View Full Version : Are TPTB forcing silver price down so they can buy for themselves?

2nd April 2013, 11:10 AM
Now that everybody knows TPTB have directed their rich friends to withdraw their cash before cypress banks closed, could these elite not know what to do with all their cash?

News that the Cypriot President’s family moved 21 million euros to London days before the bank accounts of his people were looted as part of the bailout deal serves as another reminder that while the media portrays the victims of the Cyprus “haircut” as the mega rich and wealthy Russian oligarchs, the real victims are middle class families and small business owners.

“The effect of this is there is now a distinct desire to withdraw the excess cash from the banking system, with the definitive question of what to do with it? How would you like to be an international company with over $100 billion in the bank? How would you feel if you believed 40% of the money could simply be stolen?

For individuals, the two most common investments for people are residential real estate and the stock market. So it is in fact happening that some of this excess cash now being stored in banks is moving even more into residential real estate, and this may also well be what sustains the stock market from a very serious correction which is technically called for here.

TPTB know the stock market is in a bubble and the real estate market is in a manipulated bubble so they want to provide their wealthy friends a place to preserve their wealth. Maybe TPTB is providing the alternative in metal, but not at a high price, fire sale prices for the elite are provided for.


http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2013/3/29_The_Most_Dangerous_%26_Potentially_Fatal_Gamble _In_History.html

2nd April 2013, 11:35 AM
The prices of silver and gold are being suppressed by the Chinese and Russians so their physical purchases can be maximized. Physical gold purchases in China by the populace are through the roof. Also, the Euro crisis and Korean situation are providing for temporary dollar strength. But the price of gold is at all time highs in Yen and Euros. And yes, according to Jim Willie, who has been far ahead of the analyst crowd since 2005, the big money Wall Street insiders all have huge physical gold hordes while they short the paper metal. In short, the smart money has and will continue to move into gold and silver.

2nd April 2013, 12:37 PM
The prices of silver and gold are being suppressed by the Chinese and Russians so their physical purchases can be maximized.

i think it's more the case that, when the Cartel "does their thing", the Chinese are often careful not to upset the applecart by buying too much physical. they could easily crash the system, by using their $Trillions to siphon all available physical and putting organizations like Comex & LBMA into a 'default' condition.

2nd April 2013, 01:34 PM
Silver's a result of decades of past suppression to support the globalists network.

Gold's current price has been setup to keep it in line, and under the radar use as a feasible monetary instrument.


2nd April 2013, 01:42 PM
Yes. Like they do in all markets.

Wondering if their plan is to ultimately move their stock gains into metals. In the 2007-2009 crash, the first big wave of money came out of stocks and gold, and went into bonds. The second wave (in 2009) came out of stocks and went into bonds and gold. With bonds so high now and gold so low, it seems like the most lucrative move for the manipulators this time around would be to move primarily into gold. It's a question of when they pull the trigger. So many people are now expecting a stock correction that I think the first down move will be a head fake, followed by more record highs to allure the remaining suckers into a panic buy. Not until then will they drop the axe.

I purchased more miners today at these absurdly low prices, knowing that I may get an even lower price in the June/July time frame. I'll buy then, too.

7th July 2013, 06:05 PM
Three different types of investment markets ,each with different cycles.

Shares, property, precious metals.

Of course the ptb dont like pms showing off.