View Full Version : pro se winners

26th March 2013, 12:37 PM

download: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pro-se-winners/2013/02/16/pro-se-winners.mp3

Twisted Titan
26th March 2013, 05:14 PM
very timely

i have to fight my mortage company again on a foreclosure.

27th March 2013, 06:27 AM


27th March 2013, 09:07 AM
very timely

i have to fight my mortage company again on a foreclosure.

I got all the way to federal court with 16 counts of fraud. Judge told us we can continue to fight as long as we continue to put the mortgage and tax money in escrow, and the bank still reserves the right to evict. No brainer, I couldn't continue to do all that, pay my lawyers AND find a new place to live. I walked away and took what little I had left and paid cash for someone elses foreclosure... paid off. Not the taj mahal but proud of it none the less.

27th March 2013, 09:17 AM
I got all the way to federal court with 16 counts of fraud. Judge told us we can continue to fight as long as we continue to put the mortgage and tax money in escrow, and the bank still reserves the right to evict. No brainer, I couldn't continue to do all that, pay my lawyers AND find a new place to live. I walked away and took what little I had left and paid cash for someone elses foreclosure... paid off. Not the taj mahal but proud of it none the less.

It is a shame you had to quit after going that far. Did you use Thomas Schauf's material in your court case?

27th March 2013, 09:34 AM
It is a shame you had to quit after going that far. Did you use Thomas Schauf's material in your court case?

No. I spent almost 3 years dicking around with half ass lawyers before I found someone willing to step up to the bankers. My 2nd lawyer dropped the ball and allowed the Sheriff sale to happen. That's when I got the last lawyer and he took it past the county into Federal territory. He told me there is no way to change judges and that the one we had was as crooked as the bank.

We basically went with the show me the note and who the fvck are you to foreclose with no interest in the property. I could have won if I had as much money as the bankers to fight the BS. The banks lawyers kept filing cases in different courts causing us to run around in circles until we got it into Federal. Once in Federal they legally couldn't take the property but still filed so I would have to fight each and every case at the county level. The sheriff that does the eviction will not abide the federal level, only need the county level to evict. Living and wondering if and when we would get booted to the street sucks, did that over 3 years.

27th March 2013, 05:07 PM


28th March 2013, 03:25 AM
No. I spent almost 3 years dicking around with half ass lawyers before I found someone willing to step up to the bankers. My 2nd lawyer dropped the ball and allowed the Sheriff sale to happen. That's when I got the last lawyer and he took it past the county into Federal territory. He told me there is no way to change judges and that the one we had was as crooked as the bank.

We basically went with the show me the note and who the fvck are you to foreclose with no interest in the property. I could have won if I had as much money as the bankers to fight the BS. The banks lawyers kept filing cases in different courts causing us to run around in circles until we got it into Federal. Once in Federal they legally couldn't take the property but still filed so I would have to fight each and every case at the county level. The sheriff that does the eviction will not abide the federal level, only need the county level to evict. Living and wondering if and when we would get booted to the street sucks, did that over 3 years.

The Federal Rule of Civil Procedure allows each side one change of judge as a matter of right. (At least last time I read the Rules 20 years ago.)

28th March 2013, 04:20 AM
You might refer to the 'Lectric Law Library and their definition of 'pro se'.



Lat. "for himself" "on one's own behalf" A person who represents himself in court

alone without the help of a lawyer is said to appear pro se. (2) Lat. for you lose. also pro per

Note 'pro per' or 'proper person' applies as well. Pay particular attention to (2). Here, .... I'll help you out ....

Lat. for you lose .... Lat. is short for Latin.

You can show up to fight with them all you like. They are still going to get their pound of flesh***

*** Reference to Shylock in the Merchant of Venice, written by Shakespeare, although it has been suggested a legal scholar by the name of Bacon actually was the author, recommended viewing if you have never watched this on DVD.

28th March 2013, 11:29 AM
You might refer to the 'Lectric Law Library and their definition of 'pro se'.


Note 'pro per' or 'proper person' applies as well. Pay particular attention to (2). Here, .... I'll help you out ....

Lat. for you lose .... Lat. is short for Latin.

You can show up to fight with them all you like. They are still going to get their pound of flesh***

*** Reference to Shylock in the Merchant of Venice, written by Shakespeare, although it has been suggested a legal scholar by the name of Bacon actually was the author, recommended viewing if you have never watched this on DVD.

It is just a name they used as a title, that is commonly understood and not generally understood as the detailed explanation you give.

They do make it clear that you should never acquiesce to any demand that you represent yourself or have someone like a lawyer represent yourself. You should instead insist that your are appearing as yourself a man and you never waive your right to consul.

28th March 2013, 12:17 PM
It is just a name they used as a title

This is not done as an accident. The title is used because only the dead are represented.

28th March 2013, 12:44 PM
This is not done as an accident. The title is used because only the dead are represented.

Outed another big conspiracy, Palani?

Is it Palani or baloney?

28th March 2013, 02:12 PM
Is it Palani or baloney?

You may call me Sir.

28th March 2013, 04:49 PM
Sir baloney