View Full Version : "Squatters" claim Ada County house

6th April 2013, 11:03 AM

"Squatters" claim Ada County house

ADA COUNTY -- Ada County Sheriff's deputies said a woman and her family were squatting in a house near the Boise Ranch Golf Course. Then the woman claimed that because they paid property taxes on the home, it was theirs.
The woman, Tara Mashburn, her adult son, her husband, and four children were living in a house off Cloverdale. Deputies believe Mashburn thought she was taking appropriate steps to claim the house,, when she sent a letter about the situation to the authorities.

"About two weeks ago the Sheriff's Office received a certified letter from a Ms. Tara Mashburn. In the letter she states that they have openly and hostilely take possession of a house, and that they're actually against all the world," said Sergeant Jake Vogt.

Sergeant Vogt said in the letter Mashburn said she had paid property tax on the house---she even included documentation.

The Sheriff's Office found the home's owner.

"We did in fact get in touch with Bank of America who is the titled and deeded owner. They informed us that Ms. Mashburn or anyone else did not have permission and was not allowed to be there," Vogt said.

Sergeant Vogt said the bank foreclosed on the house. As best as the Ada County Sheriff's Office can tell, Mashburn and her family lived in that house for two to three weeks. She was trying to use adverse possession law to claim the house was now hers.

Deputy Ada County Prosecutor Roger Bourne said in his 35 years with the prosecutor's office, he's never heard of a case like this.

"Adverse possession was meant for situations where a mistake had been made," said Bourne. "It would have to be open and notorious, that is so that the owners of the property knew they were living in it, and didn't cause them to leave for 20 years, the maybe."

Last Friday, deputies went to the house to explain that Mashburn and her family were trespassing, and the owner, Bank of America, asked them to leave.

"They told them that they'd be coming back at 4pm that day, and if they were still there, they'd be arrested," said Vogt.

Because of security concerns, deputies did not return that afternoon.

"Ms. Mashburn actually called our department to attempt to file a complaint on some of our deputies for not arresting her. She said that she had 15 witnesses there that she wanted to witness the arrest, and she was upset that she wasn't arrested."

Over the next few days, deputies noticed the Mashburn and her family padlocked the gate to the house. They also put up "No Trespassing" signs.

Thursday, deputies went to the house and arrested Tara Mashburn and her son Kassidy McDaid.Mashburn and her son are charged with trespassing and unlawful entry. Their court date is set for April 25th.

Deputies said this is a good reminder to anyone who owns a vacant property to check up on it regularly, and ask neighbors to keep an eye on it, too.

Linky (http://www.ktvb.com/news/Squatters-claim-Ada-County-house-201728661.html)

6th April 2013, 11:31 AM
What evidence did the bank provide that they owned the property?

6th April 2013, 11:36 AM
What evidence did the bank provide that they owned the property?

The OP states they held both the title and the deed.

6th April 2013, 11:51 AM
The OP states they held both the title and the deed.

Have you ever seen a bank occupy a house?

6th April 2013, 11:52 AM
The OP states they held both the title and the deed.

Then I would say the banks own it. But I would also want to see said proofs.

6th April 2013, 12:35 PM
Because of security concerns, deputies did not return that afternoon.

No large muscley cops available to warrant the resisting arrest charge.

Palani, you're gonna need to workout & get some thick chains to link you to the footers.

6th April 2013, 12:37 PM
Have you ever seen a bank occupy a house?

No, but owning and occupying are two different things, right?

6th April 2013, 03:15 PM
"About two weeks ago the Sheriff's Office received a certified letter from a Ms. Tara Mashburn. In the letter she states that they have openly and hostilely take possession of a house, and that they're actually against all the world," said Sergeant Jake Vogt.


PUNTA GORDA, FL - A woman who says she is not bound by any of the laws of the State of Florida was arrested in Charlotte County last month after a traffic stop.

Punta Gorda Police stopped a car with a suspicious tag in Punta Gorda at about 9 p.m. According to police, the tag read "America DOT 1890262 Exempt" and did not appear to be registered to any state. There were three women in the car. When police asked the driver what her name was, she refused to say and demanded to know the reason that she was being stopped. Police told the woman she was being stopped because she was driving a car without a legal tag. The woman then told police she did not have to register her car according to "the DOT." When officers asked her for her driver's license, the woman told them that she was not driving, she was "travelling" and did not need to have a license.

The woman then gave police several random documents stating that her name was "Linda Louise Suae Potestate Esse." According to police, the documents were not recognized as being issued by any U.S. State or foreign country and did not provide any verifiable information about the woman. Police say the woman told them her name was "Linda Louise," and the additional part of her name was the legal terms proving that she was not subject to any by-laws of the State of Florida. Police asked the woman if she had ever had a driver's license at any time in any of the fifty states and she said she was not required to have one and never has had one. The woman would not give deputies any information on where she was from, and only stated that she "lived on land" and was a "free traveler."

Police did a check on the name and birthdate they were given by the woman and found no warrants on the name. None of the passengers in the car would identify themselves. The passenger in the back seat got out of the car and told officers she was going to go to a meeting down the street. The officers could not hold her in custody as there was no probable cause. After continuing to question the driver about registration, she then told officers they had no right to hold her there and that she was going to drive away. Police warned the woman that she was being lawfully held on a traffic stop and if she left before they were finished she would be arrested. Police say the woman then continued to yell at them about case law and U.S. codes that she said gave her the right to do what she was doing. The woman refused to step out of the vehicle and officers were forced to remove the woman from the car by force.

Police then arrested the woman for operating a vehicle without valid driver's license or registration. The front seat passenger, who told dofficers she was driver's daughter, gave them what she said was proof of registration. Police say the document was a blank U.S. Department of Transportation renewal form. They searched the VIN number on the car and found it was not registered in any state. The woman was taken to the Charlotte County Jail.

Linky (http://www.nbc-2.com/story/18896412/sovereign-citizen-arrested-after-traffic-stop)

:D Another who apparently believes the same kind of deluded Legal Nonsense that Palani constantly cites...lol.

midnight rambler
6th April 2013, 03:27 PM
Another who apparently believes the same kind of deluded Legal Nonsense that Palani constantly cites...lol.[/SIZE]

Clearly you're just another G*ddamned statist Book.

6th April 2013, 04:21 PM
No, but owning and occupying are two different things, right?

Livery of seisin is impossible with an artificial entity. This is an act that requires hands to actually complete ownership.

Besides that the article mentions that the woman stated she paid the property taxes. In Texas this would be evidence of ownership. In general the owner is the one who ACTS like the owner. Papers don't mean much.

6th April 2013, 04:28 PM
Another who apparently believes the same kind of deluded Legal Nonsense that Palani constantly cites...lol.

Yet I still have hopes that a single seed might take root in your barren soul.

6th April 2013, 04:34 PM
Yet I still have hopes that a single seed might take root in your barren soul.

Have any specific relevant comments regarding these two deluded jailed women Palani?


6th April 2013, 04:38 PM
Have any specific relevant comments regarding these two deluded jailed women Palani?


Are they jailed? If so who have they injured?

6th April 2013, 04:39 PM
Clearly you're just another G*ddamned statist...

Can I move into and steal your house while you are out attending the next Sovereign Citizen Freedum Seminar and that will be ok with you as per the OP news story?


6th April 2013, 04:41 PM
Are they jailed? If so who have they injured?

Themselves. Their "where's dinner mom?" children.


6th April 2013, 04:43 PM
Themselves. Their "where's dinner mom?" children.


Have you not considered that you are NEVER responsible for the actions of others? Neither are they.

6th April 2013, 04:45 PM
Can I move into and steal your house while you are out attending the next Sovereign Citizen Freedum Seminar and that will be ok with you as per the OP news story?


Are you not in a sense stealing his house when you go on welfare and collect unemployment insurance and participate in other social schemes?

midnight rambler
6th April 2013, 05:57 PM
Can I move into and steal your house while you are out attending the next Sovereign Citizen Freedum Seminar and that will be ok with you as per the OP news story?


That would clearly be a trespass* and would be treated appropriately. For starters, NO ONE is getting past my dogs without killing them (a very experienced dog handler attempted to enter my abode with my permission and he advised me later, "The only way I could have gotten into your house was to kill that bitch").

JMO, but you strike me as a first rate statist moron Book.

*which your collectivist pea-brain mind cannot comprehend apparently, otherwise you would not have posited that particular query

6th April 2013, 06:13 PM
...you strike me as a first rate statist moron...which your collectivist pea-brain mind cannot comprehend...

Anyone else notice how these so-called Sovereign Citizen experts at GSUS politely write all their hundreds of posts in precise formal Legalese language then instantly expose themselves as emotional ad hominem (http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ad-hominem.html) ranters when questioned about real events in the real world?


midnight rambler
6th April 2013, 06:22 PM
Anyone else notice how these so-called Sovereign Citizen experts at GSUS politely write all their hundreds of posts in precise formal Legalese language then instantly expose themselves as emotional ad hominem (http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ad-hominem.html) ranters when questioned about real events in the real world?


Book, the very first step in getting well is admitting you have a problem, in your case that's being a statist/collectivist who worships man's law (i.e. 'man is god rather than God is God).

6th April 2013, 06:24 PM
Anyone else notice how these so-called Sovereign Citizen experts at GSUS politely write all their hundreds of posts in precise formal Legalese language then instantly expose themselves as emotional ad hominem (http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ad-hominem.html) ranters when questioned about real events in the real world?


Close study of the law is prerequisite to breaking it properly, when emotional.

Is that what you are suggesting, Book?

6th April 2013, 06:57 PM
Anyone else notice how these so-called Sovereign Citizen experts

Been studying up on the Southern Poverty Law Center material? A 'sovereign citizen' is an oxymoron. One cannot be sovereign and a citizen and one cannot be a citizen and a sovereign at the same time. One might however be an individual who needs not agree with the meddling of his neighbors in his own affairs.

midnight rambler
6th April 2013, 07:02 PM
Been studying up on the Southern Poverty Law Center material? A 'sovereign citizen' is an oxymoron. One cannot be sovereign and a citizen and one cannot be a citizen and a sovereign at the same time. One might however be an individual who needs not agree with the meddling of his neighbors in his own affairs.

Surely you appreciate the fact that collectivists LOVE to meddle in the affairs of others, it's what gives their miserable lives meaning, being neighbors notwithstanding.

6th April 2013, 07:19 PM
Surely you appreciate the fact that collectivists LOVE to meddle in the affairs of others, it's what gives their miserable lives meaning, being neighbors notwithstanding.

Yet the rule of law is

Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti. It is a fault to meddle with what does not belong to or does not concern you.

An arbitrator is agreed to by both parties to an action. Meddlers are never welcome nor agreed to.

6th April 2013, 07:30 PM

6th April 2013, 07:49 PM
Close study of the law is prerequisite to breaking it properly, when emotional.


Gosh...when this woman studied the law from professor Palani and professor Midnight Rambler she must have forgotten what they taught about smiling for the mug shot during the arrest and jail process.

:D ha ha

6th April 2013, 07:54 PM

Gosh...when this woman studied the law from professor Palani and professor Midnight Rambler she must have forgotten what they taught about smiling for the mug shot during the arrest and jail process.

:D ha ha

She is obviously hiding contraband up her ass.

6th April 2013, 09:07 PM
It doesn't matter if you are a american citizen or some other kind that Palani talks about, They are the law .

You and I aren't going to win because it is their game and they make the rules and change them anytime they want to.

6th April 2013, 09:31 PM
It doesn't matter if you are a american citizen or some other kind that Palani talks about...


7th April 2013, 02:37 AM
Surely you appreciate the fact that collectivists LOVE to meddle in the affairs of others, it's what gives their miserable lives meaning, being neighbors notwithstanding.

If neighbor Kerri Cooper (http://www.ktvb.com/news/regional/201776681.html) hadn't "meddled" this little kid would be dead.

Tell us again how you support Libertarian Granny's constitutional Rights in this matter. Be sure to cite a bunch of case law.


7th April 2013, 04:44 AM
They are the law .

Martial law is the law of necessity. Nobody is arguing against this principal. It exists. Indeed it is called "de facto". You just don't want to confuse it with "de jure".

Generally speaking opposing necessity without being mentally prepared is not a good thing. Necessity is survival of the fittest. You may be presented with this option at any time and it can be lethal if you don't recognize it. Here is an example:

At a traffic stop a coppiceman states "I need you to get out of the car". He is telling you right there that he is prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure you get out of that car. He can even put a bullet or five into you to make sure you agree that you must vacate the car. Unless you are willing to fight to the death over your occupancy of the car you would do well to agree without making too much fuss about it thusly "Under cause and necessity I agree that I must vacate this car." That would be the rational approach. The irrational approach would be to fight to the death.

When law books discuss necessity they describe it as two survivors of a shipwreck and a plank that can support only one. The one who kills the other over the plank is justified in doing so in order to save his own life.

7th April 2013, 04:49 AM
If neighbor Kerri Cooper (http://www.ktvb.com/news/regional/201776681.html) hadn't "meddled" this little kid would be dead.:)

Had the neighbor been a man the policymen would likely have checked him for pedophilic activities. Men have been trained not to approach little children for any reason whatsoever.