View Full Version : Snow Chaos hits Britain

Large Sarge
23rd March 2013, 08:11 AM

23rd March 2013, 08:41 AM
And this is a year when we are at a Solar maximum!

The suns magnetic field is at a record low for a solar maximum, cosmic radiation of high energy particles increases because suns magnetosphere is so small and weak. The cosmic rays creates ionization of the atmosphere, which increases cloud formation. Clouds increase earths reflection of the sun rays into space and weather gets cooler... We have seen nothing yet though, wait 6 or so years when we are at a solar minimum, global temperature will probably be 1 C colder than it is today, or the same as it was in late 19th Century, when hoards of starving Europeans, sold their farms for a ticket to the New World... Then the following solar cycle will be even weaker than the current, no sunspots even at maximum...

23rd March 2013, 08:46 AM
Here is a good webpage for checking suns activity.


The site in itself is a good place for people who have a sane view of the global warming phenomena...

23rd March 2013, 09:11 AM
when hoards of starving Europeans, sold their farms for a ticket to the New World... Then the following solar cycle will be even weaker than the current, no sunspots even at maximum...

From down here near equatorial regions I've noticed compressed bands/fronts of intense heat short lived only a day or two, I imagine these could be the last veins before an overall balancing towards lower temperatures which follow those fronts lasting longer, weeks sometimes.

Nighttime radiative cooling is far above what it was only as short five years prior in my estimation. Speculating on the next solar maximum might be too soon, the spikes getting back to a norm. could be positively electrifying.

While I'm still awaiting larger cloud formations I might be inclined to build a Noah's arc,



Large Sarge
23rd March 2013, 09:12 AM
Britain is likely just feeling the lack of heat from the broken gulf stream

23rd March 2013, 09:17 AM
Almost looks airbrushed/enhanced doesn't it?



23rd March 2013, 09:24 AM
Britain is likely just feeling the lack of heat from the broken gulf stream

What energy isn't in the ocean transfers to the air via wind, imo.

Once that has blown over you are left with an overall lack/loss of it. BP may have been trying to jump start it or extend.

Look to the Earth's magnetic signature/shadow cast over the sun,

from the comments

Just been doing magnetic fields in college. Would it be possible to use this picture to say that the charged particles are negatively charged.

The picture was taken quite far North in the Northern Hemisphere where magnetic field lines are pointing almost vertically down from the sky into the earth.
The charged particles are coming from behind us as they are losing energy and spiraling inwards.
And the force they are experiencing is to the left of the motion. Using Flemmings left hand rule I say these particles are negatively charged.
Please let me know if you think I’ve got this wrong.
Thanks Steve


23rd March 2013, 11:39 AM
From down here near equatorial regions I've noticed compressed bands/fronts of intense heat short lived only a day or two, I imagine these could be the last veins before an overall balancing towards lower temperatures which follow those fronts lasting longer, weeks sometimes.

Nighttime radiative cooling is far above what it was only as short five years prior in my estimation. Speculating on the next solar maximum might be too soon, the spikes getting back to a norm. could be positively electrifying.

While I'm still awaiting larger cloud formations I might be inclined to build a Noah's arc,


According to Svensmark, the Danish physicist, who showed the very strong correlation between solar magnetism/activity, cosmic radiation and cloud formation 16-17 years ago, the tropical cloud formation is not that strongly affected, you need to get above 23 degrees man!

23rd March 2013, 12:21 PM
you need to get above 23 degrees man!

While your Dane might have some clout in the clouds, I see no reason for me to cross into that Dark land North of the God forsaken 23rd...

Excepting the convenient & low "Ork-ind" silver prices.

23rd March 2013, 03:57 PM
that looks pretty grim. Dealing with very hot temps is easier than dealing with very cold. The cold builds on itself imo. It would make sense to bunkup with other people if you could, for the duration. Share heat, food, company. It will be interesting to see how far it penetrates into europe.