View Full Version : Colo. undersheriff warns: State police, Homeland Security to target Christians

6th April 2013, 07:57 AM
Colo. undersheriff warns: State police, Homeland Security to target Christians
http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/eb/ed/ebed10d5ef4107a3176da239772cb528.jpg?itok=wo5IQHmN (http://www.examiner.com/topic/gun-control)

According to a letter written by Ron Trowbridge, undersheriff with the Prowers County, Colo., Sheriff’s Office, Christians (http://www.examiner.com/topic/christians) who believe the Bible is the literal word of God and others who do not agree with the changes taking place in America could find themselves under scrutiny by law enforcement authorities and Homeland Security (http://www.examiner.com/topic/homeland-security), Steven H. Ahle wrote at Red Statements (http://redstatements.co/colorado-state-police-and-homeland-security-target-christians/) Friday.

Trowbridge, a law enforcement officer with many years of experience (http://www.zoominfo.com/#%21search/profile/person?personId=658182148&targetid=profile), told Ahle that he recently attended a training session in La Junta, Colo., where, he says, Colorado (http://www.examiner.com/topic/colorado) State Patrol Trooper Joe Kluczynski gave a 2-hour presentation on the "sovereign citizen" movement.
"Kluczynski spent most of his two hours focusing on how, in his view and apparently the view of Homeland Security, people turn to the sovereign citizen movement," he wrote.

According to the FBI (http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2010/april/sovereigncitizens_041310), the "sovereign citizen movement" is made up of "anti-government extremists who believe that even though they physically reside in this country, they are separate or 'sovereign' from the United States."

These people, the FBI says, do not believe they have to answer to any government authority and can cause a number of problems for law enforcement authorities.
But according to Trowbridge's letter,
Kluczynski went much further, including "those who believe America was founded on godly principles, Christians who take the Bible literally, and 'fundamentalists'."

"Kluczynski did not explain what he meant by 'fundamentalists' but from the context it was clear he was referring again to those who took the Bible literally or 'too seriously,'” he added.

These people, Kluczynski reportedly said, have a right to their beliefs, but needed to be monitored by law enforcement authorities.
Trowbridge said that according to Kluczynski, these individuals and groups are "dangerous" because they are "angry over the election of a black president."

When an attendee suggested the economy was probably more to blame, Kluczynski "intimated that those who are not going along with the changes in America will need to be controlled by law enforcement," Trowbridge added.

"Kluczynski even later questioned some of the troopers present if they were willing and prepared to confiscate 'illegal' weapons if ordered to," he added.

According to Trowbridge, Kluczynski said he was leaving the CSP to work with Homeland Security.
"I thought he was perfect for the job," Trowbridge wrote.

News of the training comes on the heels of a report at K99.com (http://k99.com/governor-hickenlooper-about-to-give-secret-service-power-to-arrest-colorado-sheriffs/) that says "Colorado is being targeted with an attempt to set up loopholes that will allow the U.S. Secret Service to arrest and remove an elected sheriff for refusing to enforce the law, or anyone breaking the law."
Recently, Colorado passed several sweeping gun control (http://www.examiner.com/topic/gun-control) measures and some county sheriffs, like Weld County Sheriff John Cooke (http://www.examiner.com/article/colorado-sheriff-i-am-not-going-to-enforce-new-gun-control-laws), have said they would not enforce mandates that infringe on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Trowbridge's entire letter can be seen here (http://redstatements.co/colorado-state-police-and-homeland-security-target-christians/).

6th April 2013, 09:24 AM
It always was about this. The god of the is world (Satan) HATES the word of God and all the other stuff and fluff is just a precursor to getting rid of IT

Twisted Titan
6th April 2013, 09:30 AM
Just further proof when they show up at your door they are not coming to talk.

They are coming to take something.

Weather its your Freedom,Property or Life is the only question.

Prepare accordindly and may the Good Lord guide your actions at that crucial moment.

6th April 2013, 11:43 AM
Colo. undersheriff warns: State police, Homeland Security to target Christians

These people, Kluczynski reportedly said, have a right to their beliefs, but needed to be monitored by law enforcement authorities.
Trowbridge said that according to Kluczynski, these individuals and groups are "dangerous" because they are "angry over the election of a black president."

they are SO looking for a fight.

also quite misguided if they think the massive groundswell of citizens who don't recognize pResident Obama is related to his skin color.

6th April 2013, 11:48 AM
they are SO looking for a fight.

also quite misguided if they think the massive groundswell of citizens who don't recognize pResident Obama is related to his skin color.

I'm thinking the whole article is propaganda to confuse and devide the masses?

6th April 2013, 01:30 PM
The redcoats setup toeholds past the Mississippi. Long time in the works.

6th April 2013, 02:05 PM
Just further proof when they show up at your door they are not coming to talk.

They are coming to take something.

Weather its your Freedom,Property or Life is the only question.

Prepare accordindly and may the Good Lord guide your actions at that crucial moment.

possible solution:

A. have a long driveway.

B. park a truck in the driveway or have a gate & fence. or both.

make them show their intention & make them come in on foot.

6th April 2013, 02:31 PM
Christian (Lutheran) Pastor & former staunch Republican activist's spiel. 3 parts ~15 mins each, in the first 2 parts advance to 1:10 to skip the opening graphics. In fact in part 1 you can advance to 7:30 to skip Dankof's intro if you want.

Paster And Patriot Mark Dankof At The Islamic Students Union Part 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8jGdnttLng)

Paster And Patriot Mark Dankof At The Islamic Students Union Part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beoX1Lp0T6I)

Paster And Patriot Mark Dankof At The Islamic Students Union Part 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt8LHd8JWe8)

7th April 2013, 07:10 AM
Just further proof when they show up at your door they are not coming to talk.

They are coming to take something.

Weather its your Freedom,Property or Life is the only question.

Prepare accordindly and may the Good Lord guide your actions at that crucial moment.
Agreed...they ARE coming. Its only a matter of when.

General of Darkness
7th April 2013, 07:21 AM
WTF, I'm Catholic, do they not fear us?

7th April 2013, 09:16 PM
Training material listing Catholics as ‘extremists’ angers archdiocese


ed note–no mention of Judaism however, despite the fact that as a religion it teaches that non-Jews are animals whom Jews are commanded to kill, exploit and enslave.


Catholic military archdiocese officials are calling on defense officials to review training materials after learning that a briefing from an Army Reserve unit cited Catholicism as an example of “religious extremism” — on a list with al-Qaida, the Ku Klux Klan, and the white supremacist Christian Identity.

“The archdiocese is astounded that Catholics were listed alongside groups that are, by their very mission and nature, violent and extremist,” said a statement from the Archdiocese for the Military Services.

Catholics make up about 25 percent of the armed forces, according to the archdiocese.

more @ http://www.armytimes.com/article/20130405/NEWS/304050016/Training-material-listing-Catholics-8216-extremists-8217-angers-archdiocese

also see:
Catholics Invented Jewish Ghettos, Created Badges For Jews (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?67935-Usury-in-Christendom-Michael-Hoffman&p=624101&viewfull=1#post624101)

8th April 2013, 05:44 AM
Christian persecution is and has been the intended target/result of every jewish revolution for 2,000 years.
Even money is secondary in their psychopathic lust for Christian blood!

8th April 2013, 07:44 AM
The Higher Law

by Henry Morris, Ph.D.

“Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws” (Genesis 26:5).

In the United States, the government should be a government of laws, rather than men, and our founding fathers established a Constitution with its government of checks and balances to safeguard this principle. Today, however, we have a great weight of both legislation and administrative regulations. Even our judges have become lawmakers themselves, assuming that the supposed “law” of evolution applies to the Constitution itself, adapting it to our “evolving” social policies.

The law of evolution is, of course, a pure fabrication, but there is indeed a higher law than even that of the Constitution. The founding fathers called it “the law of nature and of nature’s God,” or “the laws of divine providence.” Studies of English jurisprudence (as codified particularly in the works of Blackstone and Rutherford) make it plain that the English common law was nothing more nor less than applied Biblical law. Our nation fundamentally was built on the framework of law established by the Creator in the Holy Scriptures and has been greatly blessed because of this.

As a matter of fact, as our text shows, God’s system of laws was established not only before Moses’ time, but even before Abraham; and Abraham obeyed them. So did the ancient patriarch Job (note Job 23:12).

The courts of our country, however, have now seen fit to ban even the Ten Commandments from the schools, and God’s laws are violated everywhere. Therefore, Christians have a greater responsibility now than ever before to do as our father Abraham did, obeying God’s voice and His charge, with His commandments, statutes, and laws."


We ain't skeered...we serve and are protected by Higher Law.


8th April 2013, 11:53 AM
"It is difficult for the average person to grasp the enormity of this “Paradigm Shift eastward.” It is comparable not only to the fall of Babylon in 537 BC, but also to the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD. In fact, it is comparable to the fall of each of the beast nations mentioned in Daniel 7. We are sitting on the cusp of prophetic history. If we are not blind, and if we know the Scriptures, we will be not only awed by the hand of God, but also encouraged to know that the Word of God is being fulfilled. Certainly, there is no need to fear, but to rejoice."
