View Full Version : North Korean Army Prepares For War ...... V

5th April 2013, 09:54 AM
I like to say that to conquer a country by invading it you must first conquer its people because even if you win over their army you will never conquer its people......... in the case of Korea it would be a blessing for its people but only till they see that the only thing that had changed was food on their table and then they would fight the invaders that just to be called liberators........you can be trully free only when there are no occupiers on your land.

The N Korean troops don't need two billion dollars for air conditioner like the US troops in Afgha and fight like Charlie did in Viet Nam ...........their troops will enjoy what ever we take there.

By the way, we left billions of dollars worth of equipment when we came out of Nam, did we buy all that back or do they still have it?

North Korean Army puts on a show for the cameras.

North Korea has declared a "state of war" against South Korea, stating that from now on any issues between the two countries will be resolved in a "wartime manner." Rallies were held all over North Korea in support of Kim Jong-Un and his bellicose rhetoric.

http://dailybail.com/home/raw-video-north-korean-army-prepares-for-war.html .........video

5th April 2013, 12:43 PM

I getting weewie weewie mad! This paper not make good airpwane. You faut! Read book tell me how. I wann airpwane! Now!

willie pete
5th April 2013, 01:01 PM
why are their caps so big? looks like a cartoon ;D

General of Darkness
5th April 2013, 01:03 PM
Those hats are wack. This is what they should be sporting.


5th April 2013, 03:37 PM
I too focused on their giant hats.
Compensating for other things I guess.

5th April 2013, 04:11 PM
Well, when it rains they don't need an umbrella....