View Full Version : Using Historical Precedent to Assess DHS Bullet Stockpile.

23rd March 2013, 07:01 AM
I was wondering how to assess the 1.6 Billion or 2 Billion stockpile that DHS has acquired.

That is, to get a better idea of what they are preparing for, besides the general idea that they are arming themselves to respond to any genuine rebellion of US citizens against the Faux-US-Gov. with "Overwhelming Force".

If we make 3 simple assumptions for starters -
A/ it's 1.6 Billion bullets, not 2 Billion - I've seen both numbers.
B/ they will always keep some reserves, and the bullets will be spread around among the Shabbas Goy Jack Booted Thugs, so only 1/2 of the bullets will be used on US citizens.
C/ they are really bad shots and will tend to over-respond, so they will need 100 bullets to kill each dissident they decide to rub out.

800 million bullets, 100 bullets per dissident = DHS is preparing to kill 8 Million American Dissidents.

This is the most conservative assumption - they are armed to kill many more than 8 Million. Also, they have drones and other killing machines at their beck & call.

From past experience working with government contractors, I know that they usually behave stupidly & autonomously (like a robot). i.e. the group IQ falls & the group behaves like someone with an IQ of 50.

I wonder if the DHS did an assessment of fire-power held by US citizens (e.g. 50 million citizens with an average of 200 bullets per household = 10 Billion bullets), so the DHS just said, "we have to buy some bullets, we're way behind."

So they do some DHS-ian calculations and their Powerpoint spreadsheet spits out the answer, "Need 1.6 Billion bullets".

I thought it would be interesting to consider historical precedent. i.e. to make a list of incidents when the US gov. has shot & killed American citizens, and to figure out an "average" number of bullets used, to get a better feel for the DHS bullet Stockpile.

So, just to start somewhere -

List of Historical Precedent, US Gov. firing on US citizens

Kent State
4 civilians killed, ? bullets fired

Ruby Ridge
Randy Weaver, Randy Weaver's wife killed, ? bullets fired

about 80 civilians killed, ? bullets fired

Chris Dorner
1 man killed, 100+ bullets fired

I welcome additions to this list, the purpose being to determine the number of US citizens that DHS is preparing to kill, however they got to the 1.6 Billion or 2 Billion number.

Lacking a better informed estimate, based on historical precedent, I would guess that the DHS is preparing to kill 8 Million American citizens.

Hatha Sunahara
23rd March 2013, 10:23 AM
Do you think they actually did some calculations? My guess is that they came up with their number the same way Hank Paulson came up with the amount of bailout money they needed. A Lot. Pick a number. OK 700 billion is big enough. A billion bullets is big enough to scare the hell out of everybody. The bought enough bullets to kill every American 5 times over. It has been my experience that the people who decide these things are more concerned about the psychological effects of their decisions than the actual real-world mechanical requirements.

If they did any calculations, it would have been about how many bullets would it take to make the supply of bullets unavailable to anyone else. I am sure they were aware of the plan that produced Sandy Hook and the reaction to perceived gun control on the demand for ammunition. Couple that with the government's demand for bullets, and they succeeded in making ammo unavailable to most people without making it illegal.

They might have enough bullets to kill every American citizen, but do their jack booted thugs have the stomach for it? Their training programs for the jack booted thugs are also a big propaganda piece to scare everybody into submission. They would rather not engage in a life/death struggle with Americans because they know they will lose. So, they are trying to scare as many people into submission as they can before there is any need for hostilities. They are engaging in war by deception. Don't be deceived. They will have to give out bonuses to the biggest killers. How many psycho jack booted thugs do you think there are? Just who is going to be shooting all their bullets? If they meet any resistance, they will fold--just as Solzhenitsyn suggested.


23rd March 2013, 01:25 PM
I was wondering how to assess the 1.6 Billion or 2 Billion stockpile that DHS has acquired.

That is, to get a better idea of what they are preparing for, besides the general idea that they are arming themselves to respond to any genuine rebellion of US citizens against the Faux-US-Gov. with "Overwhelming Force".

If we make 3 simple assumptions for starters -
A/ it's 1.6 Billion bullets, not 2 Billion - I've seen both numbers.
B/ they will always keep some reserves, and the bullets will be spread around among the Shabbas Goy Jack Booted Thugs, so only 1/2 of the bullets will be used on US citizens.
C/ they are really bad shots and will tend to over-respond, so they will need 100 bullets to kill each dissident they decide to rub out.

800 million bullets, 100 bullets per dissident = DHS is preparing to kill 8 Million American Dissidents.

This is the most conservative assumption - they are armed to kill many more than 8 Million. Also, they have drones and other killing machines at their beck & call.

From past experience working with government contractors, I know that they usually behave stupidly & autonomously (like a robot). i.e. the group IQ falls & the group behaves like someone with an IQ of 50.

I wonder if the DHS did an assessment of fire-power held by US citizens (e.g. 50 million citizens with an average of 200 bullets per household = 10 Billion bullets), so the DHS just said, "we have to buy some bullets, we're way behind."

So they do some DHS-ian calculations and their Powerpoint spreadsheet spits out the answer, "Need 1.6 Billion bullets".

I thought it would be interesting to consider historical precedent. i.e. to make a list of incidents when the US gov. has shot & killed American citizens, and to figure out an "average" number of bullets used, to get a better feel for the DHS bullet Stockpile.

So, just to start somewhere -

List of Historical Precedent, US Gov. firing on US citizens

Kent State
4 civilians killed, ? bullets fired

Ruby Ridge
Randy Weaver, Randy Weaver's wife killed, ? bullets fired

about 80 civilians killed, ? bullets fired

Chris Dorner
1 man killed, 100+ bullets fired

I welcome additions to this list, the purpose being to determine the number of US citizens that DHS is preparing to kill, however they got to the 1.6 Billion or 2 Billion number.

Lacking a better informed estimate, based on historical precedent, I would guess that the DHS is preparing to kill 8 Million American citizens.

You forgot the 33.3% decrease in average IQs because of fluoridation and GMO foods, and Chemtrail aluminum nanoparticles in the ambient air. Therefore, you must apply this "holocaust correction" to your calculations to get the correct answer: 6 million!

Oy vey! Where have I seen that number before? Where's PatColo when you need him?

23rd March 2013, 01:51 PM
Do you think they actually did some calculations?

i would say, it's a mistake to under-estimate the socio-pathic-ness of Napolitano & Obama, just as it was a mistake to under-estimate the socio-pathic-ness of Dick Cheney & his side-kick, GW Bush.

but as far as how the numbers were determined - maybe Michael Chertoff's brother needed a job and was able to bring a big order to some bullet maker, if they gave him a seat on the board of directors.

on the other hand, i am curious about the history of incidents besides Waco, Kent State, Ruby Ridge, and the take-down of Dorner.

there's no Wikipedia page for it. you can't just do a web-search for "US gov. incidents of killing American citizens 1963 to 2013".

in general, i think those bullets are not just for show. they are behaving as if they are planning for Civil War.

i would not ask it as a serious question except for one thing. 9-11.

23rd March 2013, 03:45 PM
Add up how many officers that is, and how many practice shots at the range that is per officer.

Hatha Sunahara
23rd March 2013, 03:53 PM
They are behaving as if they are afraid of a revolution. That revolution will happen when they have lost all semblance of legitimacy. Their last pretense will be that they are 'maintaining law and order'. But the vast majority will see through that because they ignore the supreme law of the land--the Constitution. And so they will have no legitimacy at all.

One fine day in the not too distant future, the EBT cards will no longer work. No food stamps. No welfare payments, no money coming from the government. All people will get will be mindless entertainment on TV. And no way to pay for anything. 47 million on Food Stamps right now. And when they start to demonstrate their dissatisfaction in public, the 'authorities' will wreak violence upon them. The authorities have no other plan. They will put those disaffected people in FEMA camps, and turn them into slave laborers. That's what all the bullets are for. They are going to try to keep themselves in power without any legitimacy or public support. The people who still have jobs and a cash flow will very quickly see that they have no safety net, and with the world falling apart around them, they will stop supporting the government. When the money becomes worthless, everyone will demand the removal of the government and the banks. And their 1.6 billion bullets won't be enough to protect them. They are way too overextended to keep everything together as the status quo. They will have to pay the people who still are shooting on their side with something of value. Only the least intelligent among us will stay with them, and we will all know who they are.

I tend to see what is coming as far more dangerous for the people in power than for the vast majority of us. They cannot justify what they have done or are doing, and they are preparing for the end. Lots of bluster, lots of pretense, but they will have no friends. I would not want to be in their shoes. However, I only wish for them what they richly deserve.


23rd March 2013, 04:04 PM
While its nice of them to purchase all that ammo for us.

What green tax do they plan to impose upon lead based products now they have their pile?