View Full Version : Fienswine told to go pound sand

General of Darkness
19th March 2013, 06:08 PM

Assault weapons ban now unlikely to pass. What happened? Majority leader Reid says the assault weapons ban will not be included in the gun control legislation he'll bring to the Senate floor, giving the other measures a better chance at passage.
By Peter Grier (http://www.csmonitor.com/About/Staff/Peter-Grier), Staff Writer / March 19, 2013

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, shown here on Capitol Hill in February, said Tuesday that fewer than 40 of his chamber's 100 members support a White House-backed bill to renew a ban against so-called assault weapons.
Jason Reed/Reuters/File

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The assault weapons ban is not going to be included in the package of gun control measures that majority leader Harry Reid will bring to the Senate floor for a vote.
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Peter Grier (http://www.csmonitor.com/About/Staff/Peter-Grier?nav=644203-csm_blog_post-leftColRelated) Washington Editor
Peter Grier is The Christian Science Monitor's Washington editor. In this capacity, he helps direct coverage for the paper on most news events in the nation's capital.

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In Pictures: American Gun Culture (http://www.csmonitor.com/Photo-Galleries/In-Pictures/American-Gun-Culture?nav=644203-csm_blog_post-leftColRelated)

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Assault weapons prohibition sponsor Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) of California told reporters Tuesday that she’ll be able to offer her legislation as a separate amendment, but that she recognizes its exclusion from the primary bill all but dooms its chance of passage.
“Obviously I’m very disappointed.... The enemies on this are very powerful. I’ve known that all my life,” said Senator Feinstein.
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What’s behind this development? The assault weapons ban was unlikely to pass the Senate in any case, and had become so unpopular it risked taking down with it other gun control measures, such as new restrictions on weapons trafficking and a possible expansion of federal background checks.
Senator Reid, a Nevada Democrat, made this point clear Tuesday in surprisingly blunt remarks of his own. He noted that Feinstein feels deeply about the ban, dating back to when, as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, she found Mayor Harvey Milk shot dead in his office by a rival politician. But he added that his job is to try and cobble together a gun bill that might command 60 Senate votes and thus pass despite any GOP filibuster.
The assault weapons ban “has less than 40 votes,” said Reid. “That’s not 60.”
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In truth, it’s been clear for a long time that the assault weapons ban was doomed (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2013/03/19/the-assault-weapons-ban-was-always-doomed/), notes Washington Post political blogger Chris Cillizza.
For one thing, the ban was just too controversial. Gun rights advocates argue that the difference between assault weapons and non-assault hunting rifles is largely cosmetic, and that banning guns based on style won’t make Americans any safer. In the proposed prohibition of an entire class of firearms many saw the beginnings of their nightmare of Washington coming after their guns.
For another, some Senate Democrats were uneasy about the ban. Reid was never behind it, and it made a number of Democrats from red states uneasy.
As Mr. Cillizza points out, Democratic Senators from Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia all face reelection in 2014.
These are “all states where gun rights are viewed as part and parcel of the culture and where there remains significant resistance to curtailing those rights,” Cillizza writes.
By pulling the assault weapons ban from the main bill yet scheduling it for a separate vote as an amendment on the Senate floor, the wily Reid may hope to get a two-fold political advantage (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/03/19/feinstein-reid-excluded-the-assault-weapons-ban-from-senate-gun-bill/), writes conservative commentator Ed Morrissey on the Hot Air! web site.
For one thing, by defining Feinstein’s ban as the extreme in the gun debate, Reid may be trying to make background checks appear to be a more moderate approach. Many experts think the White House believes such checks would be a more significant advance than the assault weapon ban, at least in political terms.
Plus, endangered Senate Democrats now not only won’t face White House pressure to vote for assault weapon prohibition, they’ll get a chance to go on record as voting against it.
“It’s a win-win for Reid,” writes Mr. Morrissey.
Reid and other Senate leaders are expected to release their larger bill sometime this week. Besides an effort to broaden background checks, it’s likely to include a provision tightening federal laws against gun trafficking and straw purchases, and school safety measures.
Floor votes aren’t likely until next month.

19th March 2013, 06:14 PM
It'll be added as an amendment, they'll try and sneak parts of it in when everyone's guard is down. They're all still assholes.

19th March 2013, 06:35 PM
Gun registration and background checks are much bigger than an AWB imo. There are plenty of assult weapons out there.

Once you have mandatory registration, then you can limit the weapon to a single owner. Background checks mean the ownership of your weapon depends on you not being a vet, have a mental history, or whatever arbitrary things they come up with.

background checks > registration > AWB, ammo regulation, confiscation

With mandatory background checks, unless you have record of getting a background check for each of the weapons you own, they can be presumed to be illegally owned and confiscated.

For example, your friend buys a gun new and gets a background check (after this law takes effect). There is record of that. Then he sells the gun to you. Unless there is record of you getting a background check, the gun can be confiscated because the last known owner was your friend and there is no background check you have on file for that weapon. Felony.

midnight rambler
19th March 2013, 06:50 PM
Extending the 'background check' (aka asking permission) to cover ALL transactions is FAR worse than any AWB. It can very easily morph into stealth confiscation.

19th March 2013, 07:06 PM
It was too ridiculous to be taken seriously.

19th March 2013, 07:21 PM
As Mr. Cillizza points out, Democratic Senators from Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia all face reelection in 2014.
These are “all states where gun rights are viewed as part and parcel of the culture and where there remains significant resistance to curtailing those rights,” Cillizza writes.

Make no bones about it. No matter who they are, they want to take away your rights.