View Full Version : SGT interviews Bix on cyprus

Large Sarge
1st April 2013, 09:07 AM

Twisted Titan
1st April 2013, 11:35 AM
I cant stand Bix Weird.

i really think he is a pied piper like max keiser just a few notches down.

1st April 2013, 11:37 AM
Can anyone name one thing Bix has been right about? Anything?

Why does the Silver community still listen to this clown?

Twisted Titan
1st April 2013, 11:50 AM
just goes to show.

ANYBODY can get famous on the internet.

2nd April 2013, 04:16 PM
Can anyone name one thing Bix has been right about? Anything?

Why does the Silver community still listen to this clown?

Maybe cuz he has a funny name? Hmmm... anyone can become famous and rich by using a strange name.

3rd April 2013, 05:18 AM
Can anyone name one thing Bix has been right about? Anything?

Why does the Silver community still listen to this clown?

Nope, apparently no shortage of stupid people, since there are so many people willing to subscribe to Bix Weirds fantasies he raised his newsletter price to $199.00. SGt has revealed himself to be a shill as well or he would stop interviewing Bix after he fell for the Palin will endorse Ron Paul to win the election line of crap.

Large Sarge
3rd April 2013, 07:28 AM
Bix has been advocating buy silver, and get out of the banking system for many years,

he had a subscriber from Cyprus write in and tell him how glad he was that he listened to him

who cares if his political guesses are wrong

Doug Casey did an outstanding article on "what if ron paul really did win"

and it was basically took you through day 1 of RP in office, and how RP meets with all the heads of the alphabet agencies (NSA, CIA, etc) and how RP is told its business as usual(drugs, weapons, wars, chemtrails, toxic vaccines, etc) or RP is catching a bullet

he was/is right on the silver, and the collapse of the banking system, so what if he was/is wrong on the rest

you goto your car mechanic for help with the car, not to get winning picks for the final four (that's why we have Obama, snicker)

3rd April 2013, 09:11 AM
Actually Bix is relatively new to the silver bandwagon, before that it was gold, in any event he is inexcusably full of crap. You a subscriber?

Large Sarge
3rd April 2013, 10:03 AM
Actually Bix is relatively new to the silver bandwagon, before that it was gold, in any event he is inexcusably full of crap. You a subscriber?

not a subscriber

not sure how far he goes back?

like I said, he advocates buying physical silver, staying out of the banking system, and he says physical silver is the Achilles heel of the rothschilds....

those 3 statements are true in my own observation