View Full Version : Outlawry

5th April 2013, 05:44 PM
By the common law there is no outlawry but where the writ is vi et armis (force and arms).


So when force and arms are used against you you are entitled to a writ of trespass vi et armis. You charge THEM with treason and see who swings from the nearest oak.


In old English practice. In proceedings in outlawry, when there were but two county courts holden between the delivery of the writ of exigi facias to the sheriff and its return, a special exigi facias, with an allocato com- itatu issued to the sheriff in order to complete the proceedings. See EXIGENT.

Hatha Sunahara
5th April 2013, 06:52 PM
Does that apply to the police? You can sue them in the admiralty courts. Is it better to charge them with treason in a common law court? Treason could result in the death penalty.


5th April 2013, 07:39 PM
Does that apply to the police? You can sue them in the admiralty courts. Is it better to charge them with treason in a common law court? Treason could result in the death penalty.


All you have to do is find a common law court that is willing to act as they should.

Not really an easy task though.