View Full Version : Gay Men and Lesbian Women...Fashion

12th March 2013, 10:11 AM


Why do gay men love colorful garb while lesbians prefer basic black?


12th March 2013, 10:36 AM


Homosexual shoe preferences.


12th March 2013, 11:07 AM

Years later, little Timmy O'Malley's parents will express their shock and disbelief during the class-action sexual abuse lawsuit filed against the Diocese. They "had no idea" that their little Timmy was born gay. He always liked to play Dress Up and was very fashion conscious. Who knew?


12th March 2013, 08:15 PM
I was and alter boy when I was young and there's nothing queer about me or any of the other alter boys I served with. I attended a catholic high school and no one I knew was ever molested by a priest or nun. I learned right from wrong from my parents and in the church. Pedophilia and homosexuality are wrong and those who do these things will have to answer for it. The catholic church has been infiltrated by Jews/masons/ satanists that do these things and so have all the other churches.

12th March 2013, 11:03 PM
I was and alter boy when I was young and there's nothing queer about me or any of the other alter boys I served with. I attended a catholic high school and no one I knew was ever molested by a priest or nun. I learned right from wrong from my parents and in the church. Pedophilia and homosexuality are wrong and those who do these things will have to answer for it. The catholic church has been infiltrated by Jews/masons/ satanists that do these things and so have all the other churches.

I was an alter boy when I was young too. I attended a catholic school until high school, and no one I knew was ever molested. We were all good kids, more or less. We also were taught homosexuality was wrong, but also to forgive and not to judge others. I had a wonderful childhood raised as a Catholic.

13th March 2013, 11:37 AM
I was an alter boy when I was young too. I attended a catholic school until high school, and no one I knew was ever molested.

According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office of Child and Youth Protection and independent studies commissioned by the bishops, the latest tallies as of 2012 were:

• More than 6,905 accused priests since 1950.

• More than 16,463 victims identified to date, although there is no national database.

• $2.5 billion in settlements and therapy bills for victims, attorneys fees and costs to care for priests pulled out of ministry from 2004 to 2011.

Link (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/03/13/sex-abuse-settlement-cardinal-roger-mahony/1984217/)


13th March 2013, 12:03 PM
Q. Know how to get a Nun pregnant?
A. Dress them up like altar boys :)

13th March 2013, 12:35 PM
I was an alter boy too. But not Catholic. I was Lutheran.
Now that I think of it though, the little white gown was kinda gay. :(

Fortunately, Protestants aren't homo's. :D

13th March 2013, 05:26 PM
I'm sure as hell not going to defend or deny there have been "priests" that have molested boys or girls. It has happened and those who are guilty should be thrown out of the church. The masons and Jew sympathysers need to be thrown out too. Looks like a lot of those who were involved were thrown out as they should have been. From what I've read it's a very small percentage of the total that have done these things. The priests and nuns I was around were good men and women. The priests I come in contact are good men who do a lot of good in the community.

13th March 2013, 07:58 PM
The pedophiles and child molesters need to be identified and dealt with and that's the way it should be. If you attack the whole church because of the acts of a few you do the work of Satan. There are good people in the church doing their best to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

14th March 2013, 09:14 PM
Watch this video all the way through. It starts kind of slow but there is a tremendous amount of information in it that we all need to know.


15th March 2013, 12:47 AM
If you attack the whole church because of the acts of a few you do the work of Satan.


Your new Pope is totally kosher according to Abe Foxman at the ADL:

NEW YORK, March 13, 2013 - The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today welcomed the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina as the next Pope Francis.Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director issued the following statement:

We congratulate the new Pope and wish him well in his important new responsibility. We believe that the election of Francis I is a significant moment in the history of the Church. We look forward to working with him to continue to foster Catholic-Jewish relations as we have with his predecessors. There is much in his record that reassures us about the future.
Under his leadership in Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio made important strides in maintaining positive Catholic-Jewish relations following the transformational papacies of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI - pontiffs who launched historic reconciliation between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people. Cardinal Bergoglio maintained a close relationship with the Jewish community in Argentina. He has celebrated various Jewish holidays with the Argentinian Jewish community, including Chanukah where he lit a candle on the menorah, attended a Buenos Aires synagogue for Slichot, a pre-Rosh Hashana service, the Jewish New Year, as well as a commemoration of Kristallnacht, the wave of violent Nazi attacks against Jews before World War II.

Probably a marrano jew (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marrano) himself...


15th March 2013, 07:02 AM

Your new Pope is totally kosher according to Abe Foxman at the ADL:

This comes as no surprise to me, especially since the Catholic and Jewish religions are so similar...except that they celebrate completely different holiday's and rituals, they worship a different God, they preach/follow different holy books, the Catholics/Christians love Jesus and Jews hate and killed Jesus, Catholics are generous to the charities of all people and Jews are charitable to only other Jews...other then that, everything is the same.