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midnight rambler
23rd March 2013, 11:22 AM
I found this guy very fascinating. Of course YMMV -


midnight rambler
23rd March 2013, 11:32 AM
This is what got me going on this guy, jump to 5:00 -


23rd March 2013, 01:00 PM
Here's my immediate thoughts:

-He's tuned in...
-but then he's part of some hollywood tv production, so maybe he's just a diversion...
-after all his name is the Illusion.
-I think the whole Matrix metaphor is basically true in regards to how we are forced to live in society, but reality is outside the Matrix, in nature with physical laws, natural laws, and God.
-If more people live outside the Matrix it would crumble,
-but then if you were truly outside of it you wouldn't care.
-Kinda like the squirrels.

I like Eustace Conway's reality myself.


23rd March 2013, 01:12 PM
-I think the whole Matrix metaphor is basically true in regards to how we are forced to live in society, but reality is outside the Matrix, in nature with physical laws, natural laws, and God.

Start with how to tell time. The day starts at 6 p.m. at sunset. Sunrise is always at 6 a.m. When the sun crosses the local meridian that is high noon. So an hour is not a fixed unit of 60 minutes. There is no international date line where a 24 hour discontinuity occurs.

23rd March 2013, 01:50 PM
Start with how to tell time. The day starts at 6 p.m. at sunset. Sunrise is always at 6 a.m. When the sun crosses the local meridian that is high noon. So an hour is not a fixed unit of 60 minutes. There is no international date line where a 24 hour discontinuity occurs.

It is night and day, noon and midnight at the same time!

The only "difference" between night and day is the angle at which the rays of the sun hit the earth, relative to one's position on the earth.

23rd March 2013, 02:01 PM

23rd March 2013, 02:52 PM
It all comes back to the Matrix, which to me makes perfect sense. The only thing I can not figure out is. The Matrix was made by Hollywood so therefore it should be either Bullshit or a lie filled trap, but it does not appear to be that at all, at least not the first movie.

23rd March 2013, 02:59 PM
The witness position was explained before.

Where he errs is that he thinks he controls it somehow, he's just a part of it, a witness to it.

It is the higher frequency,
