michael talks about how they play both sides as the Kabalistic chameleon. He’ll speak more about the destructive qualities of usury, a parasitic element in our world. Later, we talk about scientism as the new God and cryptocracy replicating a Satanic force.
http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2013/RIR-130214-michaelhoffman-hr1.mp3)

10th March 2013, 08:57 AM
Possibly usury applies when using a bag with honest weights and measures? After you transition to fictional currency then repayment in more fictional currency is still a fiction.

The issue is not usury so much as using honest measures (gold and silver).

10th March 2013, 09:02 AM
Hoffman's book @ amazon:
Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not (http://www.amazon.com/Usury-Christendom-The-Mortal-that/dp/0970378491/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8) by Michael Hoffman (Nov 15, 2012)

10th March 2013, 09:11 AM
Tagged for later.

10th March 2013, 09:32 AM
anyone else having trouble with 'EDIT POST'? I tried to edit the OP with the amazon link in reply 3, then tried to edit that with the following "most valuable review" - in every case, edit screen times out. :(

15 of 15 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Eloquent, elegant unmasking of the Money Power's wicked modernist roots (http://www.amazon.com/review/R1JH5R53WBY3U3/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=0970378491&channel=detail-glance&nodeID=283155&store=books) December 13, 2012
By ASE-Baltimore


Our economies are based on debt and speculation and the seat of the Money Power outside Asia is in the Western "Christian" (not the Eastern Orthodox) lands. Hence, the author, Michael Hoffman, traces the gradual decay of the Western Christian prohibition on usury and the rise of the Money Power and numerous resulting destructive practices in society. By rendering anew ancient verities, the author offers an antidote to the amnesiac modern mind. Through a gap in cognition, we have come to accept as normal the charging of interest on loans, and speculative investments, in other words, USURY. Though we now think of usury as EXORBITANT interest, the author demonstrates that for the first fifteen hundred years of Christianity, the lending of money at interest was universally condemned by Christian authorities as a grave sin and was in broad disrepute among the populace. The book also makes clear that ALL FORMS of greed, avarice, cupidity, covetousness, etc. was traditionally condemned by the Catholic Church until the Renaissance, and by the early Puritans.

The author demolishes rogue theories such as the New Testament's total prohibition against usury being merely a standard of perfection, but not a Divine requirement. In Luke 6:34-35, Jesus exceeds the Old Testament's prohibition on charging usury to a fellow believer by explaining why it is not to be imposed on anyone whomever. In part by relating that the Old Testament's permission for usury against the wicked heathen (nokri) of that time was God's weapon of warfare against them, the author demonstrates that the New Testament's total prohibition is a Divine requirement.

The author then lets the intellectual advocates of usury and greed condemn these vices, and themselves, with their own words. They reveal their prideful mindset of situation ethics and in some cases, such as Ayn Rand, megalomaniacal insanity.

In the chapter entitled "Agents of the Money Power", Hoffman gives a concise explanation of the dialectical synthesis between the materialist ideologies of Communism (Marx's "scientific socialism") and Ayn Rand's "free market" Capitalism.

From ancient times usury was considered a sin against natural increase because money cannot breed itself except through artifice. Money had always been a medium of exchange only, and not a commodity in itself.

The reason usury and greed were considered grave sins by the Church begins with 1 Timothy: 6-10-"The love of money is the root of all evil." The author demonstrates how the love of money is the root of all evil in both the theological and secular realms-(p.339-340). Once the right to tamper with the Word of God has been established, man's prideful tampering with the natural order becomes dominant. Since man is not omniscient, this tampering will eventually create consequences as yet undreamed of.

The philosophy behind the Biblical and Canonistic prohibition on usury was that people should lend freely because they have a vested interest in their neighbor's prosperity, and not their perpetual indebtedness.

Speculation was also considered usury and the author gives an example of the Commenda contract, a non-usurious business arrangement. The Commenda contract reflects production and labor, not speculation. Another example of non-usurious business is the Guild system of a just price and a living wage.

The chapter entitled "'Jewish' Usury" is most interesting. The pro-usury Nominalist school of Catholism eclipsed the pro-Biblical and Patristic Scholasticism of Aquinas and gained purchase in the Vatican hierarchy. The Vatican wanted a "Christian" lending society to compete with and undercut Judaic usurers, and created the "monte di pieta" societies of "charity" banks that charged "moderate" interest to cover "expenses". This stance influenced Protestantism, though there was great resistance to usury, cupidity and Mammon among the Lutherans and early Puritans. Eventually, mission creep ensued, and the large Catholic banks merged with the large Judaic banks to form the modern international system of finance that oppresses the entire world.

Nominalism transformed money from a medium of exchange into a "value" in itself. This weakened the Catholic Church's authority as arbiter of what constitutes reality, or truth. Perhaps coincidentally, this happened around the same time that Catholism accepted the Neoplatonist occult philosophy, which later spread to the Church of England.

Another major point emphasized is that the exact same rationale which was used by the Churches to nullify the prohibition on usury is used by modernists to further their agendas. It is an irony of history that it was the liberal humanists who opposed and obstructed the early Puritan's Biblical Literalist and Moral Absolutist stance against usury and the "merchant culture", what we today call capitalism. Monetary profits from tampering with nature, abortion enablement, and militarism, and socially acceptable promotion of sexual deviancy all have their roots in the dawn of the spirit of modern capitalism through the tolerance and acceptance of usury and greed. Both social conservatives and anti-capitalist social justice campaigners will benefit from this book, IF they have an open mind. All of us who have engaged in usury to any degree now have a lot of soul searching to do.

Hatha Sunahara
10th March 2013, 09:43 AM
Possibly usury applies when using a bag with honest weights and measures? After you transition to fictional currency then repayment in more fictional currency is still a fiction.

The issue is not usury so much as using honest measures (gold and silver).

Honest weights and measures is a separate issue. Usury is living off the concept of money itself. Aristotle nailed what it is. I posted this in another thread on wealth inequality, but it's the essence of usury:

Aristotle, one of the fathers of Western thought, wrote in his 350 B.C. work, Politics (http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/politics.html), in Book One, Part X, that usury is the lending of money at interest:

“The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of an modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.“
Today, usury has been taken to mean the lending of money at some arbitrary “exorbitant (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/usury)” rate of interest. Traditionally, however, it has been viewed as the lending of money at any interest rate. http://fauxcapitalist.com/2010/07/13...otle-on-usury/ (http://fauxcapitalist.com/2010/07/13/aristotle-on-usury/)

The problem with usury and compound interest is that it allows the usurer to transfer other people's wealth into his pockets without doing anything productive to 'earn' it, whereas everyone else has to do that. It's the reason we have a handful of haves and everyone else is a have not.

Usury is a very large crime that is easily hidden because of the nature of human consciousness. Dishonest weights and measures are for less sophisticated criminals.


10th March 2013, 10:07 AM
Its simply too easy for a nation of peoples to dominate over another nation of peoples with usury on a national level.

Andrew Jackson's battle is the best example of this in recent history, had it been logged as part of the Geneva agreement the only viable solution.

Religions as a whole being defeated in WWII, only to be reintroduced prior to WWIII.

10th March 2013, 10:55 AM
i would distinguish between "natural rent of capital". e.g. i build a machine that does something useful, and rent it to you for an agreed upon rate.

the Banksters have a different way to rent capital. they create pseudo-capital out of thin air, manage to con a majority of society into thinking that $/FRN has real value, and then charge rent on that capital.

i would say that the natural rent tends to benefit society - otherwise the people renting machines & capital wouldn't choose to do it.

whereas Bankster rental of capital, AKA usury, on balance benefits those who create pseudo-capital out of thin air.

natural rent goes back a long time. e.g. a hunter, 10,000 years ago, loaning out a hunting tool, e.g. a spear, for a percent of the goods, i.e. some meat.

10th March 2013, 11:38 AM
What is really funny is the banks who have started catering to Muslims, by offering 'interest/usury'-free loans, but instead they rent out the house/equity the loan is based upon until the house is payed off. The person who gets the loan ends up paying more, further I expect his standing if he default on the repayment / rent is way weaker, but it's usury free! LOL...

7th trump
10th March 2013, 11:42 AM
Honest weights and measures is a separate issue. Usury is living off the concept of money itself. Aristotle nailed what it is. I posted this in another thread on wealth inequality, but it's the essence of usury:

The problem with usury and compound interest is that it allows the usurer to transfer other people's wealth into his pockets without doing anything productive to 'earn' it, whereas everyone else has to do that. It's the reason we have a handful of haves and everyone else is a have not.

Usury is a very large crime that is easily hidden because of the nature of human consciousness. Dishonest weights and measures are for less sophisticated criminals.

Hatha I'm glad you brought up that usury and weights and measures are total seperate issue to palani. Palani has difficult seeing the trees through the forest.

10th March 2013, 12:47 PM
Aristotle nailed what it is.
Aristotle would have only held discourse on things within his knowledge. He would have had no concept that any society would be so dumb as to rely upon the paper promises of legal fictions. People don't earn a living by trading their labor for these paper dollars. Instead people earn a living by taking advantage of the lunacy of others who accept them. Earning a living by usury or earning a living by trading labor for paper promises are equally forbidden and doing both does not cancel the fact.

10th March 2013, 12:49 PM
Hatha I'm glad you brought up that usury and weights and measures are total seperate issue to palani. Palani has difficult seeing the trees through the forest.

You who follow Pig Law know where to find a hot meal.

10th March 2013, 01:14 PM
The evil of usury is hard to overstate. It's corruptive influence flows and seeps into every aspect of a society. It is not just the fact that the money isn't created to pay the interest on the loan (forcing bankruptcy and resultant loss of real goods) but the fact that the principal is a fiction in itself that the banker creates out of thin air in his godlike and arrogant posture.

This is surely the reason that religion must oppose not just usury but fiat money in itself. It is quite obvious that the leaders of Christendom have sold thier souls and sold out their followers to this Satanic influence.

Hatha Sunahara
10th March 2013, 01:28 PM
Fractional reserve banking is fortified usury. Fractional reserve banking of fiat money is usury on steroids. None of it really matters until you understand that usury is the use of money to steal wealth. But of course you have to make a distinction between money and wealth--which most people do not.

Money is a medium of exchange. Wealth is what you create that has value. The two are not the same.

And 7th Trump, why do you feel a need to be an albatross to Palani? He adds value.


10th March 2013, 01:57 PM
7th Trump, why do you feel a need to be an albatross to Palani?


I may suggest an answer to this question with some degree of accuracy.

If I am right then he would be .... [wrong] and a fragile ego will not allow this possibility.

11th March 2013, 11:35 AM
Question: If someone works their ass off and saves $100,000 and then loans that money to someone else at 5% interest for one year, is that usury?

11th March 2013, 11:38 AM
Question: If someone works their ass off and saves $100,000 and then loans that money to someone else at 5% interest for one year, is that usury?

According to the bible ... yes. Lawfully .... yes. Legally ... the legal system has set 6% as the threshold for usury. This changes depending upon the state though.

11th March 2013, 11:48 AM
i would distinguish between "natural rent of capital". e.g. i build a machine that does something useful, and rent it to you for an agreed upon rate.

the Banksters have a different way to rent capital. they create pseudo-capital out of thin air, manage to con a majority of society into thinking that $/FRN has real value, and then charge rent on that capital.

i would say that the natural rent tends to benefit society - otherwise the people renting machines & capital wouldn't choose to do it.

whereas Bankster rental of capital, AKA usury, on balance benefits those who create pseudo-capital out of thin air.

natural rent goes back a long time. e.g. a hunter, 10,000 years ago, loaning out a hunting tool, e.g. a spear, for a percent of the goods, i.e. some meat.

This is an interesting way to look at it.

11th March 2013, 12:09 PM
Fractional reserve banking is fortified usury. Fractional reserve banking of fiat money is usury on steroids. None of it really matters until you understand that usury is the use of money to steal wealth.

the credit derivative scam - ongoing - all of the above on steroids, and LSD, with a baker's dozen of banker's expresso mixed in.

of all the people whose wealth was stolen by that scam, one that sticks out is a Norwegian town with a lady mayor who was interviewed in the aftermath.

they trusted Wall street with their money, bought mortgage-backed securities, and in the interview the Norwegian mayor lady says, "now all our money is gone" - stolen by the uber-usurers.

7th trump
11th March 2013, 12:16 PM
You who follow Pig Law know where to find a hot meal.
Only pig law around here is your opinion of law when you dont even read the statutes and regulations to understand what law you are interpreting.
I know it sounds pretty damn stupid but palani has admitted to not researching the law itself to pass his interpretation of it.

11th March 2013, 12:47 PM
Question: If someone works their ass off and saves $100,000 and then loans that money to someone else at 5% interest for one year, is that usury?

Yes, according to Aristotle.

Aristotle, one of the fathers of Western thought, wrote in his 350 B.C. work, Politics, in Book One, Part X, that usury is the lending of money at interest:

“The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of an modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.“

Today, usury has been taken to mean the lending of money at some arbitrary “exorbitant” rate of interest. Traditionally, however, it has been viewed as the lending of money at any interest rate.

However, that doesn't mean lending can't be very advantageous. For instance, if someone had worked their ass off and saved $100,000 and lent the money to a fledgling
company for R&D on a new type of CAD software, for instance, that cut the lenders workload in half, then, theoretically the lender would only have to work half their ass off next year. That would constitute a very nice return and plenty of incentive to lend.

Earning money from money, however, is not work, nor is it earned. Nor does it really wind up helping anyone but the lender. It's using others labor for one's own personal gain and perpetuating indentured servitude into the future.

11th March 2013, 12:55 PM
Earning money from money, however, is not work, nor is it earned. Nor does it really wind up helping anyone but the lender. It's using others labor for one's own personal gain and perpetuating indentured servitude into the future.

I'm not so sure. What if I was planning on spending that money on a new car, a home remodel and a nice vacation? But instead I lend it. I would be earning my 5% return by driving a junk car, living in a run down home, and postponing my trip. Giving up comfort now for something better in the future is earning it, IMO.

And regarding it not helping anyone but the lender, again I'm not so sure. Say I inherited an empty lot in an urban setting and wanted to build a small business on it, say a parking lot. I want to provide parking to willing customers who would pay me a certain amount of money to park on my lot. But I don't have the money to build this small business. Say I project that I can save the money in five years time, but in the meantime I have no parking lot and customers don't have my parking spots. If I borrow $100,000 from a friend who saved it, I build my parking lot and start my business. I make enough profit to pay my friend back, plus interest, make a profit for myself, and I'm providing a valuable service to my customers. I'd say it helped more than just the lender.

11th March 2013, 01:29 PM
Question: If someone works their ass off and saves $100,000 and then loans that money to someone else at 5% interest for one year, is that usury?
I don't think it is wrong per se to lend money at an interest, the lender takes a risk, even if the value of the money is stable and even if the borrower has securities, that could cover the amount, and is a standup person that would do his outmost to pay back what he owes. But maybe it would be better if the money lender/provider of capital takes a stake in the enterprise that the money is going to, and subsequently a part of the profit...

It is naturally a totally different issue if the lender can conjure the amount by money creation which doesn't require an effort at all...

If it is indeed usury to lend wealth, at a reasonable interest, accumulated by hard work, I wouldn't say it is immoral, it provides an opportunity for the borrower, and naturally the lender should be rewarded for that, and the risk he is taking, but I think it would be more natural if the lender takes a part of the potential profits the venture creates...

11th March 2013, 02:29 PM
Giving up comfort now for something better in the future is earning it, IMO.

Hmmm. Last week I bought some cheap bottom shelf Scotch instead of the good stuff, thus depriving myself now and saving $28.
Does that mean I earned an extra $28 last week? I don't think so.

Usury is making money off money. Money for nothing and chicks for free.

I think it would be more natural if the lender takes a part of the potential profits the venture creates...

Yeah, in that case, the lender isn't making money off money, but rather from the venture itself.
If the venture fails, no one profits. That way, there's built in incentive to make sure the venture succeeds.

That sounds about right to me.

11th March 2013, 02:44 PM
I think it would be more natural if the lender takes a part of the potential profits the venture creates...

Yeah, in that case, the lender isn't making money off money, but rather from the venture itself.
If the venture fails, no one profits. That way, there's built in incentive to make sure the venture succeeds.

That sounds about right to me.

The lender isn't making money off of money, but rather from the venture. Aren't we just playing semantics at this point? Since the money that will be used to repay the loan is made from the profits of the venture, what is the difference?

11th March 2013, 03:00 PM
The lender isn't making money off of money, but rather from the venture. Aren't we just playing semantics at this point? Since the money that will be used to repay the loan is made from the profits of the venture, what is the difference?

I think the key thing is to look at not one isolated loan being made, but a system where many such loans are made.

For example, there is no money creation in a system with a single fractional reserve bank. Rather, it requires money to be loaned from one bank and deposited in another. Then the entire system multiplies the money.

Likewise, when there is a class of people who make money from loans, it is in their natural best interest to collude to create inflation, then restrict the loans to create deflation and thereby end up owning all material assets. Through this cycle, the lender class milks the host society for it's assets. Any one lender does take on risk for any one loan. But as a group they have a monopoly such that any venture must be financed by them (for businesses to remain competitive with each other), and everyone who they finance is vulnerable until the loan is paid back. If it's time to change the economic climate (restrict the money supply through giving less loans), then whoever is exposed at the time to them is SOL.

11th March 2013, 03:11 PM
The lender isn't making money off of money, but rather from the venture. Aren't we just playing semantics at this point? Since the money that will be used to repay the loan is made from the profits of the venture, what is the difference?
If the venture is a very successful one, the lender will get well more than the normal interest and the payback, if it is moderately successful he will get about his capital and the normal interest, if it is just getting by he will maybe get his money back, if it fails he will get back a small part of what he invested. With a loan he may end up owning the man, and his future incomes, if the venture is not successful. In the first circumstance the investor/lender has to be smart and active, in the second he has to be ruthless.

11th March 2013, 04:31 PM
In a system of fractional reserve banking(legalized counterfeiting), charging interest is usury.

The bank is "lending" you nothing but some conjured up paper, and your paying them back with your hard labor.

Excessive interest is usury right? Well, if they lent you nothing, anything in excess of that, is excessive.

Hatha Sunahara
11th March 2013, 10:08 PM
If I work my ass off and save my money, perhaps I could use it to build an apartment building. I could then rent out apartments for the market rate, and make a profit. Is that usury? No. I worked for my money. I saved it. I invested it. I am entitled to the return on my investment. If I lend money to someone else who wants to build a business on an urban lot and doesn't have the money, and I charge him interest, I am engaging in usury. If I offer to be his business partner, and put up the money in exchange for a portion of the future profits of the business, that is not usury. I am offering to risk my money in exchange for a return. I am offering to become a co-owner of the business. This is the difference between equity and debt. Someone who lends you money is guaranteed repayment and a return without risking anything.

Perhaps you can get an insight into this unnaturalness of lending money at interest by reading the following excerpt from 'The Sumerian Swindle' (pages 15-18) by 'God' aka Banjo Billy:

The Sumerian Swindle started like this: If you are on good terms with your next-door neighbor,
and you run short of some flour or eggs in the middle of cooking supper, a neighborly thing to do is to run next door or send your children next door to borrow what you need until you can go to the market and restock supplies. After shopping, you will repay your neighbor for the borrowed food. Such borrowing among neighbors has been going on ever since people began living together in groups – that is, for the past ten or twenty million years. Borrowing and repaying, is a way to build friendships and to sustain society. Borrowing and repaying, is a vital mechanism in every human society. But it became corrupted among the Ubaidians of Mesopotamia.

As the people whom we call the Ubaidians first practiced irrigated cultivation of crops, something
about this natural human relationship changed. Perhaps one neighbor got tired of constantly lending out grain to another neighbor who was slow to repay. So, it happened that at a certain time, the lending neighbor agreed to lend out a measure of grain only if the borrower agreed to repay a measure and a handful; or perhaps a basket of grain was lent out in return for a basket-and-a-half in repayment; or perhaps, sensing the reluctance of a neighbor to loan, the borrower, himself, out of charitable good will and personal need, offered to repay two baskets of grain for one loaned.

Whatever the actual origin of the mechanism, the Ubaidians evolved a system that we today call,
“interest on a loan”. This occurred sometime between 9,000 and 6,000 BC when they first began building their permanent mud brick towns and villages. Central grain storehouses were a part of every town. And in every town and village, individual grain storeage space was a part of every house. So, when the larder was empty, borrowing from a neighbor kept starvation from the door and promoted friendly relations among neighbors in a harmonious society of give and take.

But something else occurred in the actual understanding of this development in the minds of
both the borrower and the lender. A borrower who repays the loan has nothing left in his hands to contemplate. But the lender who gains back the loan plus interest has more than he started with to contemplate. The poor man is even poorer than he was and the rich man is richer than he was. The actual physical ownership of the grain plus interest enabled the lender to accumulate an ever-increasing store of goods. In addition to what he started with, both the returned loan as well as the interest could be loaned out at interest. And that interest when repaid could again be loaned out in a spiraling increase in total wealth.

This was the beginning of the Sumerian Swindle. Two baskets of grain on loan at 50% interest
brought back three baskets. These three could again be loaned at 50% interest to bring back four-and-ahalf.

These four-and-a-half could again be loaned to bring back six and three-quarters. In a short time,
those original two baskets produced an additional four and three-quarters baskets of grain for free. And 16 so on, and so on, as an increasing spiral of profits accumulated for free and for doing no work other than making loans. As the size and number of loans increased, the total wealth of the grain lender began to increase far beyond the wealth of his neighbors.

Then, a magical and mysterious thing happened. Once a certain profit point had been reached
where the lender was loaning out not his original grain but the grain that he had previously received as interest, then everything that he profited from that point onward was wealth given to him for free. The grain that he received as interest-on-the-loan had cost him nothing. And when he loaned out that same grain at interest, both it and its returning interest were free grain that had also cost him nothing. This free grain continued to multiply over time as it was loaned out again and again. Huge mountains of grain filling his storerooms to the rafters began to accumulate, grain that had cost him absolutely nothing more than charging interest-on-a-loan.
In those days, a man’s wealth was measured by how much land and grain he had and by how
many goats and sheep that he owned. Very soon, those Ubaidian grain and silver lenders were enjoying vast fortunes. Thanks to the arithmetic deception of lending-at-interest, they were loaning out at interest what they had gotten for free. Eventually, using that free grain in barter for other goods, everything that they owned actually had cost them absolutely nothing at all!
The lender found that by loaning out a basket of grain, he got back two baskets instead. Of course, a light bulb did not go off in his head since it was still the Stone Age, seven thousand years before Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, but certainly the very first loan shark had a major brainstorm! Without working under the hot sun, without lifting a single load upon his head, without walking a single step, two baskets of grain were delivered to his door. And the one who delivered the grain was glad to do it since the loan had helped him through a difficult time. After all, they were all fellow villagers and all on good relations with one another. The hatreds would come much later.

The Sumerian Swindle has twenty-one secret frauds. The Twenty-One Secret Frauds of the
Sumerian Swindle are:
#1 All interest on the loan of money is a swindle.
#2 Collateral that is worth more than the loan, is the banker’s greatest asset.
#3 Loans rely on the honesty of the borrower but not the honesty of the lender.
#4 Loans of silver repaid with goods and not with silver, forfeit the collateral.
#5 The debtor is the slave of the lender.
#6 High morals impede profits, so debauching the Virtuous pulls them below the depravity of the
moneylender who there-by masters them and bends them to his will.
#7 Monopoly gives wealth and power but monopoly of money gives the greatest wealth and power.
#8 Large crime families are more successful than lone criminals or gangs; international crime families are
the most successful of all.
#9 Only the most ruthless and greedy moneylenders survive; only the most corrupt bankers triumph.
#10 Time benefits the banker and betrays the borrower.
#11 Dispossessing the People brings wealth to the dispossessor, yielding the greatest profit for the bankers
when the people are impoverished.
#12 All private individuals who control the public’s money supply are swindling traitors to both people
and country.
#13 All banking is a criminal enterprise; all bankers are international criminals, so secrecy is essential.
#14 Anyone who is allowed to lend-at-interest eventually owns the entire world.
#15 Loans to friends are power; loans to enemies are weapons.
#16 Labor is the source of wealth; control the source and you control the wealth, raise up labor and you
can pull down kings.
#17 Kings are required to legitimatize a swindle but once the fraud is legalized, those very kings must be
#18 When the source of goods is distant from the customers, profits are increased both by import and
#19 Prestige is a glittering robe for ennobling treason and blinding fools; the more it is used, the more it
profits he who dresses in it.
#20 Champion the Minority in order to dispossess the Majority of their wealth and power, then swindle
the Minority out of that wealth and power.
#21 Control the choke points and master the body; strangle the choke points and kill the body.

Grain could be bartered for goats, and goats for woven cloth and boats; and boats and goats and
grain could be exchanged for houses and irrigated land, etc. By loaning grain out at interest and using the interest-income to barter for other goods, a clever trader could leverage his way to more wealth than any of his neighbors even though all of them had started off at the same level in society. Like the modern bankers who pile up their swindled wealth into skyscrapers, yachts and Lear Jets, investments in war and cornering the commodities market, the Ubaidian moneylenders began to pile up wealth in grain, silver and land. By getting something for nothing simply by charging interest-on-a-loan, they had discovered Secret Fraud #1 of the Sumerian Swindle: “All interest on the loan of money is a swindle.”

It might seem odd, but the fact is that all of the excessive wealth of modern day bankers,
financiers, loan sharks, Jews, and related swindlers, is based upon nothing more than two baskets of barley creating three. Secret Fraud #1 of the Sumerian Swindle was based upon what people all over the world had been doing for millions of years. If one member of a village or tribe was short of supplies, other members would give or loan him what he needed. And when he was able, he would return the borrowed goods or else return goods of equal value. But to insist that he return more than he had borrowed was the swindle. In all farming communities where drought, insects, fire, rain, flooding and a myriad of woes plague farmers, there are always farmers who need a loan to get through the bad spell. Lending and paying back, borrowing and returning, have always been a part of normal human society.

At first, this normal and natural system was used in Mesopotamia. If a farmer needed a basket of
grain for his family, he would borrow it from a neighbor. And when the harvest came in, he would repay what he had borrowed. This was a natural and a balanced exchange system; no one profited and no one lost. Yet, the entire community benefited. Goods were distributed in an equitable way which was good and natural and fair to everybody.

However, once a lender asked for more in return than what he had lent, an unnatural imbalance
was introduced into society. No longer were men equal and dependant upon their work for their material rewards in Life. Interest-on-a-loan created the inequality of those who became rich without actually working for their wealth and those who became poor in spite of incessant labor. In other words, charging interest-on-a-loan automatically created a diseased situation in society where the rich sucked the life out of the poor. It created two social classes of financial vampires living off of the blood and sweat of the permanently impoverished.

A good deal of the remainder of the book explains the 21 Frauds involved in usurious lending. Usurers take no risks. And they do no work to earn money.

You can download this book here:



12th March 2013, 07:49 AM
In a system of fractional reserve banking(legalized counterfeiting), charging interest is usury.

The bank is "lending" you nothing but some conjured up paper, and your paying them back with your hard labor.

Excessive interest is usury right? Well, if they lent you nothing, anything in excess of that, is excessive.

I think you and I are on the same page. This, is fraud, and lending out money you don't have or are legally allowed to make from nothing is cheating, and usury. I don't think loaning real money that you really earned and getting a return out of that is usury at all. Let's look at it another way, if you loaned your friend 10 young chickens for five years on the basis that he will breed them and give you 12 chickens in return, is that usury? You're giving up the ability to use those chickens to produce wealth for you (eggs, meat, etc) for a period of time. Why is it wrong to be paid for this?

12th March 2013, 07:51 AM
If I work my ass off and save my money, perhaps I could use it to build an apartment building. I could then rent out apartments for the market rate, and make a profit. Is that usury? No. I worked for my money. I saved it. I invested it. I am entitled to the return on my investment. If I lend money to someone else who wants to build a business on an urban lot and doesn't have the money, and I charge him interest, I am engaging in usury.

So investing your money to earn a return on your investment is not usury, but loaning the money to someone to build a business and being paid back your principal plus a return is usury? I don't see how they're any different from one another.

12th March 2013, 08:02 AM
Anything that is loaned out with interest from the Federal Reserve is usury
Anything loaned out with interest from a bank above actual deposits is usury
Anything loaned out with interest from a Jew is usury

Loaning money that you have earned with interest is business

12th March 2013, 08:20 AM
Thomas Edison:

Why should the Government pay interest to a private banking system for the use of its own money, that it could issue itself without interest? This is exactly what the Social Crediters of the “Michael” Journal demand, when they urge the Federal Government to take back its power to issue the money for our country.

Two famous Americans, industrialist Henry Ford (pioneer of the U.S. car industry) and inventor Thomas A. Edison (who, despite having attended school for only three months, managed to patent more than 1,000 inventions), also agreed with that proposal. What helped Ford and Edison, two great friends, to reach this conclusion is that they reasoned like engineers, who consider only facts and the physical laws of nature, contrary to most economists, who deal with arbitrary notions that many times do not fit with facts.

Ford and Edison were inspecting in 1928 the Muscle Shoals water power plant, built on the Tennessee River. They were interviewed by The New York Times”, which reported these interviews in its issues of December 4 and 6, 1921. These interviews are reproduced in abbreviated form below, and the lessons they teach are just as valid today. (The information is taken from the May-June, 1998 issue of “The Social Crediter”, 16 Forth Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3LH, Scotland.)

Without the control of the Bankers, there would be no wars

“From the operation of this plant,” Ford said, “many great things are possible, greater power production than this country has yet known... The one big thing which I see in Muscle Shoals is an opportunity to eliminate war from the world.”
Mr. Ford was asked how this was possible.

“Just this way,” he replied. “It is very simple when you analyze it. The cause of all wars is gold. We shall demonstrate to the world through Muscle Shoals, first the practicability, second the desirability of displacing gold as the basis of currency and substituting in its place the world's imperishable natural wealth...

“The essential evil of gold, in its relation to war, is the fact that it can be controlled. Break the control and you stop war. The only way to break the control of these international bankers, the way to end their exploitation of humanity forever, is to smash gold as a basis for the currency of the world...”

“But what have you to substitute?” he was asked.

“That’s just where Muscle Shoals comes in,” said Mr. Ford: “see what a spectacle we have. Army engineers say it will take $40,000,000 to complete the big dam. But Congress is economical just now and not in a mood to raise the money by taxation. The customary alternative is thirty-year bonds at 4 per cent. The United States, the greatest Government in the world, wishing $40,000,000 to complete a great public benefit is forced to go to the money sellers to buy its own money. At the end of thirty years the Government not only gas to pay back the $40,000,000 but it has to pay 120 per cent interest, literally has to pay $88,000,000 for the use of $40,000,000 for thirty years... Think of it. Could anything be more childish, more unbusinesslike!

Government debt-free money

“Now, I see a way by which our Government can get this great work completed without paying a nickel to the money sellers. It is as sound as granite, and there is but one thing hard about it. It is so simple and easy that, maybe, home folks can’t see it.

“The Government needs $40,000,000. That is 2,000,000 twenty-dollar bills. Let the Government issue those bills and with them pay every expense connected with the completion of the dam. The dam completed we can set the whole works running, and in a shorter time than you would suppose, the entire $40,000,000 issued can be retired out of the earnings of the plant.”

“But suppose the contractor would be unwilling to accept that kind of currency in payment?” he was asked.

“There is not that kind of suppose in the situation at all,” said Mr. Ford, smiling. “He would take Government

“If the currency is issued by the nation, $30 million for financing Muscle Shoals, it will be the proper thing to do. Once the currency method is tried in raising money for public improvements, the country will never go back to the bond method...

“Now here is (Henry) Ford proposing to finance Muscle Shoals by an issue of currency (instead of bonds). Very well, let us suppose for a moment that Congress follows his proposal. Personally, I don't think that Congress has imagination enough to do it, but let us suppose that it does. The required sum is authorized — say $30 million. The bills (money) are issued directly by the Government, as all money ought to be.

“When the workmen are paid off, they receive these United States bills. Except that perhaps the bills may have the engraving of a water dam instead of a railroad train and a ship, as some of the Federal Reserve notes have, they will be the same as any other currency put out by the Government; that is, they will be money.

“They will be based on the public wealth already in Muscle Shoals; they will be retired by the earnings and power of the dam. That is, the people of the United States will have all that they put into Muscle Shoals and all that they can take out for centuries... the endless wealth-making power of the Tennessee River... with no tax and no increase in the national debt.”

— “But suppose Congress doesn't see it, what then?” Edison was asked.

“Then Congress must fall back on the old way of doing business. It must authorize an issue of bonds. That is, it must go out to the money brokers and borrow enough of our own national currency to complete great national resources, and we must pay interest to the money brokers for the use of our own money.

“That is to say, under the old way, any time we wish to add to the national wealth, we are compelled to add to the national debt.

“Now, that is what Henry Ford wants to prevent. He thinks it is stupid, and so do I, that for the loan of $30 million of their own money, the people of the United States should be compelled to pay $66 million — that is what it amounts to with interest. People who will not turn a shovel full of dirt nor contribute to a pound of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the people who supply the material and do the work.

“That is the terrible thing about interest. In all our great bond issues, the interest is always greater than the principal. All of our great public works cost more than twice the actual cost on that account. But here is the point.

“If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20 percent, whereas the currency pays nobody but those who contribute directly to Muscle Shoals in some useful way...

“It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30 million in bonds and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurers and the other helps the people. If the currency issued by the Government was no good, then the bonds would be no good either. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to increase the national wealth, must go into debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious value of gold.”

Thomas Edison

12th March 2013, 08:23 AM
Recently I recall hearing Judge Napolitano state that the bonds from WW1 are still in the "National Debt" still paying out interest.

Hatha Sunahara
12th March 2013, 08:39 AM
So investing your money to earn a return on your investment is not usury, but loaning the money to someone to build a business and being paid back your principal plus a return is usury? I don't see how they're any different from one another.

In your first sentence, you are doing something which involves risk, and could require some actual work on your part to reduce that risk. If you just 'lend' the money to the guy that owns the business, you will require collateral against the loan, and you will not have to do any work to reduce any risk or produce anything--the borrower, through his obligation to repay becomes your slave.

In finance, equity owners (stockholders) generally get a larger return than debt holders in exchange for the risk they take. Lenders take no risk. If the business fails, they are first in line to get the assets. That's how our laws work. Debtors are slave to the lenders. Read the long quote in my post above--there is a list of 21 'frauds' connected with lending money at interest.


12th March 2013, 09:59 AM
This is a very good thread. A major fog is lifting.

This is exactly why Jesus was so angered by the money changers in the Temple. They, the Pharisees(legislators) were turning society into a two tiered master/slave class system.

12th March 2013, 10:59 AM
This is a very good thread. A major fog is lifting.

This is exactly why Jesus was so angered by the money changers in the Temple. They, the Pharisees(legislators) were turning society into a two tiered master/slave class system.

14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.

19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Then, I encourage you to read chapter 7 of this book, Dr. Gary North clearly explains what's going on here regarding the difference between usury and interest: http://www.garynorth.com/HonestMoney.pdf

12th March 2013, 11:10 AM
I think that in a free market, loaning money at interest would not be very prevalent. You would see people investing in someone's farm or business, like Hatha said, like buying stock in a company. If the business doesn't profit, you're out of luck and you'd be a fool to expect interest. There would certainly not be people giving out loans to poor people for things that LOSE value, like cars and houses. Or someone earning interest on printing paper.

That's where government comes in. Once laws are put in place to favor the lenders, the force of government is then used to help collect interest. The bankers keep getting richer, gaining more power until they've gotten fractional-reserve banking legalized. After a nation becomes large enough, those greedy cock suckers start issuing fiat currency, at interest of course, and manipulate the money supply to their advantage. This can't be sustained, but they will sqeeze every last cent out of the people by way of taxation, inflation, and bailouts until the collapse comes.

Reading the article about the Sumerians makes me wonder just how far back this swindle goes. And what came first -- centralized govt authority, or a group of conniving usurers.

12th March 2013, 12:44 PM
Thomas Edison:

Why should the Government pay interest to a private banking system for the use of its own money, that it could issue itself without interest? This is exactly what the Social Crediters of the “Michael” Journal demand, when they urge the Federal Government to take back its power to issue the money for our country.

Two famous Americans, industrialist Henry Ford (pioneer of the U.S. car industry) and inventor Thomas A. Edison (who, despite having attended school for only three months, managed to patent more than 1,000 inventions), also agreed with that proposal. What helped Ford and Edison, two great friends, to reach this conclusion is that they reasoned like engineers, who consider only facts and the physical laws of nature, contrary to most economists, who deal with arbitrary notions that many times do not fit with facts.

Ford and Edison were inspecting in 1928 the Muscle Shoals water power plant, built on the Tennessee River. They were interviewed by The New York Times”, which reported these interviews in its issues of December 4 and 6, 1921. These interviews are reproduced in abbreviated form below, and the lessons they teach are just as valid today. (The information is taken from the May-June, 1998 issue of “The Social Crediter”, 16 Forth Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3LH, Scotland.)

Without the control of the Bankers, there would be no wars

“From the operation of this plant,” Ford said, “many great things are possible, greater power production than this country has yet known... The one big thing which I see in Muscle Shoals is an opportunity to eliminate war from the world.”
Mr. Ford was asked how this was possible.

“Just this way,” he replied. “It is very simple when you analyze it. The cause of all wars is gold. We shall demonstrate to the world through Muscle Shoals, first the practicability, second the desirability of displacing gold as the basis of currency and substituting in its place the world's imperishable natural wealth...

“The essential evil of gold, in its relation to war, is the fact that it can be controlled. Break the control and you stop war. The only way to break the control of these international bankers, the way to end their exploitation of humanity forever, is to smash gold as a basis for the currency of the world...”

“But what have you to substitute?” he was asked.

“That’s just where Muscle Shoals comes in,” said Mr. Ford: “see what a spectacle we have. Army engineers say it will take $40,000,000 to complete the big dam. But Congress is economical just now and not in a mood to raise the money by taxation. The customary alternative is thirty-year bonds at 4 per cent. The United States, the greatest Government in the world, wishing $40,000,000 to complete a great public benefit is forced to go to the money sellers to buy its own money. At the end of thirty years the Government not only gas to pay back the $40,000,000 but it has to pay 120 per cent interest, literally has to pay $88,000,000 for the use of $40,000,000 for thirty years... Think of it. Could anything be more childish, more unbusinesslike!

Government debt-free money

“Now, I see a way by which our Government can get this great work completed without paying a nickel to the money sellers. It is as sound as granite, and there is but one thing hard about it. It is so simple and easy that, maybe, home folks can’t see it.

“The Government needs $40,000,000. That is 2,000,000 twenty-dollar bills. Let the Government issue those bills and with them pay every expense connected with the completion of the dam. The dam completed we can set the whole works running, and in a shorter time than you would suppose, the entire $40,000,000 issued can be retired out of the earnings of the plant.”

“But suppose the contractor would be unwilling to accept that kind of currency in payment?” he was asked.

“There is not that kind of suppose in the situation at all,” said Mr. Ford, smiling. “He would take Government

“If the currency is issued by the nation, $30 million for financing Muscle Shoals, it will be the proper thing to do. Once the currency method is tried in raising money for public improvements, the country will never go back to the bond method...

“Now here is (Henry) Ford proposing to finance Muscle Shoals by an issue of currency (instead of bonds). Very well, let us suppose for a moment that Congress follows his proposal. Personally, I don't think that Congress has imagination enough to do it, but let us suppose that it does. The required sum is authorized — say $30 million. The bills (money) are issued directly by the Government, as all money ought to be.

“When the workmen are paid off, they receive these United States bills. Except that perhaps the bills may have the engraving of a water dam instead of a railroad train and a ship, as some of the Federal Reserve notes have, they will be the same as any other currency put out by the Government; that is, they will be money.

“They will be based on the public wealth already in Muscle Shoals; they will be retired by the earnings and power of the dam. That is, the people of the United States will have all that they put into Muscle Shoals and all that they can take out for centuries... the endless wealth-making power of the Tennessee River... with no tax and no increase in the national debt.”

— “But suppose Congress doesn't see it, what then?” Edison was asked.

“Then Congress must fall back on the old way of doing business. It must authorize an issue of bonds. That is, it must go out to the money brokers and borrow enough of our own national currency to complete great national resources, and we must pay interest to the money brokers for the use of our own money.

“That is to say, under the old way, any time we wish to add to the national wealth, we are compelled to add to the national debt.

“Now, that is what Henry Ford wants to prevent. He thinks it is stupid, and so do I, that for the loan of $30 million of their own money, the people of the United States should be compelled to pay $66 million — that is what it amounts to with interest. People who will not turn a shovel full of dirt nor contribute to a pound of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the people who supply the material and do the work.

“That is the terrible thing about interest. In all our great bond issues, the interest is always greater than the principal. All of our great public works cost more than twice the actual cost on that account. But here is the point.

“If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20 percent, whereas the currency pays nobody but those who contribute directly to Muscle Shoals in some useful way...

“It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30 million in bonds and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurers and the other helps the people. If the currency issued by the Government was no good, then the bonds would be no good either. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to increase the national wealth, must go into debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious value of gold.”

Thomas Edison

This is EXACTLY what Hitler did through his financial architect Hjalmar Schacht, and he took Germany from financial ruin to the richest country of the world in just a few years, and this is the very reason why the money lenders in unison through its selected world leaders declared war on Germany. You just can't bypass the moneylenders. Germany tried and see what happened to them, this the real lesson of WWII...

12th March 2013, 03:48 PM
Lots of good food for thought in this thread.

Just for conversation, what does everyone think about buying low and selling high? If I purchase a lawn mower for $5 and sell it for $40 and do nothing but risk my $5 and put a pint of gas in it, is this usury?

What about windfall profits? If I'm an apple picker and get paid by the bushel for picking apples and a windstorm comes and knocks down apples from the trees, I won't have to work nearly as hard picking them up off the ground. I'm now ahead of the apple picker a county over that didn't experience the windstorm/windfall profit.

I feel I should be rewarded for constantly searching out deals on things. It tales time and mental energy to find great prices on items versus just sitting on your ass and being envious of me because I don't pay retail like others. Paying retail is the additional price you pay for getting to sit on your ass while I'm out searching.

12th March 2013, 03:57 PM
And what came first -- centralized govt authority, or a group of conniving usurers.
Two sides of the same coin, and they coined the coin!

14th March 2013, 11:25 AM
This first episode is good and gets into usury. The Shylock/ghetto portion of this always stood out to me.


22nd March 2013, 09:48 PM
another Hoffman interview w/Kevin Barrett, touches on usury a bit but not the main focus. 2nd hour only, FF through comm breaks:
MP3: 03/20/2013 (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-032013.mp3) Wednesday - 1st Hour: With Patrick Henningsen.
2nd Hour: With Michael Hoffman.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Patrick Henningsen on US arming Syrian terrorists; Michael Hoffman critiques rabbinical Judaism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2013/03/patrick-henningsen-on-us-arming-syrian.html)
Wed. 3/19/13, 3-5 pm Central, (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=8dfLIXcRhJPIdM&tbnid=vcE4TnrTyTQ3aM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fleaksource.wordpress.com%2F2013%2 F02%2F15%2Fhistoric-court-case-against-the-bbcs-cover-up-of-911-evidence-02252013%2F&ei=XfUoUfzoIrG80QHSkoEY&bvm=bv.42768644,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNEcDkbmJ5L7vWna5gdafXkerA2acw&ust=1361725136610632) American Fre (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)edom R (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/)adio (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/) (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/) (archived here (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Truth_Jihad_Radio_13.html).) Call-in:
http://21stcenturywire.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/russia_today_tv-copy.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=IjKvW4zPKrIqFM&tbnid=eP5fykIKkV31YM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2F21stcenturywire.com%2F2011%2F05%2 F03%2Fpatrick-henningsen-on-rt-bin-laden-is-busiest-corpse-in-show-business%2F&ei=QcBJUYq1H5LW9QTn3oGwBA&bvm=bv.44011176,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNEAdx-6q63l4TCFp2L9VwJZrFmVJQ&ust=1363874236412450)
First hour: Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire (http://21stcenturywire.com/) has reported on illegal US-British weapons airlifts from Croatia to Syrian terrorists (http://21stcenturywire.com/2013/03/10/an-international-war-crime-us-and-british-backed-weapons-airlift-from-croatia-to-syria/); appearance vs. reality in Western perceptions of Iran (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gzcpxOm5psM); does Batman shooting patsy James Holmes have a doppelganger (http://21stcenturywire.com/2013/03/17/does-aurora-shooter-james-holmes-have-a-real/)? and many other stories too hot for the mainstream.

Patrick Henningsen is a native of Omaha, Nebraska and a graduate of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California. He is currently based in London, England and is the managing editor of 21st Century Wire.com which covers exposés on intelligence, foreign policy, the war on terror, technology and Wall Street as well as climate change. He is currently based in Lebanon.

http://rense.com/general84/hoffman2.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=22zODxF9Fm8TcM&tbnid=s7JEB77VkkraKM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Frense.com%2Fgeneral84%2Fmhof.htm&ei=gMBJUciQMJTU9AT_7ICoDg&bvm=bv.44011176,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGM9-RA0RJn_NYOW46UhIFgn5ODig&ust=1363874299987392)Second hour: Michael Hoffman of RevisionistHistory.org (http://revisionisthistory.org/) is an independent scholar and author (http://revisionisthistorystore.blogspot.com/2010/03/michael-hoffmans-online-revisionist.html)who has elicited hysterical shrieks of horror from the Zionist Power Configuration (http://www.countercurrents.org/petras180708.htm) - which, if not exactly an ironclad guarantee of quality, at least means that he is exploring taboo questions well enough that he can't be ignored. His revisionist scholarship has touched on white slavery, the holocausts at Dresden and Hiroshima, the cryptocracy that killed JFK, freemasonry and satanism, and little-known aspects of Judaism. We'll discuss his book Judaism's Strange Gods (http://www.amazon.com/Judaisms-Strange-Gods-Michael-Hoffman/dp/0970378408) among other topics.

Posted by Kevin Barrett (http://www.blogger.com/profile/11522769898898884227) at 6:56 AM No comments: (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2013/03/patrick-henningsen-on-us-arming-syrian.html#comment-form)

Labels: batman shootings (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/batman%20shootings), cryptocracy (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/cryptocracy), doppelganger (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/doppelganger), dresden (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/dresden), freemasonry (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/freemasonry), hiroshima (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/hiroshima), holocaust (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/holocaust), Iran (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/Iran), james holmes (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/james%20holmes), jfk assassination (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/jfk%20assassination), judaism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/judaism), michael hoffman (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/michael%20hoffman), nwo (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/nwo), patrick henningsen (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/patrick%20henningsen), satanism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/satanism), zionism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/zionism)

23rd March 2013, 11:15 AM




24th March 2013, 06:32 PM
haven't listened to this podcast yet, sounds enticing:

Robert Stark Interviews Anthony Migchels 2013.03.20 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/03/robert-stark-interviews-anthony.html)

https://image.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2009/6/21/1245612075001/The-Money-Lenders-001.jpg (https://image.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2009/6/21/1245612075001/The-Money-Lenders-001.jpg)

Robert Stark interviews interest-free currency activist Anthony Migchels. His website is Real Currencies (https://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/).
Topics discussed include:

The essence of capitalism
Satanism as Ayn Rand’s Objectivism plus rituals
How the wealth of monopolies is based on a lie
The Catholic arm of usury and libertarianism
The intellectual framework of the great hoax known as libertarianism
The basic ideas of Keynesian economics
The “End the Fed” movement as false front
Public Banking as not interest free
The Yaka Bank of Sweden; its four principles
Usury as prohibitive of long term investment
The affiliation of anti-usury movements with anti-Semitism

Robert Stark (http://www.counter-currents.com/)
Anthony Migchels (https://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/)

Download (http://cdn.counter-currents.com/radio/TST-Anthony_Migchels-20121122.mp3)

6th April 2013, 12:20 AM
http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/themes/Political/images/PostHeaderIcon.png Catholics Invented Jewish Ghettos, Created Badges For Jews (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/catholics-invented-jewish-ghettos-created-badges-for-jews/)

http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/themes/Political/images/PostDateIcon.png March 27th, 2013 | Author: Joey McGoebbels (http://www.jettandjahn.com/#)

Part Thirteen Of “Nazi Germany: Return Of The Holy Roman Empire” Series



Saint Thomas Aquinas has been given the Latin name “Doctor Angelicus” (the Angelic Doctor) and is widely considered the greatest philosopher and theologian of the Catholic Church.

In 1271, Countess Margaret of Flanders wrote him a letter and requested political advice. She wanted to know the Catholic view of the Jewish people.

In response, Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote:


“Jews by reason of their fault are sentenced to perpetual servitude” for killing Jesus.

He also noticed that Jews “seem to have nothing except what they acquired through the depravity of usury.”

Therefore, he believed that “Jews may not keep those things which they have extorted from others through usury”. He added “the Jew should be punished with a greater fine than anyone else in a similar case.”

Later in the letter, he wrote “Jews of each sex in all Christian provinces, and all the time, should be distinguished from other people by some clothing.”

(In other words, Saint Thomas Aquinas supported forcing Jews to wear badges… Sound familiar?)

The entire source is posted on the Catholic website, Thomistica.net.

http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/popeinnocentiii.jpg (http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/popeinnocentiii.jpg)

The badges for Jews were introduced by the Catholic Church during the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215.

Pope Innocent III declared that “Jews and Muslims of both sexes in every Christian province and at all times shall be marked off in the eyes of the public from other peoples through the character of their dress.”

The Catholic Church forced the Jews to wear these badges to distinguish themselves from Christians.

Later, the Jewish Ghettos were invented by the Catholic Church in 1555.

Pope Paul IV wrote “Cum Nimis Absurdum”, which created the Roman Ghetto. The area was surrounded by four walls with three gates that were locked at night. These walls and gates were built by Italian architect Giovanni Sallustio Peruzzi. Pope Paul IV forced the Jews to fund the construction.

The location Pope Paul IV chose for the Roman ghetto was very dirty and often flooded by the Tiber River. Jews had to request permission to live there and had to pay a yearly tax to stay.

Each year, these Jews were required to swear loyalty to the Pope at the Arch of Titus in Rome (the Arch of Titus is an ancient Roman victory arch, which celebrated the Sack of Jerusalem, which destroyed the Jewish temple in 70 AD).

Their Rabbi was also forced to travel to Rome’s Capitoline Hill and meet with the political rulers of the city. In this “ceremony”, the Rabbi was kicked on his bottom. In exchange, the Jewish community was allowed to stay in Rome for one more year.

The Roman Ghetto existed for more than 500 years and protected Catholics from the Jews.

In 1798, Napoleon invaded Rome and took over the Papal States. He allowed Jews to leave the ghetto and live anywhere in the city.

The next year though, the Papal States were restored and the Catholic Church forced the Jews to return to the ghetto.

The Papal States officially dissolved when they were absorbed by the Kingdom of Italy in 1870. However, Jews were still forced to live in the ghetto until 1882.

http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/jewishghetto-300x194.jpg (http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/jewishghetto.jpg)

Therefore, the Roman Ghetto was the last remaining ghetto in Europe until they were brought back in the 1930s.

On April 26th 1933, Hitler had a well documented meeting with the Bishop of Osnabrück Wilhelm Berning. During this meeting, Hitler explained:

“As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic Church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos.”

Then, Hitler added:

“I don’t put race above religion, but I do see the dangers in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service.”

Bishop Berning’s response to Hitler’s statement was not recorded, meaning he likely agreed with it.

On July 20th, the Vatican approved the Reichkonkordat, a treaty with Hitler.



This Article Was Part Thirteen Of “Nazi Germany: Return Of The Holy Roman Empire” Series:
Introduction: J&J Presents “Nazi Germany: Return of the Holy Roman Empire” (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/jj-presents-nazi-germany-return-of-the-holy-roman-empire/)
The Spear of Destiny: Saint Longinus & The Holy Lance (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/the-spear-of-destiny-saint-longinus-the-holy-lance/)
Hitler & The Crown Jewels of the Holy Roman Empire (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/hitler-the-crown-jewels-of-the-holy-roman-empire/)
Aryan Jesus: The Catholic Church & Positive Christianity (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/aryan-jesus-the-catholic-church-positive-christianity/)
Holy Roman Emperors: German Kings Protecting Catholic Europe (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/holy-roman-emperors-german-kings-protecting-catholic-europe/)
Saint Charles Martel – Savior of Europe (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/05/saint-charles-martel-savior-of-europe/)
Saint Charlemange – Father of Europe (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/05/saint-charlemagne-father-of-europe/)
Saint Otto I – Protector of the Church (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/05/saint-otto-i-protector-of-the-church/)
Saint Henry IV & The Walk to Canossa (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/05/saint-henry-iv-the-walk-of-canossa/)
Saint Frederick Barbarossa (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/05/saint-frederick-barbarossa/)
Saint Adolf Hitler (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/04/saint-adolf-hitler/)
Nazi Fiscal Policy (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/nazi-fiscal-policy-influenced-by-catholic-economic-theory/)Influenced By Catholic Economic Theory (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/nazi-fiscal-policy-influenced-by-catholic-economic-theory/)
Cum Nimis Absurdum (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/cum-nimis-absurdum-nuremberg-laws-were-catholic-papal-laws/): Nuremberg Laws Were Catholic Papal Laws (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/cum-nimis-absurdum-nuremberg-laws-were-catholic-papal-laws/)
Catholics Invented Jewish Ghettos, Created Badges For Jews (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/catholics-invented-jewish-ghettos-created-badges-for-jews/)
Reichskulturkammer: Nazis Germany’s Catholic Inquisition
Schutzstaffel: (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/schutzstaffel-ss-officers-inspired-b-teutonic-knights/)SS Officers Were Inspired By Teutonic Knights (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/schutzstaffel-ss-officers-inspired-b-teutonic-knights/)
Conclusion: Modern Legacy of Third Reich & Holy Roman Empire
Print this entry (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/catholics-invented-jewish-ghettos-created-badges-for-jews/print/)
Related Posts:

Saint Adolf Hitler (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/04/saint-adolf-hitler/)
Saint Thomas Aquinas & The Letter On Treatment of Jews (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/06/saint-thomas-aquinas-the-letter-on-treatment-of-jews/)
Pope Innocent III & Etsi non Displaceat (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2012/07/pope-innocent-iii-etsi-non-displaceat/)
Cum Nimis Absurdum: Nuremberg Laws Were Catholic Papal Laws (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/cum-nimis-absurdum-nuremberg-laws-were-catholic-papal-laws/)
Reichskulturkammer: Nazi Germany’s Catholic Inquisition (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/04/reichskulturkammer-nazis-germanys-catholic-inquisition/)

http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/themes/Political/images/PostCategoryIcon.png Posted in Catholics (http://www.jettandjahn.com/category/articles/catholics/) | http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/themes/Political/images/PostTagIcon.png Tags: arch of titus (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/arch-of-titus/), Bishop of Osnabrück (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/bishop-of-osnabruck/), Bishop Wilhelm Berning (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/bishop-wilhelm-berning/), Capitoline Hill (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/capitoline-hill/), catholic church (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/catholic-church/), catholics (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/catholics-2/), Countess Margaret of Flanders (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/countess-margaret-of-flanders/), Cum Nimis Absurdum (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/cum-nimis-absurdum/), doctor angelicus (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/doctor-angelicus/), Fourth Lateran Council (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/fourth-lateran-council/), Giovanni Sallustio Peruzzi (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/giovanni-sallustio-peruzzi/), hitler (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/hitler/), jewish badges (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/jewish-badges/), Kingdom of Italy (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/kingdom-of-italy/), Napoleon (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/napoleon/), papal states (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/papal-states/), perpetual servitude (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/perpetual-servitude/), Pope Innocent III (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/pope-innocent-iii/), Pope Paul IV (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/pope-paul-iv/), Reichkonkordat (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/reichkonkordat/), Roman ghetto (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/roman-ghetto/), sack of jerusalem (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/sack-of-jerusalem/), Saint Thomas Aquinas (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/saint-thomas-aquinas/), the angelic doctor (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/the-angelic-doctor/), usury (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/usury/), Vatican (http://www.jettandjahn.com/tag/vatican/) | http://jettandjahn.com/wp-content/themes/Political/images/PostCommentsIcon.png No Comments » (http://www.jettandjahn.com/2013/03/catholics-invented-jewish-ghettos-created-badges-for-jews/#respond)

6th April 2013, 08:52 AM
Guess who invented the ideology of Capitalism?

And why is there little to no mention of Fractional Reserved Banking?

Or, the ghost of money, credit?

Hatha Sunahara
6th April 2013, 08:59 AM
Guess who invented the ideology of Capitalism?

And why is there little to no mention of Fractional Reserved Banking?

Or, the ghost of money, credit?

Obviously it was the Joos. They also invented Communism, which is another kind of collective forced slavery. At least in Capitalism we have some degree of voluntarism in our slavery.


6th April 2013, 09:17 AM
I don't think you can rightly say it was the "Joos" that invented capitalism, but it was a Jew named Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises that did.

There was a time, not that long ago, when free/private enterprise was the driving force of economic activity within the U.S. and Capitalism was limited to nation spanning production, Wall Street and bankster activities...

7th July 2013, 06:52 AM
AFP’s Most Viewed Article: Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks (http://americanfreepress.net/?p=11447)

July 03, 2013 AFP

By Pete Papaherakles

Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI (http://www.cbi.ir/default_en.aspx)) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers? As tensions are building up for an unthinkable war with Iran, it is worth exploring Iran’s banking system compared to its United States, British and Israeli counterparts.

Some researchers are pointing out that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone. In Libya, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi while the country was still at war.

Islam forbids the charging of interest, a major problem for the Rothschild banking system. Until a few hundred years ago, charging interest was also forbidden in the Christian world and was even punishable by death. It was considered exploitation and enslavement.

Since the Rothschilds took over the Bank of England around 1815, they have been expanding their banking control over all the countries of the world. Their method has been to get a country’s corrupt politicians to accept massive loans, which they can never repay, and thus go into debt to the Rothschild banking powers. If a leader refuses to accept the loan, he is oftentimes either ousted or assassinated. And if that fails, invasions can follow, and a Rothschild usury-based bank is established.

The Rothschilds exert powerful influence over the world’s major news agencies. By repetition, the masses are duped into believing horror stories about evil villains. The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. Also they own most of the gold in the world as well as the London Gold Exchange, which sets the price of gold every day. It is said the family owns over half the wealth of the planet—estimated by Credit Suisse to be $231 trillion—and is controlled by Evelyn Rothschild, the current head of the family.

Objective researchers contend that Iran is not being demonized because they are a nuclear threat, just as the Taliban, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammar Qadaffi were not a threat.

What then is the real reason? Is it the trillions to be made in oil profits, or the trillions in war profits? Is it to bankrupt the U.S. economy, or is it to start World War III? Is it to destroy Israel’s enemies, or to destroy the Iranian central bank so that no one is left to defy Rothschild’s money racket?

It might be any one of those reasons or, worse—it might be all of them.


Pete Papaherakles is a writer and political cartoonist for AFP and is also AFP’s outreach director. Pete is interested in getting AFP writers and editors on the podium at patriotic events. Call him at 202-544-5977 if you know of an event you think AFP should attend.

Hatha Sunahara
7th July 2013, 08:46 AM
Obviously it was the Joos. They also invented Communism, which is another kind of collective forced slavery. At least in Capitalism we have some degree of voluntarism in our slavery.


I'll have to recant this assertion because I have learned something in the interim. It wasn't the joos who invented the ideology of capitalism. It was a small group of the ancient Sumerians, who discovered how charging interest on a loan could funnel all the wealth of the economy into their pockets. I got this from a book called The Sumerian Swindle.

The joos didn't invent capitalism. They also are like the ancient Sumerians. Only a small group of joos has learned how to apply usury so that it will funnel all the wealth of the entire world into their pockets. Most of the rest of the joos support this small group of jooish usurers, hoping to get some crumbs off the table, so that is why it's 'the joos' who get the entire rap for this evil ambition.


7th July 2013, 11:22 AM
You title this thread WRONG

It should be called

Usury in CATHOLICISM - Michael Hoffman
Catholicism is NOT Christianity. You may know a lot about some things but when it comes to the blaring difference between Christianity and Catholicism, you're a blank!

This also goes to show how YOU, yourself have BOUGHT into the main stream propanganda spewed out and swallowed this decpetive tripe that they are the same...not by any stretch of the imagination. They are not even SPELLED the same, that SHOULD have been your FIRST CLUE!

7th July 2013, 11:48 AM
usury is utterly evil because it makes competition and collusion go out of whack as the interests reduce the amount of cash that is in circulation

The issue is not usury so much as using honest measures (gold and silver).

7th July 2013, 11:54 AM
glad you post this Hatha... the Jewish evil is over rated somehow. We owe just more than usury legacy to the sumerians, but I will leave it at this for time being

I'll have to recant this assertion because I have learned something in the interim. It wasn't the joos who invented the ideology of capitalism. It was a small group of the ancient Sumerians, who discovered how charging interest on a loan could funnel all the wealth of the economy into their pock ets. I got this from a book called The Sumerian Swindle.

The joos didn't invent capitalism. They also are like the ancient Sumerians. Only a small group of joos has learned how to apply usury so that it will funnel all the wealth of the entire world into their pockets. Most of the rest of the joos support this small group of jooish usurers, hoping to get some crumbs off the table, so that is why it's 'the joos' who get the entire rap for this evil ambition.


7th July 2013, 12:00 PM
new link for this video

This first episode is good and gets into usury. The Shylock/ghetto portion of this always stood out to me.


29th August 2013, 12:19 PM
AFP Radio Network 8/26/2013 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/08/afp-radio-network-8262013.html)

http://www.destroyzionism.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/usury.jpg (http://www.destroyzionism.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/usury.jpg)

Mark Anderson welcomes noted independent scholar and revisionist historian Michael Hoffman on the weekly show "Beyond Exposure," to discuss usury, including its sordid history and the way it brings ruin to peoples and nations. This is contrasted with how well non-usurious societies functioned without the scourge of money that bears interest upon its creation. Some monetary reform measures are noted to complete the discussion, including bold moves in Iceland and Hungary to try and send the "banksters" packing and reinvigorate their economies with peace and prosperity. Show-page (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/americanfreepress/2013/08/26/beyond-exposure)

32k CF Download (http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/5/327/show_5327981.mp3)

AMERICAN FREE PRESS (http://americanfreepress.net/)

Posted by WHOOLI (http://www.blogger.com/profile/12745432266860223770) at 5:27 AM 1 comment: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=5301019851920574728)

30th November 2014, 08:15 AM
Anthony Migchels on Red Ice again; 1st free hour only, will return & post hour 2 if Mami's posts... I heard hour 1, all usury/etc, VG; but as description below suggests, hour 2 sounds hot, anti-multicult discussion.

Anthony Migchels - Hour 1 - Usury: The Problem with the Economic System & Alternative Currencies (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/11/RIR-141128.php)
November 28, 2014

Anthony Migchels is an Interest-Free Currency activist and founder of the Gelre, the first Regional Currency in the Netherlands. He joins us to talk about the very central problems of economics today, usury or interest, alternative currencies and more.

We begin by discussing the problems with our global usury economy, which results in the rich owning the majority of the wealth – a scheme that will inevitably lead to an economic collapse. Anthony explains how the money powers that be have plans spanning centuries and this predatory system, disguised as a free market strategy, is backed by the extremes of Libertarianism and Marxism, philosophies that contradict the very nature of mankind.

We’ll also take a look at how the workforce produces the majority of the wealth for the rich, yet their wages, food and basic commodities are taxed, resulting in total slavery to the state. Then, Anthony talks about the monetary reform movement, which is concerned with the creation of money out of nothing, as opposed to the problem of usury.

In the second hour, we discuss the shift of power and the crunch to destroy the west that occurred when the U.S. exported its entire manufacturing base to China. We’ll also talk about capitalism, mass immigration, feminism and the destruction of the nuclear family, and the degradation of the brotherhood of men. Then, we’ll consider the implications of revisionist history concerning WWII and the Jewish banking system’s involvement. Anthony then discusses the Euro-crisis and the inevitable crash of the global economy. We’ll wrap up with some reflections on possibilities of a mass awakening and the improvement of living standards.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2014/RIR-141128-anthonymigchels-hr1.mp3)

30th November 2014, 11:43 AM
I have known for a couple of years now that the Sumerians are/were the real masters which many mesopotemian cultures have borrowed from. Ancient egytians first then the Hyksos (which also ruled egypt at some point), later known as hebrews.

found something about it...

The Sumerian Swindle started like this: If you are on good terms with your next-door neighbor, and you run short of some flour or eggs in the middle of cooking supper, a neighborly thing to do is to run next door or send your children next door to borrow what you need until you can go to the market and restock supplies. After shopping, you will repay your neighbor for the borrowed food. Such borrowing among neighbors has been going on ever since people began living together in groups – that is, for the past ten or twenty million years. Borrowing and repaying, is a way to build friendships and to sustain society. Borrowing and repaying, is a vital mechanism in every human society. But it became corrupted among the Ubaidians of Mesopotamia.

As the people whom we call the Ubaidians first practiced irrigated cultivation of crops, something about this natural human relationship changed. Perhaps one neighbor got tired of constantly lending out grain to another neighbor who was slow to repay. So, it happened that at a certain time, the lending neighbor agreed to lend out a measure of grain only if the borrower agreed to repay a measure and a handful; or perhaps a basket of grain was lent out in return for a basket-and-a-half in repayment; or perhaps, sensing the reluctance of a neighbor to loan, the borrower, himself, out of charitable good will and personal need, offered to repay two baskets of grain for one loaned.

Whatever the actual origin of the mechanism, the Ubaidians evolved a system that we today call, “interest on a loan”. This occurred sometime between 9,000 and 6,000 BC when they first began building their permanent mud brick towns and villages.


I'll have to recant this assertion because I have learned something in the interim. It wasn't the joos who invented the ideology of capitalism. It was a small group of the ancient Sumerians, who discovered how charging interest on a loan could funnel all the wealth of the economy into their pockets. I got this from a book called The Sumerian Swindle.

The joos didn't invent capitalism. They also are like the ancient Sumerians. Only a small group of joos has learned how to apply usury so that it will funnel all the wealth of the entire world into their pockets. Most of the rest of the joos support this small group of jooish usurers, hoping to get some crumbs off the table, so that is why it's 'the joos' who get the entire rap for this evil ambition.


30th November 2014, 01:33 PM
The Sumerian Swindle

This is a phrase intended to obscure & obfuscate the true origin of modern Jewish banking. Modern Jewish Banking comes from Babylon, not Sumeria. The reason for the new euphemism? It interferes with the understanding of what "Mystery Babylon the Great" really is.

The Babylonian Talmud transmitted Babylonian (now Jewish) Banking to Christendom, and it has culminated in the prophesied Mystery Babylon the Great - the Biblical name for the current world system run from New York, the City of London, Frankfurt and Tel Aviv.

30th November 2014, 05:55 PM
I'm not Catholic, and I don't even claim to be Christian, but I absolutely agree with the message this man speaks.


7th trump
30th November 2014, 06:36 PM
I'll have to recant this assertion because I have learned something in the interim. It wasn't the joos who invented the ideology of capitalism. It was a small group of the ancient Sumerians, who discovered how charging interest on a loan could funnel all the wealth of the economy into their pockets. I got this from a book called The Sumerian Swindle.

The joos didn't invent capitalism. They also are like the ancient Sumerians. Only a small group of joos has learned how to apply usury so that it will funnel all the wealth of the entire world into their pockets. Most of the rest of the joos support this small group of jooish usurers, hoping to get some crumbs off the table, so that is why it's 'the joos' who get the entire rap for this evil ambition.


I believe your idea of "capitalism" isn't even close to what it really is.
Sounds like you have bought into "communist" propaganda....lock stock and barrel I might add.

Capitalism isn't and never has been about "usury". Capitalism is about making a product or service that someone else would purchase or hire.

I'd take your version of "capitalism" any day over full blown communism......where nothing is yours....not even your labor.
Usury is "interest"...capitalism is not!

30th November 2014, 06:39 PM
Capitalism is about making a product or service that someone else would purchase or hire.
Usury is "interest"...capitalism is not!
Capitalism is the dipole that was created to oppose communism. It didn't exist prior to 1854.

capitalism (n.)
1854, "condition of having capital;" from capital (n.1) + -ism. Meaning "political/economic system which encourages capitalists" is recorded from 1872.

7th trump
30th November 2014, 06:40 PM
Capitalism is the dipole that was created to oppose communism. It didn't exist prior to 1840.

capitalism (n.)
1854, "condition of having capital;" from capital (n.1) + -ism. Meaning "political/economic system which encourages capitalists" is recorded from 1872.

So whats the definition to capitalism....cause what you posted doesn't define anything.

30th November 2014, 06:48 PM
So whats the definition to capitalism....cause what you posted doesn't define anything.

"condition of having capital" ... You should always go with the simplest explanation.

I should add that my condition admits of no capital other than what is sufficient to avoid vagrancy charges. But I don't occupy any space in the opposite camp either.

30th November 2014, 07:12 PM
Capitalism is the dipole that was created to oppose communism. It didn't exist prior to 1854.

capitalism (n.)
1854, "condition of having capital;" from capital (n.1) + -ism. Meaning "political/economic system which encourages capitalists" is recorded from 1872.

palani and I concur on this.

As I've always said, words have meanings, and the word "capitalism" tells you what it promotes: amassing capital (wealth). Capitalism =/= free enterprise.

7th trump
30th November 2014, 07:58 PM
palani and I concur on this.

As I've always said, words have meanings, and the word "capitalism" tells you what it promotes: amassing capital (wealth). Capitalism =/= free enterprise.

Better to amass wealth for yourself than amassing it for strangers.....usery!

30th November 2014, 09:30 PM
give me a break CT, you wont look into any sumerian stuff coz you'd have to admit that the genesis was borrowed from the gilgamesh tale.

The table below presents a comparison of the main aspects of the two accounts of the flood as presented in the Book of Genesis and in the Epic of Gilgamesh.


This is a phrase intended to obscure & obfuscate the true origin of modern Jewish banking. Modern Jewish Banking comes from Babylon, not Sumeria. The reason for the new euphemism? It interferes with the understanding of what "Mystery Babylon the Great" really is.

The Babylonian Talmud transmitted Babylonian (now Jewish) Banking to Christendom, and it has culminated in the prophesied Mystery Babylon the Great - the Biblical name for the current world system run from New York, the City of London, Frankfurt and Tel Aviv.

General of Darkness
30th November 2014, 09:51 PM
According to the bible ... yes. Lawfully .... yes. Legally ... the legal system has set 6% as the threshold for usury. This changes depending upon the state though.

And who wrote the bible? Jews. Oh the irony.

30th November 2014, 10:22 PM
And who wrote the bible? Jews. Oh the irony.

these guys will explain how the Christian bible is actually older than the hebrew bible and how the dead sea scrolls were "planted"

General of Darkness
30th November 2014, 10:23 PM
these guys will explain how the Christian bible is actually older than the hebrew bible and how the dead sea scrolls were "planted"

TAGGED for later.

30th November 2014, 11:18 PM
give me a break CT, you wont look into any sumerian stuff coz you'd have to admit that the genesis was borrowed from the gilgamesh tale.

Actually, I have. I addressed the "Sumerian Swindle" lie on another thread. You can search for it if you like.

Genesis is the direct descendant of the original story. The Sumerian is a cousin with additions. Abraham came from Ur, so it is no surprise there are major similarities.

30th November 2014, 11:33 PM
And who wrote the bible? Jews. Oh the irony.


The religion of Moses is now called Christianity.

The Hebrews of the Bible are not synonymous with today's "Jews."

Jesus Christ is the greatest "anti-Semite" of all time, and if "the Jews" wrote the Bible, half of what is written wouldn't be there.

1st December 2014, 05:54 AM
Capitalism Is Jewish Usury
by Anthony Migchels on June 5, 2014

Capitalism is Usury. Its defining belief is ‘return on investment’. This is an extension of the ‘time value’ of money, which is the central tenet of modern economics. Capitalism is unthinkable without banking and banking is institutionalized Usury.

Usury is Plutocracy. Compound interest makes it unavoidable that the very richest own everything in generations.

And this is indeed what happened: Capitalism is one huge global monopoly. All the major banks own each other and most Transnationals plus a huge chunk of land. This juggernaut was built with the plunder of Usury.

We have all seen that Rothschild was worth 50 billion in 1850. At 5% per year, this fortune would now be a trillion, at 8% per year Rothschild would now be worth hundreds of trillions.

This is why it has been said that ‘compound interest is the strongest force in the Universe’.

This is Usurious Usurpation.

The Rise of Capitalism
Modern Capitalism was first clearly visible in the Dutch Republic, where Italian Banking, expelled Iberian Jews, the Reformation, naval power and the acquisition of huge trade fortunes came together in the Amsterdam Empire, which would outshine its much bigger Spanish, British and even French competitors until the mid seventeenth century.

Everything that defines modern Capitalism was either invented or came to fruition in Amsterdam. The first Stock Exchange, Multinationals (the East Indies Company, which would rule over Indonesia with unrestrained Corporatocracy for centuries), and most importantly, a Central Bank, the ‘Amsterdamsche Wisselbank’. And of course a huge pile of money, that would be the envy of Europe even long after its ‘glory’ had subsided.
Up to 2500 guilders (estates could be bought for that kind of money) were paid for a single Viceroy Tulip bulb at the peak . "A Satire of Tulip Mania' depicts speculators as brainless monkeys.

Up to 2500 guilders (estates could be bought for that kind of money) were paid for a single Viceroy Tulip bulb at the peak . “A Satire of Tulip Mania’ depicts speculators as brainless monkeys.

Amsterdam also saw the first bubble: the Tulip mania, 1637. This typical banker device, blowing bubbles with easy credit and then popping them by calling in loans, would haunt Western economies for centuries to come.

The Dutch Republic resulted from a Calvinist rebellion against Catholic Spain. Calvin is considered by many to have been Jewish. He openly defended Usury. This was in an era that the Medieval era of Usury prohibition was in terminal decline.

Calvinist thought was also infected by the typically Jewish notion that wealth is a sign of God’s favor.

Notwithstanding Usury prohibition, Jewish Usury had been a huge issue throughout the Middle Ages and it does not require a great leap of the imagination to see that Capitalism is in fact the modern equivalent of what was once known as Jewish Usury.

Jewish fortunes and their methods played a large part in Amsterdam. Their ships would also dominate the growing slave trade on America. They had come from Spain, after being expelled in 1492. Holland was known at the time for its ‘tolerance’.

Amsterdam was the first great star of high finance. Opulence acquired through trade became Capital, looking for returns. And here we see that Capitalism is about finance, not production or consumption. Finance rules over producers, workers, consumers, farmers, crafstmen and industrialists alike.

They lend to those they control or want to control and withhold credit to those for whom they have no purpose. Usury gives them their take of any venture. By keeping money scarce, they keep labor cheap. This is how money rules.

Moving on to Britain
Amsterdam peaked in 1648, when the peace of Westphalia ended both the 80 year war for independence with Spain and the 30 year war in Germany. But after the peak comes the decline and already in the fifties problems began to mount when Cromwell landed a blow on Dutch naval supremacy with the Acts of Navigation.

The Jews had been expelled from Britain in 1290. This was a few decades after the Magna Carta, which clearly points at Jewish Usury as a huge problem at the time.

Cromwell, who was a calvinist Puritan, negotiated extensively with Amsterdam Jews about resettlement. He probably was a tool of Jewish/Amsterdam finance to begin with.

Resettlement came with the promise of making London a better Amsterdam. And while British merchants (and many others too) were against the readmittance of the Jews, Cromwell went ahead anyway. The Puritans were optimistic and naive and thought they could ‘redeem’ the Jews. But while Jewish Capital indeed pushed Britain’s Empire to unprecedented heights, there was no redemption: by the end of the 19th century the British Aristocracy had been entirely Judaized.

While Cromwell, as a tool of Amsterdam Imperialism, ultimately failed, the Jews did not relent and they had a second shot at London with the Glorious Revolution, when William III of Orange, Stadtholder of Holland, became William III of Britain and the Dutch Republic and England were united in a personal union.

He repaid his financial backers by chartering the Bank of England in 1694 and this was the official entry of Capitalism in Britain. It came with the end of sovereign money and the ascent of Gold: until then the British economy had been financed with Talley Sticks, simple pieces of wood issued by the King. British partners in the Bank paid for their shares with them, but the first thing the Bank did was take them out of circulation. The Bank of England is only the eigth bank in history and is the second oldest to survive today.

The United States
The real history of the United States is not about the War of Independence and the Constitution. It’s about banking.

The United States did not revolt over ‘taxes without representation’. According to Benjamin Franklin the real reason for the War of Independence was that Whitehall forced scarce money through Britain’s Gold Standard on the Colonies, who had thrived with their own Colonial Scrip. A depression was the inevitable result.

Only a few years after nominal independence, Hamilton’s first Bank of the United States brought Capitalism to the United States. It was closed in 1800, but in 1816, in the aftermath of the war with Britain, a second Bank of the United States (a privately owned corporation) was opened with a 20 year charter.

The heroic President Andrew Jackson did not renew this charter and miraculously survived an attempt on his life. His last words, ‘I killed the Bank’ still ring triumphantly through the ages. Unfortunately, he failed to replace it with a decent monetary system and the country was plunged in a depression because of a tanking money supply.

This left the Whigs, Abraham Lincoln prominently among them, plenty of scope to campaign for a new ‘National’ Bank, which came in the aftermath of the Civil War.

In 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank was founded. This privately owned corporation is owned by primarily Jewish ‘member banks’. The presidents of the Federal Reserve are always Jewish and by far most of its board members are too. It’s no secret Wall Street is run by the Jews and is now the global standard bearer of Jewish Usury with derivatives being the scam du jour.

Of course there are Americans in Wall Street too, just as there are Englishmen in the City or Germans in Deutsche Bank, but whereas these nationalities compete amongst each other, the Jews are strong in all nations and this gives them supremacy.

Equally true is that the Jewish many gain nothing from the banking prowess of their ‘elites’. They may have some privileges, but on the other hand they’re also easily duped into nasty affairs or sacrificed like the pawns we all are.

But considering the above history of Capitalism and Jewish Usury, it is very hard to avoid the conclusion that they are the same thing.

YHVH emphatically orders the Jews several times to conquer the world with Usury in Deutoronomy, for instance: “15:6 For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.”

Pivotal documents from the medieval era squarely point at Jewish Usury. We have already mentioned the Magna Carta, but there is also for instance the Quran: ‘That they (the Jews) took usury, though they were forbidden; and that they devoured men’s substance wrongfully;- we have prepared for those among them who reject faith a grievous punishment.’ (sura 4.161)

Capitalism and its ‘return on investment’ is clearly the successor of medieval Jewish Usury. It arose during the destruction of medieval Usury prohibition. Its typical devices, Usury, Banking, the Stock Exchange, asset bubbles, Transnationals, all were already present in Amsterdam. It was this force that migrated to Britain and the US. It was in these three financial Empires that Captitalism showed its unrestrained imperialist designs.

Already the poor lose up to 50% of their income to Usury, mostly passed on by producers in prices. The middle classes are somewhat better off, but they are being decapitated everywhere. Usury only benefits the richest 10%, while most of the money ends up with the ‘fabulously’ wealthy.

The enslavement is total: most people work the first two and half days of the week to pay off the bank. Even if they have no debts.

And we face not only enslavement, but extinction. Mass immigration, combined with the demographic catastrophy caused by the trinity of feminism, the not-so-gay lobby, and sexual ‘liberation’, is now threatening to actually destroy the white race. Whites are expected to be a minority all over the West in 2050/2060 and irrelevant by the end of the century.

Capitalism is the core of the Jewish Question. All their other depravities, including Zionism and (Cultural) Marxism were built and financed from the Capitalist powerbase.

The Jewish Question can only be reasonably resolved by reforming money and ending its rule through Usury.


1st December 2014, 05:54 AM
give me a $%@ break... christianity is just another sun cult

Actually, I have. I addressed the "Sumerian Swindle" lie on another thread. You can search for it if you like.

Genesis is the direct descendant of the original story. The Sumerian is a cousin with additions. Abraham came from Ur, so it is no surprise there are major similarities.

1st December 2014, 06:42 AM
Babylon = Usury! We want Interest-Free Money!
by Anthony Migchels on April 30, 2013

Usury is the original sin in the economic sphere and the root cause of all our economic problems. It causes unfathomable suffering. It is so pervasive, so normalized, it seems unavoidable.
The truth is we have everything we need to create an interest-free money supply and eradicate usury and associated rent-seeking completely from our economic and social lives. A Usury-Free economy ends poverty and brings abundance to the many. It will save our souls in the process.

By Anthony Migchels for Henry Makow and Real Currencies

The love of money is the root of many evils. Usury is the weaponization of the love of money. It feeds the avarice of the usurer. It forces ever more debtors into ever more immoral behavior. It replaces love with commerce. It corrupts commerce, which becomes ever more exploitative to pay off ever higher interest charges. It is the foundation of rent-seeking. It rips apart the fabric of society. It makes a mockery of any kind of social contract.

It causes hunger. Bankruptcies. Intense stress in families. Weighs especially heavily on the poor and leads to all sorts of excesses at the top. Billions of people live in abject poverty all over the world because of it. Entire communities, nations are gutted to pay the interest to the opulent. Nobody counts those dying prematurely from its effects. They are billions.

The many pay to the few. The poor pay to the middle class, who pay to the rich, who pay to the opulent. Poor countries pay ten times more interest on their foreign debts than they receive development aid.

Even when not in debt, forty percent of our income is lost to interest passed on in prices by producers. The many pay anywhere between five and ten trillion per year to the wealthy. All other rents ultimately are based on cost for capital and would hardly exist without usury.

It is the ultimate centralizer of power and it is global. It has been growing for centuries at compound interest rate speed, and now it is such an incredible cancer it is ready to swallow the remains of the host it has been feeding on.

The European nations put up $4,5 Trillion in handouts, easy credit and guarantees to ‘save’ their banks and the euro. The Fed provided an unimaginable $16 trillion dollars in easy credit to its banking buddies. Much of it was never repaid. This is ‘necessary’ because without banks we would not have money. So the West put up $20 trillion to have some bits and bytes and paper and coins circulate to exchange goods and services.

Surely the end of our civilization is near, when we allow such rapacious plunder to be sold with such a stupendous lie. While we simultaneously say there is no money to save the poor from starvation and the Earth from pollution.

The whole thing is totally senseless
We think: “without interest there will be no credit! I would not lend if I didn’t get anything back.”

But the Money Power doesn’t lend anything!

Money is just bookkeeping and credit is an automatic result of double entry bookkeeping, which by its very nature knows debit and credit.

The problem is not the creation of money! Quite the opposite: it’s marvelous that we never need to have a shortage of money.

The problem is when the bookkeeper starts raping the debitor with interest for no other reason than the associated minus. And takes all this interest himself. Just for the service of bookkeeping!

We pay $300k in interest in thirty years for our $200k mortgage which was created by entering some numbers in a computer bookkeeping application!

Gold solves nothing
We don’t want to pay $300k interest in coin! We want bookkeeping at cost-price! Interest-free!

Even in ancient times Gold and Silver were circulated by private parties. This is touted as a wonderful free market operation. But who circulated the specie? Those owning the mines, of course!

They circulated the metal by lending it out at interest and manipulated the volume from day one.

Today nobody knows how much Gold there is. All the Gold mines are owned and controlled by the Money Power. Those owning the mines are the Money Power, that’s how it all started. Vast amounts of Gold are in their vaults, ready to be unleashed onto the market through usurious lending, aiming to create asset bubbles, only to stop lending a little later to create a deflationary crash when people pay off their loans.

It is exactly the same way they create the boom-bust cycle with paper based money.

Just look at what they are doing to Gold today. They have been doing this forever.

The Golden Calf is the archetypal symbol of avarice, the Money Power is unthinkable without it.

We want Interest-Free Money!
Babylon is Usury

Babylon is Usury

Jesus admonished us to lend freely, expecting nothing in return. The Vedas abhor usury. Moses forbade it. Half of the Q’uran is Allah threatening severe punishment for those taking Usury.

Money is bookkeeping. We don’t need interest for savers. The bank doesn’t need savers. Debit and Credit are the two sides of the coin in bookkeeping. They are automatic.

Yes, the volume must be managed, but that is unavoidable. No monetary system can exist without managing volume. The problem is not management, it is allowing vultures to do it.

The reason we have a boom-bust cycle is because we allowed private parties, banks, to manage the volume in their own interest. They set up Central Banks to create the illusion of ‘officialdom’.

Saying ‘the market must do it’ is saying the Plutocracy has been doing a good job over the last 5000 years.

We want interest-free mortgages, no income tax, no poverty. We want abundance, good will, a cultural rebirth, fairness and the end of Plutocracy.

Kill Usury!

1st December 2014, 06:58 AM
although hudson thinks honest keynesianism is possible (LOL) here is an interesting article.

How Interest Rates Were Set, 2500 BC – 1000 AD

it is only when we stop looking at usury from a babylonian-evil-jew perspective that we'll be able to eradicate it as it is denounced by ALL mainstream religions.


There’s only problem with Liberty Fund’s lesson in Sumerian history and language: the real meaning of the amagi cuneiform isn’t about abolishing “big government” or abolishing the Fed–nope, it’s about abolishing debts to free citizens from debt slavery. What the history-failures at Liberty Fund hilariously mistranslated was that the term “return to mother” is Sumerian-speak for “jubilee”–as in “debt forgiveness” or “freedom from debt.”

Here’s how David Graeber explains it in his brilliant book Debt: The First 5,000 Years:

Faced with the potential for complete social breakdown, Sumerian and later Babylonian kings periodically announced general amnesties … Such decrees would typically declare all outstanding consumer debt null and void (commercial debts were not affected), return all land to its original owners, and allow all debt-peons to return to their families. Before long, it became more or less a regular habit for kings to make such a declaration on first assuming power, and many were forced to repeat it periodically over the course of their reigns.

In Sumeria, these were called “declarations of freedom”—and it is significant that the Sumerian word amargi, the first recorded word for “freedom” in any known human language, literally means “return to mother”—since this is what freed debt-peons were finally allowed to do.

1st December 2014, 07:16 AM
On Interest
by Anthony Migchels on November 26, 2009

Most advanced political and economic debate is dominated by the Americans. Through films like Zeitgeist Addendum, the Money Masters and Money as Debt and books like those of Thomas Greco and Ellen Brown. They have been enormously important contributions to the awakening of the many (including myself!) towards the most pressing problem of our time, our monetary ‘system’.

The one notable exception is interest. Of course all the aforementioned sources have dealt with interest, but to my mind there has been no really comprehensive and satisfactory analysis of interest in the Anglo Saxon world. In fact, most analysts concentrate on the fact that money is debt. There seems to be some kind of consensus that debt is the heart of the issue. But it is not. The Problem is not Debt, it’s Interest.

Interest is one of the few things that is more profoundly understood in Europe, more specifically Germany. Throughout the 20th century interest has been analyzed by some unknown but brilliant thinkers. Silvio Gesell comes to mind, Gottfried Feder and later Helmut Creutz and their current standard bearer Margrit Kennedy.

Feder wrote a book ‘breaking the shackles of interest’ and later advised Hitler, who was to say time and again, that ‘the kernel of National Socialism is breaking the thralldom of interest’. Maybe that did some damage by association to the theme.

It is curious to realize, when studying Hitler, how close he came to the truth in his analysis (which was, no doubt, inspired by exactly the enemies he was purported to attack). It is mind boggling to realize how much the bankers were willing to give away and how they entrenched their supremacy by totally destroying him and his credibility.

Be that as it may, it is time to make fully clear what the scale of the interest problem is. We need to get rid of any misunderstanding, let alone underestimation of this most heinous tool in the hands of our Satanist masters.

Dealing with Interest

We’ll go through this point for point. Some points will in some way overlap others, but they are still worth mentioning because they widen our perspective. I’ll be quoting Margrit Kennedy a lot and I would strongly suggest going through her classic ‘Why we need monetary innovation’.

1. To begin with, I’ll put forward my standard example: a mortgage. Let’s say you want to buy a house and go the bank and get a loan. Say $200k. The simple truth is, after thirty years you will have payed back $500k. $200k for the principal and $300k (!!) in interest. Now this might be ok, or at least somewhat understandable, if you were borrowing this money from somebody else, who has been saving it. But as we know, this is not the case. The money is produced the moment the loan is granted by the bank. In a computer program. By pressing a few buttons.

So basically you pay $300k interest for pressing a button. Granted, the bank needs to manage the loan during the time it is being repaid. But the cost for this is still only a fraction of the income they get through the interest.

Now, we could stop here, because it is clear that the bank is ripping us off, also in legal terms, although they make the laws themselves, because there is no realistic service being delivered for the money.

But there is so much more, we must continue.

2. When the bank creates some money by giving you a loan, it takes the money out of circulation when you repay. Repaying debts means a diminishing money supply. The banks only provide the principal, in our previous example $200k. But after thirty years, $500k has been repaid and only $200k was created. So how can this be? How can $500k be repaid by $200k?

It can’t. Somebody else needs to get into debt to create sufficient liquidity to pay the $300k interest. And the borrower of the original loan must start competing for this liquidity with everybody else to obtain that, intrinsically scarce, cash.

This means that because of the combination of debt and interest, the money supply must grow forever. But we know that a growing money supply is the definition of inflation and that inflation is closely linked to rising prices. So inflation is inherent in the system. This sounds strange, because Central Banks raise interest rates to lower inflation, reasoning less credit will be issued because of rising prices for it. But the higher the interest rates go, the more money must be created to pay for this interest.

Just one of the perverse side effects of interest in the current wealth transfer system we call ‘finance’.

3. Due to interest, money circulates slower. This is a big problem, because the slower the money circulates, the more we need of it in circulation to meet our needs. And when you have interest bearing debt as money, that is quite a problem indeed.
The reason for slower circulation is that it enhances the store of value function of money, with all it’s detrimental implications.

This phenomenon can be best seen when thinking about paying bills. If you know you can increase your money by postponing paying your bills, you will help the money circulate slower. People will be encouraged to hoard the money instead of spending it.

It is also more likely because of this reason rather than the growing cost of money which lessens inflation (or better, price rises) in the short term when raising interest rates. Because less money is circulating slower, demand falls.

4. Now, because of the fact that the principal is created but not the money to pay the interest, money is intrinsically scarce. Because of scarce money, capital is the scarce factor of production, whereas reason has it that labor should be the scarcer than capital. How else can we say we live in abundance?

I think it was Lietaer who pointed out the natural consequence of this state of affairs: competition. Economic actors in the current system compete with each other primarily for scarce working capital. Scarce money is a major driving force in the ever more competitive marketplace. Of course, the winners of this system have their lackeys (‘economists’) explain that competition leads to efficiency. But common sense dictates that humans are more effective when they can cooperate. Surely there is a place for competition in the market, but it has gotten totally out of hand and it is getting worse.

Scarce money because of interest is one of the more profound reasons for this trend.

5. So what of it you think. I was raised to be conservative in these matters and one should simply not get into debt, so you won’t pay interest.

Wrong. Not only because if nobody went into debt, there would be no money, but because companies go into debt to finance their production. They pay interest (capital costs) over these loans. And like any cost this must be calculated into the prices they ask for their goods and services.

And what percentage of prices can be related to interest? It depends on the kind of business, particularly how capital intensive it is. Going from 12% for garbage collection to 77% for renting a house. All in all about 40% of prices can be traced back to costs for capital. These figures are by Kennedy and they have been corroborated by an independent study done by Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands under the supervision of STRO, a leading monetary think tank in the Netherlands.

So, you lose 40% (!!!!) of your disposable income to interest through prices.

6. Interest is being payed by people borrowing money and received by people having loads of it. So it is per definition a wealth transfer from poor to rich.

It transpires, that about 80% of the poorest people pay more interest than they receive to the richest 10%. The next richest 10% pay as much as they receive. This means the vast majority is losing a substantial part of their money to interest. The richest own the banks or have a lot of money there.

We must keep in mind that this is totally for nothing, since most of the money is printed at the time it is loaned out.

How much money are we talking about? I have only figures for Germany, but reason suggests it is basically the same everywhere.

In Germany the poorest 80% pay 1 billion Euros in interest to the richest 10% PER DAY. Yes, that’s right, one billion euros per day. That is a grand total of 365 billion euro’s per year. That is one seventh of German GDP and extrapolating this to America, the poorest 80% must be paying at least a trillion a year.

It conclusively explains the old adage that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

This is the hidden tax that nobody is talking about.

This is the yoke that we carry.

This is the worst kind of slavery, because it is slavery without even realizing it.

This is interest and let it never be forgotten.

This is our mortal enemy and let us never take our eyes of it again, until it is thrown into the fire of hell, together with the usurers enslaving us with it.

1st December 2014, 07:38 AM

mick silver
1st December 2014, 07:57 AM
Big Banks: What Happens When Customers Cease to Believe?

1st December 2014, 08:02 AM

1st December 2014, 09:40 AM
give me a $%@ break... christianity is just another sun cult

Doing the work of the Jews again, I see.

1st December 2014, 09:40 AM
Big Banks: What Happens When Customers Cease to Believe?

Then "customers" will be forced to believe.

1st December 2014, 11:43 PM

Where's that ant and rubber tree plant sound byte when u need it?

2nd December 2014, 04:44 AM
when are you going to ponder all the math (numbers) reading in the bible?

Doing the work of the Jews again, I see.

2nd December 2014, 05:07 AM
I have read einsenstein on reality sandwich, and I generally agree with him.

its true that money coerces and prompts people into doing things they dont want as they need money to survive. This is the duality which empowers the NWO.

Sound/hard currency Economics without a solid philosophical foundation taught in schools will not eliminate boom and bust cycles... and this is what I am writing about in my 'empathic society', if/when this is realized and dealt with, money ceases to become necessary. If there is no profits to make from a fraud/misconception, the manipulation cannot be sustained neither.

In a balanced economy there is no growth, everything evens out continually, so there is NO profits to make... hence money, who needs it? How about "passion" replacing money, the passion to do something we love doing. All is love and the only answer to our ills is understanding why "empathy as a currency" is the only way out. Thinking in term of profits is just evil. Speculation (expecting more returns that what one puts in) is evil.

Money was never meant to free humanity but designed to enslave since day 1. It was invented to secure and monopolize wealth. Free market is a pipe dream sold to the masses.

It is the spiritual world that dictates everything. Its a Mind over Matter issue/dilemma. And materialism just mirrors that the Mind will forever have the final word. And the wrong mind will forever mirror bad materialistic outcomes. And we'd better understand this very duality before 50%+ of humanity gets wiped out.


2nd December 2014, 06:06 AM
Money was never meant to free humanity but designed to enslave since day 1.

Before money humans were the hard currency, after that came private interest bearing debt money or government issued credit as a slave vehicle.

The collective achieves "great" things with both types, as has been proven. A balanced economy imo, is one that understands what debt its capable of bearing, to date there hasn't been one, or if it there was it was conquered by other greater debt based systems.

Human greed is the evil, not either monetary system.

2nd December 2014, 06:20 AM
there are many ways to put it, Horn, we all can see why greed is capital sin.

esoteric conclusion.
It is the spiritual world that dictates everything. Its a Mind over Matter issue/dilemma. And materialism just mirrors that the Mind will forever have the final word.And the wrong mind will forever mirror bad materialistic outcomes

materialism and spirituality are two sides of the same coin.

Before money humans were the hard currency, after that came private interest bearing debt money or government issued credit as a slave vehicle.

The collective achieves "great" things with both types, as has been proven. A balanced economy imo, is one that understands what debt its capable of bearing, to date there hasn't been one, or if it there was it was conquered by other greater debt based systems.

Human greed is the evil, not either monetary system.

2nd December 2014, 06:48 AM
Is still believe Christianity or the Christian doctrine of repentance goes a long way towards relieving sins that should not be relieved.

Promises of everlasting life (if so) should not be easily swayed into heaven even by a God.

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit… all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world, no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”


2nd December 2014, 07:02 AM
christian doctrine has monumentally failed in this regard. On purpose as most of it is the word of man.

the pyramid is inescapable. its either from the top down or bottom up... we chose?

Is still believe Christianity or the Christian doctrine of repentance goes a long way towards relieving sins that should not be relieved.

Promises of everlasting life (if so) should not be easily swayed into heaven even by a God.


2nd December 2014, 02:14 PM
when are you going to ponder all the math (numbers) reading in the bible?

When are you going to accept that your assumptions do not lead to the conclusions you claim?

I have never disputed Hebrew numerology.

2nd December 2014, 02:18 PM
there are many ways to put it, Horn, we all can see why greed is capital sin.

Money is a medium of exchange...anything that people choose to use for regular exchanges of value.

Money itself is not evil. The love thereof is the evil.

materialism and spirituality are two sides of the same coin.

Another useless, meaningless proclamation.

2nd December 2014, 02:26 PM
Easier to understand God by understanding what isnt God

God isnt a religion

God isnt a dogma

God isnt an idea

God isnt a belief

God isnt a book

God isnt a doctrine

God isnt a group of people

God isnt a thought

God isnt a government

God isnt $$$$$$$$

God isnt TV............this last one can be hard to accept for some........

But God maybe mistaken for a lot of those things...............


but then of course God can be anything also...........

2nd December 2014, 03:12 PM
if you mean "in" the bible, thanks. and if so your assumption of me supporting "jew think" makes no sense

I have never disputed Hebrew numerology.

2nd December 2014, 03:20 PM
Money is a medium of exchange...anything that people choose to use for regular exchanges of value.

Money itself is not evil. The love thereof is the evil.

Another useless, meaningless proclamation.

I never said that money was evil... but the intent supporting the "profit making" mantra, it is a delusion that got us into this fiat world bankruptcy. It is the delusion itself that refrains people from addressing the matter. The world has known several hard currency systems and with the same outcome. It is a top down pyramid supported by the idea of getting richer, at all levels.

should the intent change, speculation becomes worthless as all trades even out. And that would make people regard money very differently - do we really need it?

I do not make any proclamation, eastern philosophies are aware of dualism more than in the West. The Yin and the Yang symbol as old as mankind. How can we prove that sun exists without the darkness of the night?

we're in such a deep sh*t... all of us... all races and cultures... doctrines are proven useless.

2nd December 2014, 04:23 PM
lets just look at where all the man made doctrines have led humanity... just from bad to worse.

initially Ἀποκάλυψις (the apocalypse in greek) means the lifting of the veil causing a revelation (hence translated as such)... taking off one's blinder. Some masonic influence in the bible? But of course, Thrive, for showing a woman whose blinder being lifted can only be masonic. How do you spell "doomed"...

the best solutions often are the results of brainstorming


Easier to understand God by understanding what isnt God

God isnt a religion

God isnt a dogma

God isnt an idea

God isnt a belief

God isnt a book

God isnt a doctrine

God isnt a group of people

God isnt a thought

God isnt a government

God isnt $$$$$$$$

God isnt TV............this last one can be hard to accept for some........

But God maybe mistaken for a lot of those things...............


but then of course God can be anything also...........

2nd December 2014, 09:59 PM
Before money humans were the hard currency, after that came private interest bearing debt money or government issued credit as a slave vehicle.

The collective achieves "great" things with both types, as has been proven. A balanced economy imo, is one that understands what debt its capable of bearing, to date there hasn't been one, or if it there was it was conquered by other greater debt based systems.

Human greed is the evil, not either monetary system.
I agree, money isn't evil, those who issue it are. "Give me control over a country's money supply, and I care not who makes its rules". Pure evil right there!

3rd December 2014, 01:07 PM
Black Friday is becoming a number one major hit celebration down here in these last Christian strongholds of central america.

Some go so far as to call it semana nego, black week.

3rd December 2014, 01:18 PM
Black Friday is becoming a number one major hit celebration down here in these last Christian strongholds of central america.

Some go so far as to call it semana nego, black week.
The shop til you drop sect of Christianity?

22nd December 2014, 09:28 PM
Anthony Migchels on Red Ice again; 1st free hour only, will return & post hour 2 if Mami's posts... I heard hour 1, all usury/etc, VG; but as description below suggests, hour 2 sounds hot, anti-multicult discussion.

Anthony Migchels - Hour 1 - Usury: The Problem with the Economic System & Alternative Currencies (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/11/RIR-141128.php)
November 28, 2014

Anthony Migchels is an Interest-Free Currency activist and founder of the Gelre, the first Regional Currency in the Netherlands. He joins us to talk about the very central problems of economics today, usury or interest, alternative currencies and more.

We begin by discussing the problems with our global usury economy, which results in the rich owning the majority of the wealth – a scheme that will inevitably lead to an economic collapse. Anthony explains how the money powers that be have plans spanning centuries and this predatory system, disguised as a free market strategy, is backed by the extremes of Libertarianism and Marxism, philosophies that contradict the very nature of mankind.

We’ll also take a look at how the workforce produces the majority of the wealth for the rich, yet their wages, food and basic commodities are taxed, resulting in total slavery to the state. Then, Anthony talks about the monetary reform movement, which is concerned with the creation of money out of nothing, as opposed to the problem of usury.

In the second hour, we discuss the shift of power and the crunch to destroy the west that occurred when the U.S. exported its entire manufacturing base to China. We’ll also talk about capitalism, mass immigration, feminism and the destruction of the nuclear family, and the degradation of the brotherhood of men. Then, we’ll consider the implications of revisionist history concerning WWII and the Jewish banking system’s involvement. Anthony then discusses the Euro-crisis and the inevitable crash of the global economy. We’ll wrap up with some reflections on possibilities of a mass awakening and the improvement of living standards.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2014/RIR-141128-anthonymigchels-hr1.mp3)

hour 2:
Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/f91780lhqm/RIR-141128-anthonymigchels-hr2.mp3)

Red Ice Radio (http://www.redicecreations.com/)

A View from the Bog (http://outsideradio.blogspot.ie/) Posted by delcroix (http://www.blogger.com/profile/04838891459471113991) at 11:52 AM 3 comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=3139710444150864259)

22nd December 2014, 09:43 PM
A. Michgels article:

Does Rothschild own all Central Banks? (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/does-rothschild-own-all-central-banks/) by Anthony Migchels (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/author/realcurrencies/) on July 15, 2013


Controversy continues to rage about Central Bank ownership. Most major Central Banks, except for the FED, are publicly owned. However: this is not really important. Control is what matters and Central Banks are the Money Power’s centralized controllers, private or publicly owned.

By Anthony Migchels, for Henry Makow (http://henrymakow.com/2013/07/do-the-rothschilds-own-all.html#sthash.Cg6XNPFr.dpuf) and Real Currencies


The shocking realization that the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned by its member banks is one of the defining moments in any Truthseeker’s path. Eustace Mullins, coached by the indefatigable Ezra Pound, wrote ‘the Secrets of the Federal Reserve’, listing the banks owning the system. Ed Griffin then infamously plagiarized this book (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2012/01/18/who-is-ed-griffin/) with his ‘the Creature of Jekyll Island’, to push the John Birch/Libertarian poison of the Gold Standard as a solution. We’re still dealing with this today, as seen in the ‘End the Fed’ movement.

The FED itself is now starting to move against its critics, claiming they ARE a Government institution (http://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/about_14986.htm), although partly independent. As Central Banks should be, which is today’s conventional wisdom in the Mainstream.

Here’s some text from the link, from the FED itself:

“The 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by the Congress as the operating arms of the nation’s central banking system, are organized similarly to private corporations–possibly leading to some confusion about “ownership.” For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year.”

So while the FED tries to downplay private ownership, it does not deny it. Its stock cannot be traded, but this is not a limitation, it’s a sure way of keeping outsiders out. After all, it’s a club, and we’re not in it.

Furthermore, a dividend of 6% per year is not bad. It depends on the value of the stock, of course.

On the other hand, after paying its shareholders, the Federal Reserve returns what remains to the US Government, so it’s not entirely fair to say that the FED is printing money and then has the State pay interest on it. It paid the State 89 billion over 2012 (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/11/business/economy/feds-2012-profit-was-88-9-billion.html?_r=0).

Nowadays the situation is even further confused by the fact that people like Tom Woods from the Hate the State crowd openly call Central Banks ‘statist’ operations, messing up the ever so fair ‘free market’ operations of the banks. They will say funny stuff, for instance claiming or implying that Central Banks are responsible for ‘money printing’, their dreaded enemy of ‘inflation’. However, it is the private banks that do by far the most of the money creation (http://thedailyknell.wordpress.com/2012/11/18/debunking-another-cornerstone-of-the-austrian-keynesian-dialectic-do-central-banks-really-control-the-money-supply/). They are the ones lending, after all, and they lend freshly created ‘credit’.


It becomes even more complicated when we realize that all European Central Banks are completely publicly owned. They are corporations with 100% Government ownership. They do operate as ‘independent’ entities, though. Before the ECB they set interest rates and managed the volume without Government interference. Nowadays this is done by the ECB, which in turn is owned outright by the national Central Banks.

Before the second World War, all European Central Banks were owned privately. But the massive upheaval caused by the Great Depression and the powerful monetary reform movements that shook the Money Power had raised awareness about private ownership of the financial systems of the West and nationalizing the Central Banks was a handy way of diverting this attention. After the war all major European Central Banks became publicly owned.

It is therefore simply wrong to state that Rothschild owns all Central Banks!

This is important, because getting straightforward facts like these wrong is clearly damaging the credibility of conspiracy theorists.

Control vs. Ownership

Central Banks were created by the Banks for the simple reason that Fractional Reserve Banking is incredibly unstable. There is an eternal incentive for the banksters to loan out more than they can cover with fractional reserves, leading to all sorts of destabilizing busts. This was hurting the Money Power’s control over the money supplies of the World and Central Banks were created as ‘lenders of the last resort': in case of a panic a Central Bank could keep busted banks afloat, maintaining sufficient confidence in the system.

Furthermore, they were useful tools for Sovereign borrowing. The basic contract between Sovereigns and the Central Banks was, that the Central Bank would always provide the State with all the money it would ever need, in return for guaranteed interest payments through taxation.

Also important was the monopoly on national currency that is closely associated with Central Banking. In earlier days, both in Europe and the US, free banking and local Sovereign money created a diverse monetary environment, more difficult to control for the Money Power. By ‘legal tender’ laws their units became the sole accepted way of paying taxes, giving the banking units a massive advantage in the market place. These were the early steps in further and further monetary centralization in ever fewer units, with World Currency as its final goal.

And finally Central Banks have the opportunity to ‘regulate’ banks. This is a simple trick: make regulation incredibly complex and expensive, and it becomes impossible for the vast majority of market players to comply. It’s the same deal as the Pharma maffia has with the FDA: new drugs are so incredibly expensive to test that it is impossible for low cost natural cures to go through the process, as they will never provide the return necessary to cover the cost. Exit competition and another excuse to keep prices artificially high for the cartel.


Public vs. Private is just another dialectic (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2013/04/10/the-daily-bell-usurious-commercial-banking-is-freedom-interest-free-government-money-is-tyranny/). It matters not whether money is managed privately or publicly. What matters is whether we have stable and cheap (interest-free) money. If a private interest-free Mutual Credit facility can provide it, grand. If Government can do it, fine. A mixture of both is probably the way forward.

Central Banks are a mixture of both: they have public and private aspects. But the bottom line is that Central Banks do the bidding of the Money Power’s banking cartel. They keep competition out of the market. They prop up busted banks, maintaining some kind of ‘stability’. They oversee private usurious credit creation and maintain the banks’ ability to rake in trillions per year in interest. They allow the banks to create the boom/bust cycle.

High time for a new paradigm.


Several people have brought to my attention that it is simply wrong to state that all major CB’s except the Fed are private: the situation is far more mixed. Some European CB’s are (partly) privately owned and also a major CB like BoJ is publicly traded (and thus privately owned).

However, the basic proposition of the article, that it is wrong to say that Rothschild owns all CB’s and that it’s about control more than it is about ownership, still stands.

Nonetheless, this is an annoying slip, partly explained by the fact by my geographic location: the Dutch CB and the Bundesbank for instance are completely publicly owned.

The Daily Bell: Usurious Commercial Banking is Good, Interest-Free Government Money is Tyranny (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2013/04/10/the-daily-bell-usurious-commercial-banking-is-freedom-interest-free-government-money-is-tyranny/)
End the Fed: a Trojan Horse destroying the Truth Movement from within (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/end-the-fed-a-trojan-horse-destroying-the-truth-movement-from-within/)
Why Tom Woods is wrong about the Greenbackers (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/why-tom-woods-is-wrong-about-the-greenbackers/)


22nd December 2014, 11:03 PM
However, the basic proposition of the article, that it is wrong to say that Rothschild owns all CB’s and that it’s about control more than it is about ownership, still stands.

Nonetheless, this is an annoying slip, partly explained by the fact by my geographic location: the Dutch CB and the Bundesbank for instance are completely publicly owned...

High time for a new paradigm.

Yeah, quit smokin the chibi, Gunther.

18th January 2015, 11:39 AM
Banker Babe Confirms They're Hedonists (http://henrymakow.com/2015/01/banker-babe-confirms-theyre.html)

January 18, 2015

( Banker wife Baar toasted Occupy Wall Street protesters with champagne in 2011.
Her Marie Antoinette-like gesture was recorded in this YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PiXDTK_CBY))

Anthony Migchels caught a glimpse
of the lives of Wall Street wolves
when the daughter of a Goldman Sachs
executive contacted him.

by Anthony Migchels

A Baars family daughter has contacted me. Living and very much enjoying 'the lifestyle' herself, she is worried about the blowback against the banker decadence.

- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2015/01/banker-babe-confirms-theyre.html

30th January 2015, 03:11 PM
1 hr, must listen via player console at http://noliesradio.org/archives/94823

Catholic scholar Hugh Akins: “Welcome to the End of Days”
This show was broadcast on January 28, 2015.
It is now archived here — Use Player
Hugh Akins at the podium

Hugh Akins of the Catholic Action Resource Center (http://www.catholicactionresourcecenter.com/) agrees with Islamic scholar Imran Hosein: We are living in the “End Times” predicted in both Christian and Muslim scripture.

In this interview, Akins breaks down the freemasonic-illuminati “Synagogue of Satan” conspiracy lurking behind the Deep State and its false flag events. He explains who did 9/11 and why; the method behind the apparent madness of creating bogus “radical Islamic” groups like ISIS; the Satanic infiltration of the Catholic church; the big lie behind the idolatrous Holocaust Religion that rules today’s West; evidence that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is authentic; the likelihood that we are living in the End of Days and moving toward a Zionist Antichrist ruling a world government from Jerusalem; and finally, how we can fight back against this demonically dystopian New World Order.

Hugh Akins is the author of Synagogue Rising (http://www.catholicactionresourcecenter.com/synagoguerising.htm) and other books (http://www.catholicactionresourcecenter.com/booksellersdiscounts.htm).

mick silver
31st January 2015, 03:07 PM
back up for pat

3rd November 2015, 08:33 PM
Sort of a general braindump by Hoffman in the first 50 minutes of this podcast; the remaining ~100 minutes is host R.Reyvolt talking & taking callers. The Hoffman hour is VG!!

Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt 11/1/2015 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/11/incendiary-radio-with-robert-reyvolt.html)

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-si3PXJq3gTI/UGYCBPiE32I/AAAAAAAABEM/OLU9EHJzknI/s1600/DISCOVERED.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-si3PXJq3gTI/UGYCBPiE32I/AAAAAAAABEM/OLU9EHJzknI/s1600/DISCOVERED.jpg)

Robert interviews and discusses many important topics with Michael A. Hoffman (http://www.revisionisthistory.org/) of RevisionistHistory.org (http://revisionisthistory.org/) and is joined by callers.

Incendiary Radio Archive (http://www.incendiaryarchive.com/) RBN (http://republicbroadcasting.org/)


(https://archive.org/download/IncendiaryRadioWithRobertReyvolt2015.11.1/Incendiary%20Radio%20with%20Robert%20Reyvolt%20201 5.11.1.mp3)

Posted by WHOOLI (https://www.blogger.com/profile/12745432266860223770) at 4:59 PM 3 comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=7320936829174796216) (https://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=7320936829174796216)

14th February 2016, 04:32 PM
1hr 11 mins, I just started listening. I didn't know amazon "banned" his book "Jooduhism Discovered"-- :o I thought amzn just started doing that with JFetzer's sandy hoax book, which JF then promptly made available free at http://rense.com/general96/nobodydied.html and elsewhere. BTW this review of JF's book was just published HERE (http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/02/13/book-review-nobody-died-at-sandy-hook-2015/).

Sunday, February 14, 2016
Michael Hoffman interviewed by Jeff Rense - 2008 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2016/02/michael-hoffman-interview-by-jeff-rense.html)



Michael Hoffman interviewed by Jeff Rense in 2008, shortly after the publication of his book 'Judaism Discovered'.
Download Show (https://ia801307.us.archive.org/4/items/MichaelHoffmanAndJeffRenseOnJudaismDiscovered/Michael%20Hoffman%20and%20Jeff%20Rense%20on%20Juda ism%20Discovered.mp3)

Posted by Scorpio (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13465540813262346914) at 5:58 PM No comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=682018415164387537)

27th April 2016, 01:36 AM
Red ice 1st free hour Colin McKay - Occult Banking: Semitic Origins of Double-Entry Bookkeeping & Money Creation - Hour 1

Colin McKay is an Australian born entrepreneur living in New South Wales. From 2010-2014 he blogged on finance, economics, and Australian politics and in 2010 he served as board member and bookkeeper for the Center for Economic Stability. In 2011 he presented his own concept for Deror, an alternate currency ecosystem where "everyone is their own central banker.” McKay blogs at Psalmistice.com and is presently writing a book tracing the foundations of double-entry accounting to ancient Semitic cults.

Colin is with us to provide a detailed overview of his essay “The Money Shot: Even Banking Is All About Sex,” which presents the history and mechanisms of el modo vinegia (“the Venetian method”) of double-entry bookkeeping. He explains how this Hermetic-Kabbalist system for calculating debts that was formalized during the early Renaissance period has been used for deliberately concealing the immoral practice of usury in the banking system. Colin describes how the ancient Semitic worship of the androgynous goddess Inanna-Ishtar and the principle of the unity of opposites (male/female, order/disorder, creation/destruction), used in combination with trickery in the form of deceitful words, is the fundamental underlying concept of creating “money” out of nothing. He illustrates how this “magick” is represented by the Hermetic-Kabbalist alchemical symbol of the hexagram (Seal of Solomon) and breaks down the two-sided, sexual nature of the process at the heart of usury. Then, we discuss Professor Richard Werner’s investigations of the central banking system in Japan and his legal perspective of credit. Colin also talks about the practice of money lending within the Catholic church and the 14th century transformation of modern banking that occurred when the church adopted the Venetian method.

In the members’ segment, Colin addresses the importance of understanding the mechanisms of the central banking system and the creation of credit by private banks. He explains how the predatory banking system’s core fraud revolves around the changing of labels that lead borrowers to mistake substance for form. Then, Colin introduces his alternate currency, Deror, an honor based system that can be understood by looking at ancient Cuneiform record keeping, which used a bartering system of IOUs overseen by central authorities such as temple priests. He lays out how the algorithm works on the concept of a triangular balance sheet, with credits on one side, debts on another, and an honor rating at the top, and he gives examples of the exchange as a social interaction based on trust. Colin says the idea behind this system is that everyone is able to be a “money god” with infinite potential to create money. Later, we look at the idea that Bitcoin shares similar problems with conventional money in that its worth is based in a value that can be increased through saving rather than spending. At the end, Colin illuminates the

27th April 2016, 03:38 AM
geez don't get me started on double entry book keeping. I suffered corporal punishment for stating that DEBK was retarded BS in HS accounting. CP is da cane on da butt. Plus a visit to the head honcho and much fingerwagging stiff upperlip admonishment. What followed was continual efforts to have me ejected from the facility. Eventually we achieved "game over" due to time expiry. Graduation sine die.

25th February 2017, 12:38 PM
this SGT Report guest goes into dinjoosh usury policy, torah vs talmud....

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SylDemYaGeQ/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=9p5ErF42S2pgp7vDJ6UioBhw0MY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SylDemYaGeQ)
THE ISRAEL DECEPTION -- Ken Schortgen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SylDemYaGeQ)

3 hours ago

25th February 2017, 04:26 PM
Ken knows his Zionist usury.

Ofcourse Zion will label him an antisemite if heard.

Alex Drone
25th February 2017, 05:25 PM
I read Hoffman's Usury in Christendom about a year ago. It's actually quite boring as it repeats the same ideas over and over again, but I got some good insight.

I recently picked up a Torah at an estate sale. I've known some of the versus in the Old Testament were fairly shocking. The Torah, which is the 1st five books of the Old Testament, essentially gives a green light for usury to non-Jews in Deuteronomy 23:20:

You Shall not deduct interest from loans to your countryman, whether in money or food or anything else that can be deducted as interest. You may deduct interest from loans to foreigners, but not from loans to your countryman - so that the Lord your God may bless you in all your undertakings in the land which you are about to invade and occupy.

1st August 2017, 07:28 AM
Hoffman on KBarrett's show last Friday: 64k CF Download (https://archive.org/download/TruthJihadRadioWithKevinBarrett2017.07.28/Truth%20Jihad%20radio%20with%20Kevin%20Barrett%202 017.07.28.mp3)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Revisionist historian Michael Hoffman; Part 2 of Wayne Coste's revisionist take on what hit the Pentagon (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2017/07/revisionist-historian-michael-hoffman.html)

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pkQJmJxR6JA/WXveapnM1nI/AAAAAAAAERc/Xf8JK33vdLU1jjKb4S9Sd7g_qlBOzwyLwCLcBGAs/s400/revisionist-history.jpg (https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pkQJmJxR6JA/WXveapnM1nI/AAAAAAAAERc/Xf8JK33vdLU1jjKb4S9Sd7g_qlBOzwyLwCLcBGAs/s1600/revisionist-history.jpg)
This special edition of Truth Jihad Radio focuses on historical revisionism. Can conventional, widely-shared narratives turn out to be wrong? Here are two case studies: The first hour challenges our understanding of intellectual and religious history; the second hour takes on the dominant 9/11 truth movement narrative about what damaged the Pentagon.



First hour: Michael Hoffman (https://www.revisionisthistory.org/) is a leading revisionist historian. His new book The Occult Renaissance and the Church of Rome (https://truthfulhistory.blogspot.com/)argues that Western culture took a wrong turn five centuries ago, when Neoplatonists and exponents of "hermetic" wisdom permanently took over the Vatican...leading to situational morality, sanctified lying, duplicity, hypocrisy, and even legalized usury...and introducing occultism, black magic, and freemasonry into the heart of Western Christendom.

Second hour: Engineer Wayne Coste continues his challenge to the dominant 9/11 truth movement narrative about what happened at the Pentagon. Read about it, and listen to Part 1 of his analysis, HERE (http://noliesradio.org/archives/133736).

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qW2C2DXas0c/WXve2H3EjaI/AAAAAAAAERg/ep-4ny43sVcqWmGL42O7JazTkkrAmOdmwCLcBGAs/s320/what-hit-the-pentagon.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qW2C2DXas0c/WXve2H3EjaI/AAAAAAAAERg/ep-4ny43sVcqWmGL42O7JazTkkrAmOdmwCLcBGAs/s1600/what-hit-the-pentagon.jpg)

Posted by Kevin Barrett (https://www.blogger.com/profile/11522769898898884227) at 4:59 PM

Labels: catholicism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/catholicism), michael hoffman (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/michael%20hoffman), Pentagon (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/Pentagon), revisionism (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/revisionism), wayne coste (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/wayne%20coste)

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1st August 2017, 09:07 AM
This was an insanity of Western Christendom, employing jews for usury. Would the bishops when confronted with elderly women who wanted to fornicate, would they send these widows to jewish men to do the deed? Then why turn a sin like usury into a monumental sin that would eventually bring down Christendom, West and East. Bishops ok'ed prostitution because it avoided the greater evil of men looking to corrupt pure women. Why not ok usury among Christians and regulate it, instead of hand it over to demons who will eventually own your nation.

22nd February 2020, 12:51 AM
kevin barrett show tonight sounds interesting; just started listening; prolly won't get through as it's 1h 50m but desc suggests Hoffman's only on 1st hour?

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/f01041700/iqeepvt7-b7hzmsi4-kek69ifd-ztttq6fr)

Historian Michael Hoffman Gets Hate Mail from Hitler Supporters
February 22, 2020 (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2020/02/hoffman-brown/)

First hour: Michael Hoffman (https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/) , author of the new book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People (https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07XD6G4N7&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_FPdrEbYRYE22C&reshareId=99TKMG9QZS4ERTQ6FZNT&reshareChannel=system), recently elicited over 600 comments with his Unz Review post mourning the victims of the firebomb holocaust of Dresden. (Read “The People Who Were Burned to Ashes on Ash Wednesday (https://www.unz.com/article/the-people-who-were-burned-to-ashes-on-ash-wednesday/?showcomments#comments).”) A fair number of comments espoused a pro-Hitler position. The uproar continued as Hoffman received hate mail (https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/hate-mail.html) objecting to his strong disagreements with the neo-Nazi current.

In this interview Michael Hoffman explains: “I recognize that there are plenty of decent people who are confused, or have been spoonfed disinformation—and some of my fellow revisionists are partly responsible, though probably not consciously—that they can be led to believe that Hitler was…what’s circulating right now, the latest propaganda line to recruit people, is that Hitler was the savior of Europe, because had he not invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, then Stalin would have rolled over Germany and taken possession of Europe. It’s a fairy tale…once you’ve been introduced to it, then you’re escorted to other aspects of the mythology about Hitler, which my book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People (https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07XD6G4N7&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_FPdrEbYRYE22C&reshareId=99TKMG9QZS4ERTQ6FZNT&reshareChannel=system) (debunks)…”

22nd February 2020, 07:33 AM
kevin barrett show tonight sounds interesting; just started listening; prolly won't get through as it's 1h 50m but desc suggests Hoffman's only on 1st hour?

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/f01041700/iqeepvt7-b7hzmsi4-kek69ifd-ztttq6fr)

Historian Michael Hoffman Gets Hate Mail from Hitler Supporters
February 22, 2020 (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2020/02/hoffman-brown/)

First hour: Michael Hoffman (https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/) , author of the new book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People (https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07XD6G4N7&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_FPdrEbYRYE22C&reshareId=99TKMG9QZS4ERTQ6FZNT&reshareChannel=system), recently elicited over 600 comments with his Unz Review post mourning the victims of the firebomb holocaust of Dresden. (Read “The People Who Were Burned to Ashes on Ash Wednesday (https://www.unz.com/article/the-people-who-were-burned-to-ashes-on-ash-wednesday/?showcomments#comments).”) A fair number of comments espoused a pro-Hitler position. The uproar continued as Hoffman received hate mail (https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/hate-mail.html) objecting to his strong disagreements with the neo-Nazi current.

In this interview Michael Hoffman explains: “I recognize that there are plenty of decent people who are confused, or have been spoonfed disinformation—and some of my fellow revisionists are partly responsible, though probably not consciously—that they can be led to believe that Hitler was…what’s circulating right now, the latest propaganda line to recruit people, is that Hitler was the savior of Europe, because had he not invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, then Stalin would have rolled over Germany and taken possession of Europe. It’s a fairy tale…once you’ve been introduced to it, then you’re escorted to other aspects of the mythology about Hitler, which my book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People (https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07XD6G4N7&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_FPdrEbYRYE22C&reshareId=99TKMG9QZS4ERTQ6FZNT&reshareChannel=system) (debunks)…”

I will listen to this later today. Thanks for the download link.

I guess I agree superficially with Hoffman on this issue in that I have been posting for years, here and elsewhere, that Hitler was NOT A NICE GUY.

He was responsible for the murder of at least 250,000 innocent people, Germans, Jews, German Catholics, Protestant Christians, and many elderly, children/babies, and the mentally and physically handicapped for eugenics reasons of building the superior Aryan race and many who were simply worked to death or experimented upon in the camps. This is completely aside from the "Holocaust" fake-ovens issue.

I had a falling out with Michael Hoffman and unsubscribed from his email list over a discussion we had via email regarding his article titled

Molestation, Epstein and the Talmud

(I won't get into that matter here but it is closely related to WHY Kevin Barrett loves to have Mr. Hoffman as one of his guests.)

Mr. Hoffman's reporting, that is, what he chooses to include in his writing and speech on Internet radio interviews and what he chooses to exclude is not good reporting because it is unbalanced reporting that does not address all facts and realities connected with the issue he is discussing, but also dishonest in my opinion because he claims to be a Christian.

Mr. Hoffman's reporting is purely secular kind of reporting and of the "intellectual" kind. He cherry picks what issues he will talk about pretending to be detached and unbiased and intellectual.

There is plenty of what appears to be fact-laden data in Hoffman's information but when it comes to Christian exposing the whole truth, Mr. Hoffman's work is just another form of masquerade, "fake ethical neutrality".

3rd July 2020, 12:33 PM
ACH show today, 1 hr:

ACH (1290) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of 1290 And The Abolishment Of Usury
July 3, 2020 (https://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/2020/07/03/ach-1290-dr-peter-hammond-the-real-story-of-1290-and-the-abolishment-of-usury/) by achitchcock

In today’s show originally broadcast on July 3 2020, Andy interviews Dr. Peter Hammond, for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of 1290 And The Abolishment Of Usury.”

We discussed: how the Magna Carta of 1215 tackled the practice of usury; how the first Jewish communities came to England in 1066 with William The Conqueror; why the charging of interest was historically condemned by the Church; the numerous Bible Passages that forbid usury; how the Byzantine Empire forbid usury and subsequently had no inflation for 800 years; the significance of Stephen Mitford Goodson’s book, “A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind,” and how when you abolish usury the entire society is freed from slavery; how the Balfour Declaration came about; and many other topics.

Click Here To Listen To The Show (https://cldup.com/2vMGvcUScK.mp3)