View Full Version : obama wants to limit your retirement account balance

5th April 2013, 02:01 PM
to be unveiled next week in a speech, cap of 3 million per person. after that, i guess you just have to send it all to the government or spend it or something.


President Barack Obama’s budget proposal would cap multimillion-dollar tax-favored retirement accounts like the one held by Mitt Romney, his Republican rival in 2012.

Obama’s budget plan, to be unveiled April 10, would prohibit taxpayers from accumulating more than $3 million in an individual retirement account. That proposal would generate $9 billion in revenue for the Treasury over the next decade, according to a White House statement released today.

“Under current rules, some wealthy individuals are able to accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving,” the statement said.

The most prominent taxpayer with a multimillion-dollar IRA is Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee and co- founder of Bain Capital LLC. Romney disclosed in public filings during the campaign that his retirement account held between $18.1 million and $87.4 million. At one point, the maximum exceeded $100 million.

IRAs have evolved from a retirement-planning technique into an estate-planning tool for some wealthy families because tax laws allow the accounts to be passed on to heirs, said Ed Slott, an IRA specialist and certified public accountant based in Rockville Centre, New York.

‘Critical Mass’

“Over the last election it hit a critical mass when a lot of people found out that Romney had $100 million in his IRA,” Slott said. “People thought, how on earth did that happen? I think that was the tipping point.”

The Romney campaign didn’t explain how he amassed that much money in an IRA when contribution limits are much lower. Most taxpayers can contribute a maximum of $5,500 for 2013. Older workers, self-employed workers and those who save through 401(k)-style plans have higher caps and can roll those accounts into IRAs.

One possibility is that Romney included Bain investments valued at close to nothing that later grew exponentially. The value would increase tax-free in the retirement account and would be subject to taxation at ordinary income tax rates when taken out.

Democratic lawmakers, including Representatives Sander Levin of Michigan and George Miller of California, asked the Treasury Department last August to answer questions about large IRAs and to make policy recommendations.

Account Total

The administration’s statement didn’t explain in detail how the proposal would work. The cap would apply to the total of all of an individual’s tax-favored retirement accounts.

Brian Graff, executive director and chief executive officer of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries, said his group will “vigorously oppose” the idea.

“It is a ‘plan killer,’” he said in an e-mailed statement. “As business owners reach the cap, they will lose their incentive to maintain a plan, and either shut down the plan or greatly reduce benefits. This would leave workers with a greatly diminished plan or without any plan at all.”

Slott said the proposal, which wouldn’t apply to most taxpayers, would be difficult to implement.

To contact the reporters on this story: Richard Rubin in Washington at rrubin12@bloomberg.net; Margaret Collins in New York at mcollins45@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jodi Schneider at jschneider50@bloomberg.net

5th April 2013, 02:09 PM
That proposal would generate $9 billion in revenue for the Treasury over the next decade. LOL

It's ok, there is a rabbi in israel that needs some extra money for his kids bar mitzvah.

American taxpayers give Israel over $3 billion per year (http://ifamericansknew.org/stats/usaid.html#source) (over $8 million per day), more than to any other nation, despite the fact that Israel is smaller than New Jersey and is in the top 30 richest countries in the world.
Per capita, Israelis receive $10,000 more U.S. tax money than average.

A Conservative Estimate of Total US Aid To Israel: Over $123 Billion Of Your Tax Dollars


5th April 2013, 02:11 PM
next will be, you don't "need all that 3 million" so we're taking part of it and just direct depositing it in to the treasury. this is merely setting the stage for the big cyprus.

5th April 2013, 02:15 PM
How about when I sell my silver? I know that by the time that I sell it will be a hell of a lot more than 3 million......that is to say, if I sell it......I want it to trade with and not to exchanged it for no good green backs.

If I could sell it now with no pro I could make a few hundred thou and then take of......but ......between taxes and the regulations to take the money out of the country there would be hell to pay.


5th April 2013, 02:23 PM
Obama’s budget plan, to be unveiled April 10, would prohibit taxpayers from accumulating more than $3 million in an individual retirement account. That proposal would generate $9 billion in revenue for the Treasury over the next decade, according to a White House statement released today.

I'm curious, how would this generate any "revenue" for the government? Do they think that if some rich dude reaches $3 million in his account he'll just keep putting money in it, knowing that every last cent of it is going to be taken by the government? And what the hell is this:

“Under current rules, some wealthy individuals are able to accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving,”

Broken down they're simply saying that if they believe you have more money than they deem reasonable, they are allowed to take the rest. Once this principle is accepted, you can bet your ass that what's considered reasonable will continue to get lower and lower.

5th April 2013, 03:39 PM
I don't think they are talking about taking it, they're just saying that anything over $3 million won't have deferred taxes.

The $9 billion will come from income taxes which would have otherwise been deferred by placing it in a retirement account.

5th April 2013, 04:08 PM
For most of us this is a fucking joke! What retirement? What 401K? LMFAO. Just a whole lot of nothin left to lose.

5th April 2013, 04:52 PM
Well in hyper inflation none of us will get retirement, LT.

Hatha Sunahara
5th April 2013, 05:21 PM

I'm curious, how would this generate any "revenue" for the government? Do they think that if some rich dude reaches $3 million in his account he'll just keep putting money in it, knowing that every last cent of it is going to be taken by the government? And what the hell is this:

I think they pulled the number out of their asses. Probably a BOGSAT (Bunch Of Guys Sitting Around A Table) guess. Probably no calculations made, just a nice impressive number. Nobody will ask them how they arrived at it.

Broken down they're simply saying that if they believe you have more money than they deem reasonable, they are allowed to take the rest. Once this principle is accepted, you can bet your ass that what's considered reasonable will continue to get lower and lower.

They already deem that all your income belongs to them, and when you file a tax return, you are just claiming how much you need to live plus an incentive to keep on working. But of course filing a return, according to them is voluntary. They already have the money you've had withheld. This isn't much a deviation from that idea.
