View Full Version : No Man Is Bound To Answer Without a Writ

6th April 2013, 11:24 AM
From 'For the Sacred Law of the Land':


In this day and age you have a tendency to answer up to practically anything. You have not been taught otherwise whereas you only have an obligation to answer when provided with a writ of one form or another.

This is roughly analogous to believing all mail addressed to you from an alphabetic agency actually comes from the government. My government does not pay postage to communicate with me. When was the last time you received a letter with no postage paid from any governmental administrative agency?

The above is true of Man. I doubt if it is true of Persons.

6th April 2013, 12:43 PM
Or in the obituaries, palani?

Steele is a trial lawyer best known for his role in defending Richard Butler and Aryan Nations in a major case brought against them in 2000. After losing the Aryan Nations case, Steele began publicly expressing his anti-Semitic and racist opinions both verbally and in writing over the Internet. He has become well-respected among white supremacists. In June 2010, authorities arrested Steele at his home in Sagle, Idaho, for allegedly plotting to kill his wife. His trial is scheduled to take place in Boise, Idaho in April 2011.


6th April 2013, 04:41 PM
Or in the obituaries, palani?

You'll have to fill me in. I fail to see a connection.

6th April 2013, 06:35 PM
You'll have to fill me in. I fail to see a connection.

Just watchin out for you brother, if they can't get you legally thru writ.

They'll set you up.

6th April 2013, 06:52 PM
They'll set you up.
"They" really don't need to set you up when you assist "them" in the process. Your "choice" is important.