View Full Version : Hey Ponce, tell me a story.

2nd April 2013, 11:08 AM
First off, Happy Birthday. From your previous posts, it appears you were involved in the Cuban revolution in it's early days. I've seen articles in the past about Castro not being a Commie when he started out but the Sovs cut him a better deal than the U.S so he went Red. How about giving me a first hand report of the time? Posterity needs you.

2nd April 2013, 11:48 AM
Very true, Castro at the start of the revolution was not a communist, it was after the revolution and he came to visit the US that he became one......the president of the US didn't want to see him, for wome unknown reason, and then he, Castro, went to the Peoples Socialist country of Russia where he was recieved like a hero...Nikita was even waiting for him when his plane landed........now then, Castro was not and is not a Communist but a Socialist.

It was after I was let go out of the jail at Varadero Beach, where I was told that if I ever went back I would be killed, that I joined the revolution.......at first this one guy was suppused to take me and two more guys to the Sierra Maestra where Castro was at but somehow they found out about him and was killed.......my area of operation was at "La Laguna del Tesoro", that is in the same area where "The Bay of Pigs" is at........I did this and that and a lot of running........the only good thing about it is that is was close to the sugar mill where I was living at........"Central Conchita" was the name and the government changed it to "Puerto Rico Libre".

After the revolution I did meet Castro, Raul, Almeida and Major Morgan.......Major Morgan (for what ever reason) was killed by Castro, he was an American.

After the revolution I came to the US and joined the army, was sent to radio school and then to FUCKING Alaska, it was while I was there the Castro sent my mom to Prison, the prison was close to where the Russians had one of thir missiles bases and she told me that when they used to test them the whole prison would shake. I believe that she was at the prison of Guanajay.

Out of the 2.5 years that she was there she was 8 monts in solitary confinment........a straw bed, two buckets (one for water and the other one for shit) and two rags for when she had her period..........use one and wash one............I really don't blame Castro for his actions because it was his country and government.........BUT..............I do blame the US government for doing nothing, it was the same US attorney that worked on a deal with those of the Bay of Pigs invasion that was able to have her and another American woman released out of prison in 62.

I'll post more for the CIA later on hahahahahaahahah


2nd April 2013, 11:58 AM
This should turn into the Ultimate Ponce Story Thread.

That old fart is full of awesome tales.

Share your stories, dammit, Ponce!

2nd April 2013, 01:58 PM
Have you guys seen the movie "The Wild Gueese?"....... well, that movie was about the group I was there with in 62 but they gave the credit to some crazy UK major who was there in 63......most of the movie was bull because the train trip was not that bad........the fighting in Elise was almost true but once again not that bad, we did have some shop off heads.
I was captured for two days and was able to scape after two days, one of this days I'll tell you what was done to me and what I did in order to take off, only Agnut knows about it........ I was there with a funny passport so that I don't have any evidence, something which is hard to do now days unless you are a Zionist and able to steal a real passport and doctored.


2nd April 2013, 02:18 PM
I was there with a funny passport so that I don't have any evidence, something which is hard to do now days unless you are a Zionist and able to steal a real passport and doctored.
Yeah ask Obama!

2nd April 2013, 04:25 PM
Thanks Ponce. We need true history.