View Full Version : That Modern Khazarian "Jews" Are Not the Descendants of Ancient Isrealites... V

15th March 2013, 09:14 AM
No new news in old news......all this, and more, is something that has been known for ages.....but.....no one prints the real new news of today.........like the riots that has been going on for the past three days for the killing of a 16 years old kid and (my opinion) how much worse is going to get........NO MORE the people says.
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NA Research Confirms That Modern Khazarian "Jews" Are Not the Descendants of Ancient Isrealites or The Seed of Abraham

By Texe Marrs
March 8, 2013

Forward courtesy of Keith Howe

DNA Research Confirms That Modern Khazarian "Jews" Are Not the Descendants of Ancient Isrealites or The Seed of Abraham (March 8, 2013)

"Jews" Are Not Descendants of Abraham

New DNA Science Research Confirms...

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.”

(Revelation 2:9)

“And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land...”

(Genesis 12:7)

Who should possess the land of Israel? Christian evangelicals say it should be the descendants of Abraham. They point to the Old Testament and claim that God gave this land forever to the descendants of Abraham and that God demands they and they alone own the land.

To the Christian evangelical, this means the Jews. Yes, it is the Jews who own this land, and it is their land forever.

The Khazarian Empire was a war-like people, as evidenced by this statue of a marauding warrior. Note the six-pointed star on the shield. Today's "Jews" came from Khazaria and are not descendants of Abraham.

The Jews, then, according to Christian evangelicals, are the descendants of Abraham, his seed.

DNA Science Confounds the Common Wisdom
There is only one problem. And it is a huge one. Science proves those who call themselves “Jews” are not Jews! DNA Science has confounded the Christian evangelicals by proving conclusively that most of the people in the nation of Israel and in World Jewry are not the descendants of Abraham.

Those living today who profess to be “Jews” are not of the ancient Israelites, and they are not the seed of Abraham. In fact, the new DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the “Jews!”

The nation of Israel today is populated with seven and half million imposters.

The “Jews” Are Not Jews But Are Khazarians

Dr. Eran Elhaik, geneticist researcher at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, found that today’s “Jews” originated from Khazaria and not Israel. They are not the seed of Abraham.

The newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the “Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct.

What exactly is the “Khazarian Hypothesis?” Simply stated, it holds that the Jewry genome is a mosaic of ancestries which rise primarily out of the Khazars.

Jews are Khazars, not Israelites.

The “Jews” of America, Europe, and Israel are descendants not of Father Abraham but of King Bulan and the people of ancient Khazaria. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia) in the early centuries CE. These Turkic peoples were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. As converts, they called themselves “Jews,” but none of their blood comes from Israel.

Geneticists report that less than 2% of “Jews” living in Israel are actually Israelites.

Later, the “Jews” (Khazars) emigrated, settling in Russia, Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Europe. As “Jews,” the Khazars then left the European nations in 1948 and settled the fledgling, new nation of Israel.

The people of Israel are not the seed, nor the ancestors, of Abraham. They call themselves “Jews,” but in fact, DNA science shows them to be Khazars. They say they are “Jew,” but they are not.

“There are no blood or family connections among the Jews,” said Dr. Elhaik in an interview with Haaretz, Israel’s daily newspaper. “The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin. Their genome is largely Khazar.”

The Khazarians, never in Israel, converted to Talmudic Judaism in the 8th Century.

God Did Not Give the Land to the Khazarians
Thus, when Prime Minister Netanyahu says, “God gave this land to our Israelite forefathers,” he is absolutely wrong. There are no Israelite forefathers of today’s “Jews.” When today’s “Jews” say they should possess the land because they are Israelites and are the seed of Abraham, they are mistaken.

The “Jews” are in Israel for one reason and one reason only: Because the United States, in 1948, recognized the nation of “Israel” and has since funded and protected it. God’s Word has nothing to do with it.

God’s Word, the Holy Bible, prophesied that in the last days imposters would erroneously and falsely claim to be “Jews.” These imposters would, the Bible told us, persecute their enemies and especially the Christians. But God would have his revenge:

“Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; Behold I will make them to come and worship at thy feet and know that I have loved thee.” (Revelation 3:9)

Do the “Jews” (Khazars) not do exactly as our God prophesied? Do they not persecute the Palestinians and defile the land, claiming they are its original inhabitants? This, even though their proven ancestors, the Khazars, never set foot in the Middle East and are not the seed of Abraham?

My thanks to Dr. Eran Elhaik of Johns Hopkins University and to his associates. You have performed a valuable service with your DNA research, both to Christianity and to world understanding. Elhaik’s research confirms earlier DNA studies, especially the work of Dr. Ariella Oppenheim of Hebrew University, who likewise found, in 2001, that the “Jews” came from the Khazars rather than the Israelites. Dr. Oppenheim even found that some of the Palestinians have the chromosomes proving they are “Cohen,” related to the ancient Israelites who worked in the Synagogue and Temple.

Where, and Who, Are the Seed of Abraham?
I ask my evangelical Christian friends: What will you do now? Will you heed what God said, in Revelation 2 and 3, about “them which say they are Jews and are not?” Will you accept modern DNA science as legitimate and valuable in proving the truth of God’s Word?

Or will you, dear Christian friend, walk right on by, dismissing what both God and science have informed you?

God said that the seed of Abraham would inherit the land. Therefore, we must—absolutely must—in light of the DNA evidence, ask ourselves: Where, and who are the seed of Abraham?

We know that Netanyahu and the people who now inhabit Israel have no claim to the land. They are interlopers, false pretenders. But there is a true and legitimate Chosen People of God. In fact, the scriptures had it right all along. The answer is found in Galatians 3:29. Read it for yourself:

“And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.”

So, if you belong to Jesus our Lord, you are “Abraham’s seed,” regardless of your physical race. You are overcomers, and Revelation 21:7 promises, “He that overcometh shall inherit all things.” This is the great secret that every true Christian knows.

God is not a racist. The Great Commission extends to every race and ethnicity. We who love Jesus are His Chosen People, and we have the promise first given to Abraham way back in Genesis.

Know this, and you will forever be greatly blessed. And that, dear friends is the promise given Abraham and his seed.

See Also: How the Racial Hoax of the Jews Was Finally Exposed

Shocker! Rothschild has a dark, secret plan for America—and you’re not going to like it. He’s also got conspirators working inside the U.S. government and in the White House. These men and women have no love for America and its citizens.They constantly plot with Wall Street bankers to destroy our nation and seek to forge in its place a tyrannical New World Order.

Unbelievable? Well, you won’t think so after you have read the astonishing, documented facts revealed in this riveting book.

In Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star you’ll discover eye-opening revelations and forbidden knowledge about Rothschild, Israel, the Jews, and Zionism, and the hidden agenda that propels these evil forces.


First post of the day.........good morning to one and all.