View Full Version : Chertoff owns this Goy Stooge

4th April 2013, 10:36 PM
Chertoff (http://chertoffgroup.com/bios/michael-hayden.php) owns this goy stooge

Read all about it HERE (http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=809)

Former CIA director General Michael Hayden said a “well organized” preemptive U.S. strike on Iran could be the “least worst” option in preventing Tehran from successfully obtaining a nuclear weapon.

“I must admit, as this [standoff with Iran] has spiraled down over the last four years, that option, if not becoming more attractive, looks least worst in my eye,” Hayden said Thursday during a discussion (http://www.c-span.org/flvPop.aspx?id=10737439123) on Iran’s nuclear program organized by the Atlantic Council think tank.
Hayden, who attended the event as an audience member, said that while U.S. action against Iran remains “a bad option,” his opposition towards it has lessened over the years. “There had been no doubt that it’s a very difficult and bad option,” Hayden said. “When we discussed this in the Bush administration, [former Secretary of Defense] Bob Gates, it was very common for him to point out if we go do this, we will create that which we’re trying to prevent—an Iran that will stop at nothing in secret to develop a weapon.”

Hayden disagreed that “thousands of Iranians would likely be killed by the attacks,” as the Atlantic Council maintains in its latest report (http://www.acus.org/files/publication_pdfs/403/itf_report_final.pdf) on Iran, arguing that the number would probably be lower.Hayden was a member of the team that assembled the report.

Link (http://freebeacon.com/confronting-iran/)