View Full Version : Chimpout Chicago - The "Wilding"

31st March 2013, 11:15 AM
Now the PC Police are calling Chimpouts "Wildings":




midnight rambler
31st March 2013, 11:23 AM
The sort of 'community values' left in the wake of that paragon of community organizers, Barcula 0bomber.

In another example of Chicagoland 'community values' aka TNB, teen shoots his elderly grandfather in the back with his own gun (with whom he was living and stole the gun from) and robs him as he's dying so he can buy new kicks and a cell phone and get some tats - http://www.suntimes.com/19185539-761/police-grandson-killed-robbed-72-year-old-man-who-was-headed-to-dialysis.html

31st March 2013, 11:30 AM

31st March 2013, 11:45 AM
...if you choose to live in the primate house, that is an area inhabited by sub-human apes please dont be surprized or complain that the savages are acting the same as their dna has always made them act.

31st March 2013, 12:04 PM
there's a famous case that happened in the 1980's - several black teenagers gang-raped a woman who worked somewhere in finance. in New York City, in Central Park.

they called it "wilding" back then too.

31st March 2013, 12:26 PM
They called them niggers back then too.

31st March 2013, 02:03 PM
They called them niggers back then too.

next time i have to fill out a form that has an optional section where you describe your ethnicity, maybe i'll just write in honky.

31st March 2013, 04:03 PM
Ahab, Albino, Beach-Nigger, Blackrobe, Blue-eyed Devil, Buckra, Cabbage, Cancer, Caveman, Chite, Chocolate-Dipper, Coal-Burner, Cocksauce, Conky, Cowfuck, Cracker, Cremlin, Crizm, Devil, Ditchpig, Egg, Fan Kuei, Farang/Falang, Firangi, Fish...-Belly, Flat-Back, Gabacho, Gai-jin, Gai-ko, Ghost, Golden Toe, Gomer, Gorilla Head, Goy/Goyim, Grey, Greyboy/girl, Gringo/a, Gro, Groid, Groundskeeper Willie, Grout, Guerro, Guido, Guinea, Guteater, Gwailo/Gweilo, Haole, Hawaga/Khawaga, Hay Seed, Helo, Hick, Hillbilly, Honky/Honkie, Hooknose, Hoosier, Kabloonuk, Lofan, Massa, Mayonnaise, Michelli, Moon Cricket, Moss Eater, Mouse, Mud Shark, Mullethead, Muppetfucker, Neck, Ofay, Paleface, Pastyface, Peckerwood, Persuasion, Pinewood, Po'bucker, Powder, Redneck, Rice King, Round-Eye, Rube, Saltine, Shagitz/Shiksa, Shit-Kicker, Skip, Stump/Tree Jumper, TPT, Tabeetsu, Timmy, Trailer Trash, Trash, WT, Wasp, White Chocolate, Whitetrash, Whitey, Wic, Wigger, Wiggerette, Wiggie/Wigg, Wink, Wonder Bread, Wood, or white devil

31st March 2013, 05:13 PM
If I had to be in the area of Negros and their habitat, as I have in San Francisco, I always reached into my purse before leaving my car and took something out to carry with me... always made sure I was hands was free , maybe a scratch owl or a screwdriver something I could carry and stab into somebody's eye, it doesn't take much.... to get the freakers to run and JUMP, what normal human wouldn't have a way of defending their- selves are people just retarded these days?
you could carry mace, pepper spray, hell a bottle of hot sauce, you just can't show fear.

I remember in high school the negro' s were going to kick my ass, so I went out front 6 of them waited for me, and as scared as I was, I said come on..... cause I was freaking stupid !! I picked the biggest blackest meanest looking one and off we went,we fought for a bit and she knew she wasn't going to kick my ass and I couldn't kick hers either... it was done , after that I didn't have any problems, but that was back in the 80's I am sure it is different now.

31st March 2013, 07:28 PM
that was back in the 80's I am sure it is different now.

Yes, now all 6 would be kicking and hitting you at the same time. They are cowards like that now.

31st March 2013, 09:31 PM
Ahab, Albino, Beach-Nigger, Blackrobe, Blue-eyed Devil, Buckra, Cabbage, Cancer, Caveman, Chite, Chocolate-Dipper, Coal-Burner, Cocksauce, Conky, Cowfuck, Cracker, Cremlin, Crizm, Devil, Ditchpig, Egg, Fan Kuei, Farang/Falang, Firangi, Fish...-Belly, Flat-Back, Gabacho, Gai-jin, Gai-ko, Ghost, Golden Toe, Gomer, Gorilla Head, Goy/Goyim, Grey, Greyboy/girl, Gringo/a, Gro, Groid, Groundskeeper Willie, Grout, Guerro, Guido, Guinea, Guteater, Gwailo/Gweilo, Haole, Hawaga/Khawaga, Hay Seed, Helo, Hick, Hillbilly, Honky/Honkie, Hooknose, Hoosier, Kabloonuk, Lofan, Massa, Mayonnaise, Michelli, Moon Cricket, Moss Eater, Mouse, Mud Shark, Mullethead, Muppetfucker, Neck, Ofay, Paleface, Pastyface, Peckerwood, Persuasion, Pinewood, Po'bucker, Powder, Redneck, Rice King, Round-Eye, Rube, Saltine, Shagitz/Shiksa, Shit-Kicker, Skip, Stump/Tree Jumper, TPT, Tabeetsu, Timmy, Trailer Trash, Trash, WT, Wasp, White Chocolate, Whitetrash, Whitey, Wic, Wigger, Wiggerette, Wiggie/Wigg, Wink, Wonder Bread, Wood, or white devil

Laser tag material?

haha wtf is the point of posting that?

31st March 2013, 10:35 PM
Yes, now all 6 would be kicking and hitting you at the same time. They are cowards like that now.

They have no concept of right or wrong. They were not raised by good parents, and grew up on the violent streets.

We called them rat packs. A group of 6 or 10 or more would attack someone for no reason. We caught and arrested 6 in one incident, they beat up and robbed an ice cream man. These kids destroyed their lives, multiple felonies, because they felt like taking ice cream. I asked one, "why?" He gave a blank look, and said "I dunno."

After hours downtown, same issue as in Chicago. These kids would be out in hundreds, just looking for any easy prey. Most folks avoided those areas and there was always a high police presence.

31st March 2013, 11:58 PM
They have no concept of right or wrong.


2nd April 2013, 06:30 AM
The Free Obama Phones are to blame.

2nd April 2013, 09:27 AM
They have no concept of right or wrong. They were not raised by good parents, and grew up on the violent streets.

We called them rat packs. A group of 6 or 10 or more would attack someone for no reason. We caught and arrested 6 in one incident, they beat up and robbed an ice cream man. These kids destroyed their lives, multiple felonies, because they felt like taking ice cream. I asked one, "why?" He gave a blank look, and said "I dunno."

After hours downtown, same issue as in Chicago. These kids would be out in hundreds, just looking for any easy prey. Most folks avoided those areas and there was always a high police presence.

When they form "rat packs" of 200 or more, the events get a little more charged. I would not want to be a cop now.... making enemies of the good people as well as always being an enemy of the animals. These days I am not likely to help a cop unless I know he is a good guy- or that he is being attacked by those who would be attacking me. (an enemy of my enemy)

dead precedent
2nd April 2013, 11:50 AM
In 1990 I got attacked by about 90 of 'em (police estimate arriving at scene) I hit 1 of them 3 times or I hit 3 of them 1 time each, dont remember but I was walking minding my own business and wrong place wrong time there it went, unprovoked....I was pissed! I had a Nike imprint on my forehead for a week, hell it took me three days to get out of bed...best ass whoopin I ever took for sure, but it changed my perspective of the beasts.

2nd April 2013, 01:02 PM
In 1990 I got attacked by about 90 of 'em (police estimate arriving at scene) I hit 1 of them 3 times or I hit 3 of them 1 time each, dont remember but I was walking minding my own business and wrong place wrong time there it went, unprovoked....I was pissed! I had a Nike imprint on my forehead for a week, hell it took me three days to get out of bed...best ass whoopin I ever took for sure, but it changed my perspective of the beasts.

LOL... an event like that would clarify to most people what kind of animal a nigger pack is. At times you might think they are baboons and at others, wolves or hyenas. But once you have seen them in action, you will know they are just niggers.

These are the beasts being bred by our government by stealing money from the working class and giving it to the Obama-phone crowd. They are not intelligent enough to march against evil things or to rally for good causes. Their depth is a fathom shallower than immediate gratification. Now there are enough for the events to begin in living color. Watch the cities burn this year.