View Full Version : Notes On The State Of Virginia by Thomas Jefferson

7th April 2013, 05:21 AM
free google ebook may be found here ... http://books.google.com/books?id=UO0OAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22cause+and+necessity%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=eGFhUZCBLKrY2QW28YHwDg&ved=0CEsQ6AEwBTgK#v=onepage&q&f=false

Note the limitation on authority of a single judge. Multiple judges are required to decide important issues (above 4 1/6 dollars).


Hatha Sunahara
7th April 2013, 10:23 AM
And today, nationwide, we have a single judge deciding everything from 1 cent to infinity, thereby assuring the devaluation of justice exponentially. Is it because the courts no longer use common law, but Admiralty law to judge cases? Everything is commercial and contractual.


7th April 2013, 10:25 AM
Personally, I'm more drawn to the Kentucky Resolutions.

7th April 2013, 05:14 PM
Do you think in the current system that multiple judges would deliver a more satisfactory ruling? It seems to me we in fact have been sold out many times over by panels of multiple "judges"....

7th April 2013, 05:25 PM
Do you think in the current system that multiple judges would deliver a more satisfactory ruling? It seems to me we in fact have been sold out many times over by panels of multiple "judges"....
Indeed you do have a panel of judges that decide the outcome of all cases. This happens at the appellate level. The law and the facts are merged there to decide whether to uphold or reverse the lower court. The problem is you don't really understand that the trial occurs out of your presence.

When you request and are assigned a public defender his goal is not to win the case for you. His sole purpose in the lower court is to insure that your rights are protected and that you have no legal basis for an appeal. In other words, he is intended to keep you from the actual trial (appeal).

7th April 2013, 05:29 PM
Is it because the courts no longer use common law, but Admiralty law to judge cases? Everything is commercial and contractual.


Equity uses a single chancellor rather than a judge. The only thing is equity has no criminal element. Equity and Law were merged in the mid- or early- 50's. This was not a good move.

Overall the tendency is to bring in CIVIL law .... where it seems a man is guilty and must prove his innocence.