View Full Version : Possible mega-serial killer charged

General of Darkness
7th April 2013, 07:10 AM
Possible mega-serial killer charged

Samuel Little has been charged with three murders. However, police believe he may have killed as many as 60 women across the nation. You won’t see any made for tv movies about him, because he is black.

Even though black men are far more likely to be serial killers than white men, the media keeps claiming “serial killers are always white men.”

There seems to be a total media blackout on pictures of the victims.

Officials from at least two states say the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office has provided key help to authorities prosecuting a man suspected of killing dozens of women across the United States over the course of decades, including victims in Alachua and Marion counties.

Samuel Little, 72, also known as Samuel McDowell, is being held in Los Angeles on three murder charges. It was as Samuel McDowell that he was acquitted in 1984 on a charge that he murdered a Gainesville woman two years earlier.

While local officials remain convinced nearly 30 years after the acquittal that he was the killer of 26-year-old Patricia Ann Mount, the records from that court case have given new life to dozens of other murder investigations throughout the country involving Little.

All the women Little is suspected of killing were beaten, sexually assaulted and strangled to death, some only days apart. The victims also lived high-risk lifestyles, making them easier targets for the transient Little, authorities said.

On March 26, law enforcement officials from as far north as the Panhandle and as far south as Orlando gathered at the city of Alachua Police Department to compare notes on unsolved homicides going back decades. The meeting came about because of the case file found by Linda Brown, records bureau chief for the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office.

In 1984, Gainesville Assistant State Attorney Ken Herbert led the prosecution of Little, who then was using the name McDowell.

McDowell was accused of brutally beating, raping and strangling Mount. Her nude and badly bruised body was found in a field along U.S. 27 in northwestern Alachua County on Sept. 12, 1982.



http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/s/s/20/media20/2013/Apr/7/LiveLeak-dot-com-efe80b7d43f8-bilde.jpg.resized.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e 92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bad1934e40ded3dd4f&ec_rate=200 (http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/s/s/20/media20/2013/Apr/7/LiveLeak-dot-com-efe80b7d43f8-bilde.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db 65f5e99818bad1934e40ded3dd4f&ec_rate=200)
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ff8_1365315639#CLMMrcvY9skElycr.99

7th April 2013, 08:39 AM
Even though black men are far more likely to be serial killers than white men, the media keeps claiming “serial killers are always white men.”

That is interesting. Is there any hard data to show this?

We've always been taught serial killers fit the profile, white men, intelligent, good looking, friendly, charismatic, etc.

7th April 2013, 10:33 AM
http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/s/s/20/media20/2013/Apr/7/LiveLeak-dot-com-efe80b7d43f8-bilde.jpg.resized.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e 92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bad1934e41dcde7d1a&ec_rate=200

midnight rambler
7th April 2013, 11:02 AM
Shiite, I thought the OP was about the Nobel 'Peace' Prize winning Commie in Chief, I'm so disappointed.

7th April 2013, 11:33 AM
Fine police work. After dozens murdered over dozens of years, they think they may have the killer. Who needs guns when you have fine protectors like that?

willie pete
7th April 2013, 11:40 AM