View Full Version : Interracial Warfare and California’s Ultimate Collapse

General of Darkness
29th March 2013, 08:24 AM
scarey shit.

Interracial Warfare and California’s Ultimate Collapse Admin (http://www.whitecivilrights.com/?author=2) Mar 29, 2013 |
by Jeff Davis
The Los Angeles Times (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-0126-compton-20130126,0,977110.story) reports: “The trouble began soon after they arrived. The black family—a mother, three teenage children and a 10-year-old boy—moved into a little yellow home in Compton over Christmas vacation. When a friend came to visit, four men in a black SUV pulled up and called him a nigger, saying black people were barred from the neighborhood, according to Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies. They jumped out, drew a gun on him and beat him with metal pipes.”

“It was just the beginning of what detectives said was a campaign by a Latino street gang to force an African American family to leave. The attacks on the family are the latest in a series of violent incidents in which Latino gangs targeted blacks in parts of greater Los Angeles over the last decade.”

This ongoing race war in southern California was reported in the Los Angeles newspaper, and so far only there. Can you imagine the massive media feeding frenzy that would have taken place if the perpetrators had been White?

The article (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-0126-compton-20130126,0,977110.story) goes on “Compton, with a population of about 97,000, was predominantly black for many years. It is now 65% Latino and 33% black, according to the 2010 U.S. census. But it’s not only historically black areas that have been targeted. Federal authorities have alleged in several indictments in the last decade that the Mexican Mafia prison gang has ordered street gangs under its control to attack African Americans. Leaders of the Azusa 13 gang were sentenced to lengthy prison terms earlier this month for leading a policy of attacking African American residents and expelling them from the town.”

“Similar attacks have taken place in Harbor Gateway, Highland Park, Pacoima, San Bernardino, Canoga Park and Wilmington, among other places. In the Compton case, sheriff’s officials say the gang appears to have been acting on its own initiative. Sheriff’s detectives said Friday they had arrested Jeffrey Aguilar, 19, of Gardena and Efren Marquez, 21, of Rialto, both alleged members of the Compton Varrio 155 gang, and are continuing to look for more assailants.”

The Times then sobs profusely about Blacks being driven from their neighborhoods while completely forgetting that White people were driven from those very same neighborhoods by Black violence a couple generations ago. Then again, liberals have always been enormous hypocrites and blind to any past or present violence by minorities against Whites.

While you’d think the Democrats, especially with Obama as president would bring in federal troops to protect the Blacks; they don’t want to risk losing the Latino vote, so only token efforts are being made. A few Latinos may be arrested, but the Latinos will continue to win the race war.

This inter-tribal warfare however is the least of California’s problems. Businesses and wealthy individuals have been fleeing the state because of the exorbitant taxes needed to supply a First World lifestyle to millions of Third World people. California will likely go bankrupt in the near future thanks to its non-White majority. Once that happens, all bets are off. Blacks will likely start rioting for government aid which no longer exists. Home invasion robberies in the suburbs will skyrocket, and California will become almost indistinguishable from Mexico as law and order breaks down due to a lack of funds.

One really does wonder sometimes what will happen to the poor lil’ Black folks once the big bad evil White man is finally gone from the scene. Who will pay them their welfare checks? What is the welfare system like in Mexico, one wonders.

Actually, if you want to know what life will be like, look at Brazil. Because that’s where we’re headed.

29th March 2013, 10:08 AM
California will likely go bankrupt in the near future thanks to its non-White majority. Once that happens, all bets are off. Blacks will likely start rioting for government aid which no longer exists. Home invasion robberies in the suburbs will skyrocket, and California will become almost indistinguishable from Mexico as law and order breaks down due to a lack of funds.

Riiiiiiiight. Law and Order only comes from Government supplied funds. Who the fuck wrote this garbage? Im surrounded by STATISTS and i cant get away!

Law and Order have broken down BECAUSE of Government funds, not a lack of. Government DESTROYS everything it touches, because it is immoral and self contradictory.

29th March 2013, 10:17 AM
Riiiiiiiight. Law and Order only comes from Government supplied funds. Who the fuck wrote this garbage? Im surrounded by STATISTS and i cant get away!

Law and Order have broken down BECAUSE of Government funds, not a lack of. Government DESTROYS everything it touches, because it is immoral and self contradictory.

I think you missed the larger point being made by the writer.

29th March 2013, 01:06 PM
I read about when this happened in Azusa. The Mexicans drove the blacks from the neighborhood and actually made the area a better place to live. I read somewhere that the Mexicans are only doing what comes natural to them, preserving their community. The writer said white communities should be taking note of this and doing the same thing.

29th March 2013, 01:38 PM
I think you missed the larger point being made by the writer.

No i saw his cute point. I like how he convieniently left out the part where the white man kicked the indian off his land......LOL

Sorry Doc, but when i read an article i read the whole thing because the propaganda is usually cleverly hidden at the end and it is usually a 1 liner.

29th March 2013, 01:42 PM
After the Mexicans drive out the Blacks, The Whites are next. It's "New Aztlan time"

General of Darkness
29th March 2013, 02:14 PM
No i saw his cute point. I like how he convieniently left out the part where the white man kicked the indian off his land......LOL

Wrong, whites where here LONG before the Asians showed up. The Asians bred with them and then killed the white man. Research Kennewick man, see you just learned something new today.

29th March 2013, 02:45 PM
Wrong, whites where here LONG before the Asians showed up. The Asians bred with them and then killed the white man. Research Kennewick man, see you just learned something new today.

So half asians killed the white man? Then where did the indian come from? Looked up kennewick man and didn't find anything conclusive to tie it all together.

General of Darkness
29th March 2013, 03:33 PM
So half asians killed the white man? Then where did the indian come from? Looked up kennewick man and didn't find anything conclusive to tie it all together.

Cebu, I don't really care enough at this time to look it all up, but some points, in the past 10 years there have been bones dug up on non "spriitual" sites that have been found but are on Indian reservations. The Indians won't allow them to do DNA testing because they fear the findingss will actually change history. Kinda like the jew, they make money now on their suffering, i.e. Casinos.

The only thing this has to do with the topic is that whites have suffered a lot through out history, but apparently some peoples suffering brings tears, others brings joy and others pay cash.

29th March 2013, 04:10 PM
Stone-age Europeans 'were the first to set foot on North America' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/9110838/Stone-age-Europeans-were-the-first-to-set-foot-on-North-America.html)

29th March 2013, 04:27 PM

29th March 2013, 05:03 PM
This is the first in a 6 part series of vids about the migration of prehistoric Europeans to the American continent. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend. It's an awesome flick.


29th March 2013, 05:17 PM
So what about the people 100,000 years ago? And before that? Show me where TNB came from?

General of Darkness
29th March 2013, 06:35 PM
So what about the people 100,000 years ago? And before that? Show me where TNB came from?

Genetics, environment and more importantly culture. As you know I'm into dog sports, but in a small aspect of it, so I'll try and relate this to humans. Everything is about genetics and then environment.

In the dog world without genetics you don't have a starting point.

So how do you build an excellent Schutzhund dog, and the environment will relate to all dogs


1 - Hard bite
2 - Speed
3 - Fearlessness
4 - A Clear head

These are all things that come from building a positive situation.


1 - Great environment
2 - Play
3 - Interaction
4 - They always win (key point)

Here's the transition from dog to human

A good schutzhund helper (trainer) knows when it's time to put stick hits on a dog when they are on the sleeve, the purpose is to determine toughness. A real world situation of this test is that if I come home and my front door is open and I have my dog with me I can send in my dog and he'll search the house and if he finds someone and that person moves he bites them on the arm and if they attack the dog the dog doesn't let go. Real world stuff.

On the flip side of environment, I could easily take a genetically perfect schutzhund dog, that's young, maybe under 2 years of age and wreck it it under 10 minutes. Make it human aggressive, just a violent animal. This wouldn't be a problem.

So in the dog world we try to build an environment of the dog winning, YAYYYYYY kind of environment that's always positive to not fuck up their brain. Yes they have compulsion when they're wrong but we always end on a high note.

However when it comes to humans these days, just in the culture of school kids, everyone wins. You showed up you get a trophy.

Back to your question about TNB. My answer, genetics and environment. Genetically, blacks are physically superior in many ways, but genetically they're also inferior mentally. It's a reverse bell curve. One of the guys I work for a perfect specimen of a black god, if one exists. He's smart, funny, a good guy and in great shape. I told him this, he's an anomaly, and we talk about race all the time.

Any idiot can make a child, it's nature. But NOW their fun get subsidized by the guberment to the point that it's financially beneficial if you are an idiot to make more idiots. And than you add on top of that that those idiot aren't genetically per-disposed to producing good offspring and then there's a shitty ass environment. Whala TNB.

30th March 2013, 08:18 AM
Back to your question about TNB. My answer, genetics and environment. Genetically, blacks are physically superior in many ways, but genetically they're also inferior mentally. It's a reverse bell curve. One of the guys I work for a perfect specimen of a black god, if one exists. He's smart, funny, a good guy and in great shape. I told him this, he's an anomaly, and we talk about race all the time.

Any idiot can make a child, it's nature. But NOW their fun get subsidized by the guberment to the point that it's financially beneficial if you are an idiot to make more idiots. And than you add on top of that that those idiot aren't genetically per-disposed to producing good offspring and then there's a shitty ass environment...

PROOF HERE (http://cnsnews.com/news/article/bet-founder-country-would-never-tolerate-white-unemployment-14-or-15-percent)


30th March 2013, 08:37 AM
I just found a place in Idaho. I should be finally out of California in little over a month. Where I'm moving almost everyone is White. People wave at you and say hi.

For once I can feel safer and not be discriminated based on the color of my skin (White), but the content of my character.

30th March 2013, 10:29 AM
I just found a place in Idaho. I should be finally out of California in little over a month. Where I'm moving almost everyone is White. People wave at you and say hi.

For once I can feel safer and not be discriminated based on the color of my skin (White), but the content of my character.

Congrats Shami! Good move, and at a good time. I know I've been a lot happier since moving out of a predominantly black city with lots of crime. I'm not a minority here, heck most people don't even know this town exists they blink they miss it.

30th March 2013, 10:31 AM
I like it when people move around, even if they're moving to a world full of potatoes.

30th March 2013, 11:24 AM
I like it when people move around, even if they're moving to a world full of potatoes. It's a smart move to a state that has a large, storable and cheap food supply. A person can live a long time on a diat of potatos.

As for California's racial problems; that article is about 40 years behind the curve in its reporting, it almost over for the blacks remaining there.