View Full Version : Is it me does the world suck these dasy?

General of Darkness
7th April 2013, 04:23 PM
Every fricken thing that happens in one way or another affects those of us that are vested into this bullshit system, even intentionally, you were born into it. Someone farts in the middle east, gas goes up, etc etc etc, it's never ending.

Fuck these assholes, I'm prepping and Reminiscing.


7th April 2013, 04:31 PM

7th April 2013, 04:32 PM
It's not just you dude. I may not be "vested" but it is still ALL BULLSHIT!

midnight rambler
7th April 2013, 04:37 PM
"Fuck the fucking fuckers." --Mishko Novosel

7th April 2013, 04:44 PM
This thread needs more daisy.{**}

General of Darkness
7th April 2013, 04:51 PM
This thread needs more daisy.{**}

I meant days ya prick, I was on the phone concerning the upcoming trial. Enzo for his IPO1 and Shelby for her BH. These two monkeys are the only things that keep me sane.

7th April 2013, 04:54 PM

You may be king, you may possess the world and it's gold,
But gold won't bring you happiness when you're growing old.
The world's still the same, you'll never change it,

7th April 2013, 04:58 PM
I don't have anything substantial to add to this thread..................V

7th April 2013, 05:28 PM


7th April 2013, 05:45 PM
Fuck these assholes, I'm prepping and Reminiscing.

If you are prepping, then don't worry about a thing my friend!


7th April 2013, 05:52 PM

I see your Texas Hippy freaks & raise you a Tail Gators..


7th April 2013, 05:55 PM
If you are prepping, then don't worry about a thing my friend!

Nuthin but my small axe.


Why boasteth thyself
Oh, evil men
Playing smart
And not being clever?
I said, you're working iniquity
To achieve vanity (if a-so a-so)
But the goodness of Jah, Jah
I-dureth for-I-ver

So if you are the big tree
We are the small axe
Ready to cut you down (well sharp)
To cut you down

These are the words
Of my master, keep on tellin' me
No weak heart
Shall prosper
And whosoever diggeth a pit
Shall fall in it, fall in it
And whosoever diggeth a pit
Shall fall in it (... fall in it)

If you are the big tree, let me tell you that
We are the small axe, sharp and ready
Ready to cut you down (well sharp)
To cut you down

(To cut you down)

(To cut you down)

These are the words
Of my master, tellin' me that
No weak heart
Shall prosper
And whosoever diggeth a pit
Shall fall in it, uh, bury in it
And whosoever diggeth a pit
Shall bury in it, uh (... bury in it)

If you are the big, big tree
We are the small axe
Ready to cut you down (well sharp)
To cut you down
If you are the big, big tree, let me tell you that
We are the small axe
Ready to cut you down (well sharp)
To cut you down
Sharpened ...

7th April 2013, 06:03 PM
Too much negativity ain't good.

Even if much of what is presented before us total B.$. ...... you've got to look on the brighter side of life, your physical health depends on it.

7th April 2013, 06:04 PM
the world doesn't suck.

just the dominant power structures.

7th April 2013, 06:11 PM
Pessimist or Optimist?

Posted by SGS on Friday, 05 April 2013 in SGS BLOG

Recently I found myself watching the Lang O’leary Exchange, and for the life of me I cannot remember what made me make that error in judgement. For those of you who are not familiar with it, and I am sure most Canadians are, it is a economic show with partisan debate between a liberal and a conservative about god knows what. The guests are hand picked to argue as much as possible, and it always ends with a smile as if they don’t actually hate each other, although we all know they do. In America there are plethora of examples of this, in fact, it is much like Bill Maher’s show (of which I am not a fan and will talk about another time) just without comedy and more economically centred.

There were a few gentlemen on the panel, Banksters or Vampires I call them. Men who spend their days hoarding wealth for which they are lauded, even though they have so much money (and bad karma) that barring a huge meltdown they will undoubtedly die with enough money to save a municipal school board. This money will be handed down to family members, and to mistresses no doubt, and nothing reminiscent of public good will come out of it.

But wait... Am I suggesting that wealth hoarders give up some money??? Holy crap, I must be a communist, at least a socialist, also I probably hate freedom. I am a communist because I believe in community. I am a socialist because I believe in society. I do hate freedom, that is to say, I hate monetary acquisition masquerading as freedom while at the same time someone false into debt slavery.

I am also a capitalist, as I do believe that there will be “haves” and “have-nots” in life, and people who work harder than others, therefore I believe in merit and the rewards that follow. However, I also believe that we are all here due to essentially a biological coincidence. Some of us were lucky to come out of the womb on a piece of dirt that isn’t a horrible place to live, while others were not.

Above all I am a humanist. I believe in humanity, and even though I see many glaring faults in the current construct, I also see inherent good in the masses. We pretend that Kings and Queens (other than in the form of figureheads) are a thing of the past. Unfortunately this is not true. The majority of us are peasants at the mercy of the powers, that be who decide who lives and dies, or who is rich or poor. I am clearly speaking in superlatives, but considering the vast majority of the planet lives in poverty I would argue that I am not too far out to lunch. Currently the CEO/Presidents of various central banks are our Kings, and in fact, our government leaders are more like figureheads at the mercy of industry.

More food is thrown away in America every day than is consumed in all of Africa. There are more vacant homes in America than homeless people. If the top 1% of the top 1% would relinquish 4% of their earnings the public schools in America could finally receive adequate funding. But, unfortunately that would be a silly thing to do... After all why would someone who “earned” all that money give money to “lazy” poor people.

I understand I am saying nothing that Che Guevara did not already say, but I am also saying it because it still needs to be said. We pretend that our civilization is the apex of humanity, when in fact all major empires have fallen from grace almost systematically in the past. We read history but don’t remember it, and the history we do read is a compilation of lies agreed upon as being true. We reach debt ceilings yet somehow the ceiling gets higher, and we wage wars that have no villains.

We never seem to ask the question - Why do you need so much money? And when this question is asked people will scoff at you and remark that they need it because they earned it, or because they worked for it. Quite frankly, the occupations that are conducive to the most wealth accruement are the jobs that never require sweat on one’s brow. They are jobs that are based on mathematical algorithms pretending to be an economy. Infinite growth is required for subsistence yet everything on earth, including the earth itself is temporal.

The heads of central banks, the presidents of tyrannical nations, and the celebrities of the day will perish along with the rest of the continent at some point in the next 5 billion years. No one will care or remember their names, and history will cloud the truth as it sees fit. Hitler will be remembered as Hitler the Great, just like Alexander, who was nothing more than a prince who felt like killing everyone who wasn’t Greek. The Mongols under the various Khans were responsible for almost as many deaths as WWII, yet they did it without guns, and we refer to Genghis Khan as “The Great Khan”. I mention these tangential facts only to illuminate the reality that nothing will be as it really is, and to pretend that having power over a population in one’s lifetime is a sad and fleeting way to live.

I sympathize for the Bankster and Vampires of the current day, because at some point they will see themselves for who they really are. The answer is not an Occupy movement, and it is not a revolution of state. The answer is a revolution of consciousness and recognition of humanity. Each individual possesses a sovereign consciousness that no one can take away. The internet is our gateway into a new universal era of collaboration and the old guard will fall as they have all fallen before. Until then I urge everyone to realize that life will end one day, and that in the meantime it is paramount to express kindness. This does not necessarily mean you have to be “soft”, but for some I am sure softening is a welcome requisite. Your fellow citizens are the same as you, as you are the same as them and without collaboration there is no unity, and without unity there is no hope. Without hope... Well without hope is when humanity fails itself. I am not going to give up on my fellow man, and I will not let my fellow man give up on his/her neighbor.

Although it is easy to be a pessimist, it is easier to be an optimist. Simply look at your surroundings and realize that everything you see has been manipulated by man, and therefore everything manipulated by man can be manipulated again. You are the master of your soul and as master you have the power to enact change when needed. Do not stand by, but at the same time do not concern yourself overzealously with the things you cannot change. The evil will fall, and from the ashes another society will rise. Let us hope that this time we get it right.

7th April 2013, 06:32 PM
Who cares, the end is the same for everyone............dead.


7th April 2013, 06:34 PM
Who cares, the end is the same for everyone............dead.


says you

old steel
7th April 2013, 06:51 PM
the world doesn't suck.

just the dominant power structures.

There is clearly a conspiracy here. One which is centuries if not millenia or even eons old. If mankind is ever to know the truth about what is behind the endless procession of utterly incomprehensible misanthropic atrocities which form our history, one of these Bilderbergers/CFR/Trilaterals/Rothschilds must be made to sing his song, for all the world to hear. Can you spell SODIUM PENTOTHAL? I knew you could. JUST ONE DOSE!

7th April 2013, 07:16 PM
This thread needs more daisy.


General of Darkness
7th April 2013, 07:57 PM
I don't appreciate the faggots that are posting the jew child Marley's videos in my thread.

7th April 2013, 08:22 PM
I don't appreciate the faggots that are posting the jew child Marley's videos in my thread.

At least spell the Title right and you might get ore support. No offense if it was written by Giffords.

7th April 2013, 08:39 PM
says you

Well, is it a lie?


7th April 2013, 09:53 PM

Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the 'and of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
This songs of freedom
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fullfil the book.

Won't you help to sing
This songs of freedom-
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

8th April 2013, 11:56 AM
At least spell the Title right and you might get ore support. No offense if it was written by Giffords.

"Ore" support? Gold ore, iron ore or did you mean whore support?

Some days are suckier than others but the general trend is increased suckyness. I guess if Cebu is offering whore support that could be good or bad.... mmm.... yeah... bad.

Just wait til the suckometer goes off the scale.


8th April 2013, 12:02 PM
Well, is it a lie?


I don't really know. Most everyone I have ever known are still alive.

8th April 2013, 02:13 PM
I don't really know. Most everyone I have ever known are still alive.

We kill one million babies per year in Amerika by abortion. Worldwide, could that number be more than 10 million?

In the next year, let's see if 100 million people aren't killed by "natural" disasters. The world population is north of 6 billion, right? 100 million is just a scratch. But it will be just a start. Maybe you will know some of them.

I am at the point where the numbers of people I have known are now gone is climbing. It may only be about 6 or 7 % right now, but we could possibly see that jump to 50% in the next year. I am still watching for the major shake... and then hell from the sky.

8th April 2013, 07:43 PM

25th April 2013, 04:51 PM

25th April 2013, 05:17 PM
Pessimist or Optimist?

Posted by SGS on Friday, 05 April 2013 in SGS BLOG

Recently I found myself watching the Lang O’leary Exchange, and for the life of me I cannot remember what made me make that error in judgement. For those of you who are not familiar with it, and I am sure most Canadians are, it is a economic show with partisan debate between a liberal and a conservative about god knows what. The guests are hand picked to argue as much as possible, and it always ends with a smile as if they don’t actually hate each other, although we all know they do. In America there are plethora of examples of this, in fact, it is much like Bill Maher’s show (of which I am not a fan and will talk about another time) just without comedy and more economically centred.

There were a few gentlemen on the panel, Banksters or Vampires I call them. Men who spend their days hoarding wealth for which they are lauded, even though they have so much money (and bad karma) that barring a huge meltdown they will undoubtedly die with enough money to save a municipal school board. This money will be handed down to family members, and to mistresses no doubt, and nothing reminiscent of public good will come out of it.

But wait... Am I suggesting that wealth hoarders give up some money??? Holy crap, I must be a communist, at least a socialist, also I probably hate freedom. I am a communist because I believe in community. I am a socialist because I believe in society. I do hate freedom, that is to say, I hate monetary acquisition masquerading as freedom while at the same time someone false into debt slavery.

I am also a capitalist, as I do believe that there will be “haves” and “have-nots” in life, and people who work harder than others, therefore I believe in merit and the rewards that follow. However, I also believe that we are all here due to essentially a biological coincidence. Some of us were lucky to come out of the womb on a piece of dirt that isn’t a horrible place to live, while others were not.

Above all I am a humanist. I believe in humanity, and even though I see many glaring faults in the current construct, I also see inherent good in the masses. We pretend that Kings and Queens (other than in the form of figureheads) are a thing of the past. Unfortunately this is not true. The majority of us are peasants at the mercy of the powers, that be who decide who lives and dies, or who is rich or poor. I am clearly speaking in superlatives, but considering the vast majority of the planet lives in poverty I would argue that I am not too far out to lunch. Currently the CEO/Presidents of various central banks are our Kings, and in fact, our government leaders are more like figureheads at the mercy of industry.

More food is thrown away in America every day than is consumed in all of Africa. There are more vacant homes in America than homeless people. If the top 1% of the top 1% would relinquish 4% of their earnings the public schools in America could finally receive adequate funding. But, unfortunately that would be a silly thing to do... After all why would someone who “earned” all that money give money to “lazy” poor people.

I understand I am saying nothing that Che Guevara did not already say, but I am also saying it because it still needs to be said. We pretend that our civilization is the apex of humanity, when in fact all major empires have fallen from grace almost systematically in the past. We read history but don’t remember it, and the history we do read is a compilation of lies agreed upon as being true. We reach debt ceilings yet somehow the ceiling gets higher, and we wage wars that have no villains.

We never seem to ask the question - Why do you need so much money? And when this question is asked people will scoff at you and remark that they need it because they earned it, or because they worked for it. Quite frankly, the occupations that are conducive to the most wealth accruement are the jobs that never require sweat on one’s brow. They are jobs that are based on mathematical algorithms pretending to be an economy. Infinite growth is required for subsistence yet everything on earth, including the earth itself is temporal.

The heads of central banks, the presidents of tyrannical nations, and the celebrities of the day will perish along with the rest of the continent at some point in the next 5 billion years. No one will care or remember their names, and history will cloud the truth as it sees fit. Hitler will be remembered as Hitler the Great, just like Alexander, who was nothing more than a prince who felt like killing everyone who wasn’t Greek. The Mongols under the various Khans were responsible for almost as many deaths as WWII, yet they did it without guns, and we refer to Genghis Khan as “The Great Khan”. I mention these tangential facts only to illuminate the reality that nothing will be as it really is, and to pretend that having power over a population in one’s lifetime is a sad and fleeting way to live.

I sympathize for the Bankster and Vampires of the current day, because at some point they will see themselves for who they really are. The answer is not an Occupy movement, and it is not a revolution of state. The answer is a revolution of consciousness and recognition of humanity. Each individual possesses a sovereign consciousness that no one can take away. The internet is our gateway into a new universal era of collaboration and the old guard will fall as they have all fallen before. Until then I urge everyone to realize that life will end one day, and that in the meantime it is paramount to express kindness. This does not necessarily mean you have to be “soft”, but for some I am sure softening is a welcome requisite. Your fellow citizens are the same as you, as you are the same as them and without collaboration there is no unity, and without unity there is no hope. Without hope... Well without hope is when humanity fails itself. I am not going to give up on my fellow man, and I will not let my fellow man give up on his/her neighbor.

Although it is easy to be a pessimist, it is easier to be an optimist. Simply look at your surroundings and realize that everything you see has been manipulated by man, and therefore everything manipulated by man can be manipulated again. You are the master of your soul and as master you have the power to enact change when needed. Do not stand by, but at the same time do not concern yourself overzealously with the things you cannot change. The evil will fall, and from the ashes another society will rise. Let us hope that this time we get it right.

Bump. Because I like it.

25th April 2013, 05:24 PM
It's the full moon today.

25th April 2013, 05:57 PM
For you General......


Back and forth, I sway with the wind
Resolution slips away again
Right through my fingers, back into my heart
Where it's out of reach and it's in the dark
Sometimes I think I'm blind
Or I may be just paralyzed
Because the plot thickens every day
And the pieces of my puzzle keep crumblin' away
But I know, there's a picture beneath
Indecision clouds my vision
No one listens...
Because I'm somewhere in between
My love and my agony
You see, I'm somewhere in between
My life is falling to pieces
Somebody put me together
Layin' face down on the ground
My fingers in my ears to block the sound
My eyes shut tight to avoid the sight
Anticipating the end, losing the will to fight
Droplets of "yes" and "no"
In an ocean of "maybe"
From the bottom, it looks like a steep incline
From the top, another downhill slope of mine
But I know, the equilibrium's there
Indecision clouds my vision
No one listens
Because I'm somewhere in between
My love and my agony
You see, I'm somewhere in between
My life is falling to pieces
Somebody put me together

25th April 2013, 06:06 PM
Got one better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX6ggRByE8g