View Full Version : New "liberalize immigration laws" political campaign group pops up. Guess who !

25th March 2013, 02:28 PM
Same, same.

The 28-year-old billionaire is forming a political campaign group that is expected to focus initially on liberalising the US immigration and visa system.

Mr Zuckerberg, who has previously donated $100 million (£65 million) of his $13 billion fortune to the state school system in his native New Jersey, is said to be ready to use another $20 million on the new venture

His new campaign group is to be fronted by Jon Lerner


Associates of Lerner, a devout Jew, say his ethical and religious principles are as important to him as his conservative political beliefs.

So faithful is Lerner to Judaism that he never works on Sabbath. Even in the heated final weeks of a campaign, he drops everything from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.


Twisted Titan
25th March 2013, 02:40 PM
bring some of those liberal laws to Israel.

you know where if your a non jew you get a special liscene plate so you can quickly be identifed
where the state wont issue a marraige liscence if you marry a non jew or different type of jew
where palistinan are made foreigners in their own land.

that would be a great place to start.