View Full Version : Is This The Diabolical "Master Plan" Behind Crushing Europe's Depositors?

Hatha Sunahara
27th March 2013, 08:50 AM
To force the savers to pull their money out of the evil banks and to push up the stock market or to spend it to boost the economy?



Is This The Diabolical "Master Plan" Behind Crushing Europe's Depositors
Last week, when we commented on the absolutely idiotic Eurogroup proposal (now voted down and replaced by an equally idiotic "bank resolution" proposal which will see uninsured deposits virtually wiped out) to tax uninsured and insured deposits, we jokingly suggested that this may be merely the latest ploy by the legacy status quo to achieve one simple thing: force depositors across the continent (and soon, world) to pull their money out of a malevolent, hostile banking system and push that money into stocks, or simply to spend it. This would help finally defeat the biggest bogeyman of the centrally-planned reflation attempt in the past 4 years - the absolutely dismal velocity of money which drops every time the G-7 central planners inject liquidity into stocks.
We were joking, because it would be beyond conspiratorial to suggest that a central bank could go as far as wiping out the wealth and savings of an entire nation in order to promote broken monetary policy. It would be outright idiotic and not to mention criminal. Why purposefully endanger depositors, and thus an entire financial system, just to spook them and their money? Or so we thought until we read the following just as "conspiratorial" take from Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid:

Maybe the lesson from all of this is that if you are fortunate enough to have a fair degree of money you might be better off spending it! Maybe that’s the master plan here? Boosting activity by forcing people to use their money rather than deposit it! Indeed I wonder how long it’ll be before an equity strategist suggests that this is bullish as money might now leave deposit accounts and go into equities!
Sarcastic humor or sad, insolvent reality... You decide.

mick silver
27th March 2013, 01:35 PM
thats what i have been asking why do this now if everything is getting so much better . i see that the stock market up again today , and i keep asking myself how can this be

Hatha Sunahara
27th March 2013, 03:55 PM
What message does this send to people who are inclined to save their money?

I would presume that none of us need to save for our retirement any more because the state and the big corporations will provide for our needs.

From each according to their abilities; To each according to their needs?

Has anybody bothered to ask any of us if we want to live in this kind of hell?


27th March 2013, 04:07 PM
What message does this send to people who are inclined to save their money?

I would presume that none of us need to save for our retirement any more because the state and the big corporations will provide for our needs.

From each according to their abilities; To each according to their needs?

Has anybody bothered to ask any of us if we want to live in this kind of hell?


What if they're trying to drive people into electronic currencies like Bitcoin?

27th March 2013, 04:26 PM
What if they're trying to drive people into electronic currencies like Bitcoin?


27th March 2013, 05:30 PM
What if they're trying to drive people into electronic currencies like Bitcoin?

That plus land along with bonds.

Once those markets crash again, they'll use imminent domain to recapture for world-o-pennies.

mick silver
28th March 2013, 05:09 AM
What if they're trying to drive people into electronic currencies like Bitcoin?
i thought the same thing . maybe they will inplant a chip in us all before it done . NWO