View Full Version : Another benefit of honey........by me.........V

1st April 2013, 10:24 AM
You know me, always searching and experimenting...and sticking my nose everywhere.

Honey has so many benefits that it made me think of another one.....several months ago I decided to try something new,
I got half of a tea spoon of honey and heated it up (natural honey) and then I applied to the creases on my face... under
the eyes and the two running from under my nose to my mouth..........this lady who I haven't seen in a while noticed something different about me and she said......"Hey Ponce, did you find the founting of youth or what? you look younger and your face is so smooth"......all that I said was "Really? thanks", but I didn't tell her the why of it.

I you try to do this be sure to do while doing nothing because you may touch your face and then something else so that many things may become sticky.

How about a face cream for the ladies that contains 30% honey?......even in hard times they will invest money on their faces.


1st April 2013, 10:56 AM
I know honey has lots of anti-bacterial properties, in fact it used to be used to treat wounds.

1st April 2013, 11:06 AM
How hot did you make it? Burn blisters make skin really smooth.

1st April 2013, 11:26 AM
I know about that one Franks...I used it all the time.

3? no, just plain warm honey... not smooth yet, it might take some more time for that.

1st April 2013, 12:05 PM
supposed to be real good on serious burns, haven't tried it myself, the thought of spreading sticky stuff on a burn...