View Full Version : The Real Reasons Why The Liberty Movement Is Preparing To Fight

19th March 2013, 08:08 PM
Years ago while writing for Neithercorp Press I penned an article entitled “One Day Soon, We’ll All Be Homegrown Terrorists”. In that piece I described a not so far off future in which martial law, economic collapse, and the destruction of civil liberties stood imminent. I related my views on the propaganda rhetoric of the SPLC, and how they were using false association to tie liberty groups to any deviant organization they could think of, including racists and domestic terrorists, in order to condition the American public to react to our message with immediate contempt.

It became clear to me then that the SPLC, which had become the propaganda wing of the widely reviled Department Of Homeland Security, was helping set the stage for a paradigm shift in the U.S. This shift would obviously include economic and social disruption, as well as political turmoil beyond anything our nation has seen for over 150 years. But most importantly, it would pave the way for certain elements of the American populace, namely those who are awake, aware, and outspoken, to be labeled “enemy combatants” dangerous to the state.

Though posing as an anti-racist monitoring institution, the SPLC’s primary concern has never been the KKK or “White Identity”. Rather, the SPLC’s job has been and always will be to marginalize and defame those who stand against centralized federal power, regardless of how corrupt that power has become. They are not anti-racists, or liberals, or concerned citizens; they are STATISTS, who only care about maintaining the superiority of a government that has been bought and paid for many times over by a gaggle of international financiers with delusions of godhood.

The SPLC, of course, has so far utterly failed in their efforts to stop the rise of Constitutional activists. By their own admission, “patriot groups” have expanded exponentially since 2008, and continue to develop freely even in the face of wildly absurd character attacks taken from the amoral (immoral) guidebook of Saul Alinsky himself. The truth, once realized, is difficult if not impossible to stop.

Unfortunately, the establishment understands this as well...

Given a few more years, the Liberty Movement will indeed prevail in the struggle for the “infowar”. Naysayers who claimed we were merely an ineffective and irrelevant peripheral of society are now faced with a strong and growing minority which has the power to swing state and local elections, as we did in 2012, simply by refusing to vote for oath breaking Republicans, sending the message that if the Republican party ever wants to win again, they had better run honest Constitutionalists. Those who claimed our message was “insane conspiracy theory” must now explain the indefinite detention and rendition provisions of the NDAA, the government approved unleashing of 30,000 surveillance drones in American skies, the Obama Administration's assassination list which includes U.S. citizens, and the push for gun registration and confiscation which is already beginning to take place in some states.

How did we know what was coming? Was it intuition or lucky conjecture? Neither. All we had to do was look at the trends of the day and use logic to discern the most likely outcome.

Our concerns, which were once called “fringe”, are now going mainstream. We were right, they were wrong. Though, I wish we had been wrong…

Just as the public is on a shrinking timeline, so are the elites. For every burst forward in our efforts to wake up the population to the loss of their freedoms and heritage, they must speed up their plans to gain economic and political supremacy. The harder you pull on the ends of a frayed rope in opposite directions, the sooner it is going to snap.

Today, as never before, I believe our culture has reached the breaking point, which is why the SPLC has pushed their attacks on the Liberty Movement into overdrive with manipulative media hit pieces like this:


link to video--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sziAvFNHoM&feature=player_embedded

As well as their latest propaganda piece “The Year In Hate And Extremism”:


The SPLC plays the role of the frantic watchman, crying out at the approach of the Mongol hordes, but their childish and ill conceived methods continue to expose their true intentions. Is the Liberty Movement preparing for war? No, but we are preparing to defend ourselves. Here are the SPLC assertions of why we are ready to fight, followed by the real reasons behind our preparations…

1) Because Obama Is Half Black?

No. Obama could be neon green and we couldn’t care less. The SPLC attempts to equate the growth of “patriot groups” with the election of the first black president, while leaving out much more likely catalysts including our current economic spiral (which they often refer to as “conspiracy theory”), or the Obama Administration’s expansion and even application of numerous unconstitutional provisions, some of which were launched by the Bush Administration.

How does the SPLC explain the majority of the Liberty Movement’s staunch opposition to the Romney Campaign if all we cared about was race? How do they reconcile the fact that we are just as critical of the Republican elite as we are of the Democrats? What about the reality that many of our organizations (like Oath Keepers) are made up of numerous races and nationalities?

They never do. They simply ignore this information as if it is not pertinent to the issue. The truth is, Obama is a middle man, a mascot, an easily replaced muppet. He is not our primary interest, and his color is meaningless. The international banks that funded his campaign and whose members occupy numerous positions within the White House, though, ARE our primary concern.

2) Because We Are Afraid Of An Economic Collapse That Will Never Come?

The SPLC refers to almost everything as “conspiracy theory” because they hope that the average American is too stupid to question their rhetoric. Calling someone a “conspiracy theorist” is the modern equivalent of accusing a person of being mentally ill; the goal is to inoculate the public against anything they have to say before they say it, even if it is the unbridled truth.

The SPLC has consistently shrugged off economic concerns as “paranoia”, but they never qualify their statements. Years ago I openly challenged Mark Potok and the whole of the SPLC to a debate on the health of the U.S. economy, and I reassert that challenge today. If they think our concerns are unfounded and a source of paranoia, then they should be willing to defend their position. I believe our financial system is on the fast track to collapse for quite a few reasons, including the fact that:

Our official national debt stands at $16.6 trillion. In 2008, the national debt was around $10 Trillion, meaning, we’ve added over $6 trillion in only 5 years. (Gee, is it possible that this has pissed Americans off more than Obama’s ethnicity?)

Real national debt including entitlement programs and future obligations is estimated between $60 Trillion and $120 Trillion.

Our official debt to GDP ratio (the amount of capital our country generates versus what it owes) stands at 102%. Historically, when a country crosses the 100% mark in its debt to GDP, there is a marked chance of economic crisis. If you count all of the programs and entitlements that the Federal Government doesn’t include in its “official” arithmetic, our debt to GDP ratio is actually closer to 400%. This means an economic crisis is ASSURED.

The Labor Department, using what they call “adjusted numbers” places unemployment at 7.9%. Real unemployment including U6 measurements (those people who are underemployed, and those people who have been unemployed for so long they no longer receive benefits and are no longer counted by the government) stands at over 20%.

In 2009, 32 million Americans were enrolled in food stamps. Today, that number has grown to 48 million. That’s a 50% increase in only 4 years.

The number of people on standard disability has hit a record of 9 million, and has grown every month for the past 192 months.

For the past four years I have pointed out that China, our largest foreign creditor, only needs to do two things before dumping the dollar as the world reserve currency – find a consumer market source to replace the U.S., and, spread it’s own currency around the globe to create a viable alternative to the greenback.

Today, China has announced a full blown transition into a consumer based economy and has established bilateral trade agreements with enough developing nations to easily replace the U.S. as an export market.

This past month, China announced a massive “urbanization project” in which they will sell over $6 trillion in Yuan denominated bonds worldwide. China has also surpassed the U.S. for the first time ever as the world’s largest trade market, meaning, the Yuan will now be more sought after than the Dollar as a global trade mechanism. The Chinese are nearly ready to dump the dollar, causing an international chain reaction that will brutally devalue our currency.

I think our economic worries are clearly reasonable…

3) Because We Are Paranoid Over Unfounded Threats Of Martial Law?

In the calm before any great war, there is always an escalation of arms on both sides of the conflict. Anyone who has carefully studied the history of modern warfare KNOWS an escalation when they see one. At the same time, anyone who has studied the history of citizen disarmament knows that government restriction and confiscation of personal firearms almost always leads to genocide. Over the past decade, we have seen blatant indications that domestic agencies of the Federal Government are in the midst of arms stockpiling, and, in the past two months, they are pushing harder than ever before to reduce the defensive capabilities of the American public.

The Department Of Homeland Security has in only a few years placed orders for ammunition totaling at least 1.6 billion rounds, and new orders indicate they may be accumulating over 2 billion rounds. The DHS has initiated a disinformation campaign through the mainstream media claiming that this ammunition stockpile, which is to be delivered over the course of five years, is for “training purposes only”. Here is the reality…

First, by the department’s own numbers, training and qualification exercises taking place in three facilities nationwide use a total of 15 – 20 million rounds of ammo yearly. This means that if the DHS claims are true, they have ordered enough ammo to last a minimum of 75 years! No government agency plans this far ahead.

Second, the DHS and most federal and state law enforcement agencies DO NOT use hollow point pistol ammo and expensive Sierra Match King hollow point sniper rounds for “training”. Anyone who knows anything about combat simulation training knows that you use the cheapest plinking ammo you can find, and this includes the government. The ammo purchased by the DHS is used for one thing only; killing people.

Third, if this ammo is being used only for non-threatening purposes, then why is the DHS now redacting order requests in a ploy to hide what they are purchasing?


On top of this, why does the DHS need mine resistant armored vehicles?


Link to video--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pS9aw5pcJo&feature=player_embedded

Or bullet resistant road booths?


Why is the DHS using training targets featuring children and pregnant women? Why has the Federal Government put plans into motion to release 30,000 drones above our heads? Why have they instituted the passage of the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA which can be used to revoke the civil rights of anyone deemed an “enemy combatant” by the executive branch, including American citizens? Why has Obama bypassed the Treason Clause of the U.S. Constitution in order to greenlight assassinations of American citizens? Why has Attorney General Eric Holder stated that predator drones have not been ruled out as a weapon against American citizens on American soil? Why has a branch of the military, Northcom, been deployed domestically in the U.S.? Who are they here to fight?

The government is telling us, right to our faces, that they plan to use extraneous force against us, and where else would this force be initiated on such a scale except during martial law? The extensive militarization of any domestic government agency requires as a response the extensive armament of the citizenry, otherwise, there is no deterrent to tyranny.

4) Because We Refuse To Accept That The World Is Changing Without Us?

This argument is based on a series of lies, the first one being that American culture needs to “progress with the times” and shake off the dead skin of old and “unpopular” principles. Let’s set the record straight…

Some principles, like the liberties embodied in natural law and outlined in the U.S. Constitution, NEVER become outdated. They exist in the heart of mankind, and will remain as long as humanity remains. They cannot be erased, and they cannot be undone. They are inherent and eternal.

They can, however, be oppressed by those who seek to dominate the lives of others. This is what the establishment today calls “progress”. Their version of social order is not new, nor is it even clever. It is archaic, and has taken many forms, including oligarchy, aristocracy, mercantilism, monarchy, totalitarianism, despotism, fascism, socialism, communism, globalism, etc., etc. The goal is always the same; centralize as much power as possible into as few hands as possible while making the enslaved population as collectivized and dependent as possible.

The Liberty Movement is not some dying vestige of America’s past clinging to an antiquated philosophy. We are the new wave; the messengers of an ideal of freedom that in the grand scheme of history has been around for only a blink of an eye. Constitutional liberty IS the progress that humanity has been waiting for. We have only been led astray by those who would sell us on our own bondage.

The SPLC and others within the establishment accuse the Liberty Movement of arming for conflict against the government. I am here to tell them that is EXACTLY what we are doing. We are arming because the establishment is arming against us. Yes, we are a threat, but only to political and corporate criminals who use subversion and violence to wrest freedom from the hands of good people. I am not afraid to openly admit it. I and many others will fight against any measure or man that seeks to undermine the rights of the people or destroy the founding principles of this nation.

We will not allow engineered economic collapse to go unpunished. We will not allow internationalists to subdue American sovereignty. We will not allow national gun registration or confiscation. We will not allow martial law to be instituted. We will not allow American citizens to be imprisoned or assassinated without trial. We will not allow any presidential administration, black or white, Republican or Democrat, to become a De facto dictatorship with no accountability to the public.

Regardless of what they might say about us in the future, these are the reasons why we will fight, and our pledges to resist are not empty assertions. We will stop the course of tyranny from completing in this country and in this era, one way or another. If this makes us “extremists”, or “terrorists”, then so be it. I, for one, am tired of the long running game of lies and reserved rhetoric. They know a fight is coming, and we know a fight is coming. Let’s just admit it and be done with it. Their greatest weakness is that they have to use deceit, propaganda, media monopoly, and false flag violence in order to convince the public that they are the “right side”. All we have to do is continue telling the truth, and stand fast…


Hatha Sunahara
19th March 2013, 09:23 PM
Gerald Celente reminds us that protests come and go, but a MOVEMENT stays. He says our model should be the 5 Star Movement that Beppe Grillo is the head of in Italy.

When the masses wake up from their trance, they will be faced with a choice. Freedom or slavery. And they will be reminded that 'The Truth shall set you free. And there will be a MOVEMENT they can join. So, we should all make a large effort to awaken them from their trance.


19th March 2013, 10:03 PM
When the masses wake up from their trance, they will be faced with a choice. Freedom or slavery....So, we should all make a large effort to awaken them from their trance.




Let us know when that happens Hatha.
