View Full Version : 7.5 Billion RICO Action Against the BAR Association

7th April 2013, 03:42 PM
They do , after all, violate the Taft-Hartley concept of MONOPOLY.


Uncovering the Hidden

Ed Truncellito, a Texas Lawyer, is bringing a RICO claim for 7.5 BILLION dollars to expose the ORGANIZED CRIME of the Bar Association. Read these excerpts and then forward this to EVERY NEWSGROUP, E-GROUP, and EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!




Plaintiff, CASUALTIES OF NO-FAULT DIVORCE FRAUD (ASSUMED NAME FOR EDWARD TRUNCELLITO), an individual who is a resident of Texas, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, brings this class action suit for $7,500,000,000.00 against the State Bar of Texas, for violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ("RICO"), 18 USC �1962, for fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and extortion.

(Note: Plaintiff is publicizing this action at web site www.no-one-is-married.com.)

SBOT No-Fault Divorce Fraud is a cover-up, like Big Tobacco

7/16/00, Houston Chronicle, p. 17A, "Punitive Damages is memo to industry," quoting Leighton Finegan, jury foreman of the $145,000,000,000.00 tobacco punitive damages verdict:

a.. "I hope it sends a strong message for all companies in America that they can't fraudulently represent anything to the public," he said. "This case was not about choosing to smoke," Chwast said. "It's about if you know you're making a defective product, and these companies knew that."

Lawyer insider exposes SBOT [State Bar of Texas] No-Fault Divorce Fraud

b.. As an insider to Texas law, Truncellito now blows the whistle on an immense criminal Family Law racket being concealed by the State Bar of Texas, "SBOT."

c.. Truncellito has discovered, and explains in allegations below-at the peril of fortune and possibly life-that SBOT's Family Law System was deliberately designed to destroy helpless Texas families for the profit of its own lawyers.

d.. In his 11/24/99 letter, Truncellito informed SBOT that he uncovered massive SBOT corruption causing a family holocaust. An excerpt: "At my own expense I have spent over 1,000 hours researching the law . And my personal investment has not been in vain.

I have uncovered scandalous corruption in Texas family law and in the Texas Family Bar. Texas marriages are being systematically and recklessly destroyed through unlawful adversarial practices of the Texas Family Bar.

But further, in this huge research effort, I have not just uncovered problems. I also have developed reasonable and realistic - though far-reaching - judicial solutions that will substantially remedy those problems at their root.

However, at the same time that marriages are saved, divorces will decline dramatically. Consequently, the revenues of the Family Bar, as the practice exists today, will be dramatically reduced.

The Family Bar lawyers stand to lose a fortune ."

1.. The day after receiving the letter, SBOT, through their agents, Joseph Indelicato and Stephen Statham, began "disability" proceedings to suspend Truncellito's license to practice law. Mr. Statham explained that Mr. Truncellito's letter showed "a lot of passion."

2.. Mr. Truncellito, a teetotaler since 1988, is an honors graduate in computer science who worked eight years as a programmer for the law firm of Baker & Botts. Mr. Truncellito scored in the top one percent on the Law School Admission Test, went to law school at night, at the University of Houston, and graduated in 1995.

3.. On 6/12/00, Mr. Truncellito presented his 220 page "Motion for Rehearing En Banc" to the First Court of Appeals, accusing the First Court's staff of criminal misconduct in their refusal to interpret the Texas no-fault divorce law (see section below about their "4/20/00 Opinion.")

1.. The First Court of Appeals denied Mr. Truncellito a fifteen minute hearing on appeal after they knew he invested (by then) fifteen hundred hours in Texas Family Law research.

1.. SBOT Corruption Cover-up Agency-"The Commission" 1.. Only by Divine Providence has Truncellito avoided-thus far-being silenced by the "The Commission" ("Commission for Lawyer Discipline"), SBOT's secret police, whose rules are designed to conceal SBOT crime and corruption from the public.

2.. "The Commission" (and BODA, the Board of Disciplinary Appeals), is heart of SBOT's organized crime.

3.. "The Commission" keeps "the profession" from falling into disrepute, much as "The Godfather" keeps "The Family" from falling into disrepute.

4.. SBOT legal corruption is carefully disguised to appear reasonable to untrained eyes, and "The Commission" uses totally secret procedures to silence insider lawyers who have training to recognize the criminal scams when they stumble into them. The Commission even has power to imprison lawyers who reveal that they have been subpoenaed to appear at some of "The Commission's" secret hearings.

5.. "The Commission" silences whistle-blowers with secret proceedings, using their "disability" rule, which is like a blank check, which reads: "a mental or emotional condition that results in the inability to practice law."

6.. A license suspension itself results in the "inability to practice law," and then "The Commission" can name any emotion to fulfill the condition of their rule. The net result: for any or no reason, "The Commission" can suspend a lawyer's license-and all the lawyer's earnings.

7.. "The Commission" can have anyone be the initial accuser of "disability." Then, they appoint their own psychiatrist, prosecutor, witnesses, judge, and jury, to "further consider the issue of 'disability.'"

8.. Their tribunals have absolute discretion-"The Commission's" term for absolute power-and absolute secrecy. The Commission knows that absolute tyranny is necessary to enforce absolute silence from whistle-blowers. 1.. All of SBOT is in disorder, but Family Law especially Go To Table of Contents

By the time lawyers graduate from law school and begin to suspect criminal realities in SBOT, they are dependent on their incomes from lawyering, and they cannot afford to make waves.

1.. Some lawyers are in areas of law less prone to the criminal frauds, and their na�vet�, and freedom from those schemes, helps protect the image of "the profession."

2.. Other lawyers either join up with the corruption-or they look the other way and keep silent, because otherwise, dissenters are quickly taught their lesson by "The Commission."

3.. By the time a lawyer has substantial influence with any breadth, the lawyer knows what must not be inquired into-for wisdom's sake.

Law schools, by their complex curriculums, assist SBOT's criminal designs by increasing the cost of entry into "the profession."

1.. U. of Houston Professor David Crump points out the absurdity of the law school teaching approach, comparing it to learning about baseball by watching a game through a knothole in the fence.

2.. Yet these brilliant doctors of law leave such an antiquated teaching system in place knowing that the barrier to entry helps protect the image-and monopoly-of "the profession."

1.. 1.. When it comes to disciplining outsiders for "unauthorized practice of law," any lawyer whatsoever can prosecute a lawsuit against the outsider," for swift and effective enforcement.

2.. However, for disciplining insiders, for ethical misconduct, the only way a lawyer can be disciplined, is by "The Commission."

3.. "The Commission's" disciplinary system requires secrecy unless "The Commission" decides to publish. So any of "The Commission's" enemies, or lawyers whose misdeeds cannot be concealed, can be exposed for misconduct, while at the same time, criminal rackets can be protected.

2.. The justice system's present corruption, in Family Law, however, is extraordinary in the scope of its social destructiveness.

3.. Family Law corruption affects the entire population and has destroyed, not only the sacredness of marriage, but the very right to "marry" itself, as marriage has always been known, where spouses must try to stay together peaceably, at least reasonably try to keep their vows, before a divorce can be granted.

4.. Family Law corruption is the focus of this lawsuit. No-Fault Divorce Fraud: Family Hospital deteriorated into a Family Morgue

e.. Letting SBOT's Divorce Lawyers implement No-Fault divorce laws was like letting morticians implement hospital emergency room procedures. They engineered an assembly line straight to the family morgue.

f.. Divorce Lawyers implemented no-fault divorce only partially with legislation, but then added loopholes primarily within the procedures, ethics, and evidence rules, which are controlled exclusively by SBOT.

7th April 2013, 06:01 PM
You know why divorce is so expensive? Because it's worth it.