View Full Version : Broadcasters worry about ‘Zero TV’ homes

7th April 2013, 08:23 PM
LOS ANGELES — Some people have had it with TV. They’ve had enough of the 100-plus channel universe. They don’t like timing their lives around network show schedules. They’re tired of $100-plus monthly bills.

A growing number of them have stopped paying for cable and satellite-TV service, and don’t even use an antenna to get free signals over the air. These people are watching shows and movies on the Internet, sometimes via cellphone connections.

Last month, the Nielsen Co. started labeling people in this group “Zero TV” households, because they fall outside the traditional definition of a TV home. There are 5 million of these residences in the U.S., up from 2 million in 2007.

Winning back the Zero TV crowd will be one of the many issues broadcasters discuss at their national meeting, the NAB Show, this week in Las Vegas.

While show creators and networks make money from this group’s viewing habits through deals with online video providers and from advertising on their own websites and apps, broadcasters get paid only when they relay such programming in traditional ways.

Unless broadcasters can adapt to modern platforms, their revenue from Zero TV viewers will be zero.

“Getting broadcast programing on all the gizmos and gadgets — like tablets, the back seats of cars, and laptops — is hugely important,” says Dennis Wharton, a spokesman for the National Association of Broadcasters.

Although Wharton says more than 130 TV stations in the U.S. are broadcasting live TV signals to mobile devices, few people have the tools to receive them. Most cellphones require an add-on device known as a dongle, but these gadgets are just starting to be sold.

Among this elusive group of consumers is Jeremy Carsen Young, a graphic designer, who is done with traditional TV. Young has a working antenna sitting unplugged on his back porch in Roanoke, Va., and he refuses to put it on the roof.

“I don’t think we’d use it enough to justify having a big eyesore on the house,” the 30-year-old says.

Online video subscriptions from Netflix and Amazon.com — which cost less than $15 a month combined — have given him and his partner plenty to watch. They take in back episodes of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” and The CW’s “Supernatural,” and they don’t need more, he says.

He doesn’t mind waiting as long as a year for the current season’s episodes to appear on streaming services, even if his friends accidentally blurt out spoilers in the meantime. With regular television, he might have missed the latest developments, anyway.

“By the time it gets to me to watch, I’ve kind of forgotten about that,” he says.

For the first time, TV-ratings giant Nielsen took a close look at this category of viewer in its quarterly video report released in March. It plans to measure their viewing of new TV shows starting in fall, with an eye toward incorporating the results in the formula used to calculate ad rates.

“Our commitment is to being able to measure the content wherever it is,” says Dounia Turrill, Nielsen’s senior vice president of insights.

The Zero TV segment is increasingly important, because the number of people signing up for traditional TV service has slowed to a standstill in the U.S.

Last year, the cable, satellite and telecom providers added just 46,000 video customers collectively, according to research firm SNL Kagan. That’s tiny when compared with 974,000 new households created last year.

While the providers still serve 100.4 million homes, or 84.7 percent of all households, it’s down from the peak of 87.3 percent in early 2010.

Nielsen’s study suggests that this new group may have left traditional TV for good. While three-quarters actually have a physical TV set, only 18 percent are interested in hooking it up through a traditional pay-TV subscription.

Zero TVers tend to be younger, single and without children. Nielsen’s senior vice president of insights, Dounia Turrill, says part of the new monitoring regime is meant to help determine whether they’ll change their behavior over time.

“As these homes change life stage, what will happen to them?”

Cynthia Phelps, a 43-year-old maker of mental-health apps in San Antonio, Texas, says there’s nothing that will bring her back to traditional TV. She’s watched TV in the past, of course, but for most of the last 10 years she’s done without it.

She finds a lot of programs online to watch on her laptop for free — like the TED talks educational series — and every few months she gets together with friends to watch older TV shows on DVD, usually “something totally geeky,” like NBC’s “Chuck.”

The 24-hour news channels make her anxious or depressed, and buzz about the latest hot TV shows like “Mad Men” doesn’t make her feel like she’s missing out.

Phelps says it’s less about saving money than choice. She says she’d rather spend her time productively and not get “sucked into” shows she’ll regret later.

“I don’t want someone else dictating the media I get every day,” she says. “I want to be in charge of it. When I have a TV, I’m less in control of that.”

The TV industry has a host of buzz words to describe these nontraditionalist viewers. There are “cord-cutters,” who stop paying for TV completely, and make do with online video and sometimes an antenna.

There are “cord-shavers,” who reduce the number of channels they subscribe to, or the number of rooms pay TV is in, to save money.

Then there are the “cord-nevers,” young people who move out on their own and never set up a landline phone connection or a TV subscription. They usually make do with a broadband Internet connection, a computer, a cellphone and possibly a TV set that is not hooked up the traditional way.


7th April 2013, 08:36 PM
No tv for the past seven years......all on my lap top and now for awhile foreign movies.....for two reasons...one, reading the subtitles to improve my English and two, I am tired of all the bullshit that Jewlywood keeps coming up with.


7th April 2013, 08:45 PM
About 7 years here as well. Don't have the time for it.

Don't even watch on the internet.

7th April 2013, 08:48 PM
I can hardly stand to watch TV with all the commercials now. It mostly just sits there; Even the kids don't watch it. I only keep it to watch the odd hockey game...

7th April 2013, 08:59 PM
It's definitely encouraging, although most people that I know that have given up cable, get netflix so they may save some $$ but they still have the sewer hose plumbed into their brains.

Even with netflix though the commercials can be as dangerous as the actual show so it's a step in the right direction.

7th April 2013, 09:02 PM
I keep my TV. We only use it to relay movies and that's usually a family night movie where we all learn stuff.

Twisted Titan
8th April 2013, 05:30 AM
We have been Tv free about 4 years

I wish i had a zinc penny for every advert i got begging me to come back.

Could have paid off my house free and clear

8th April 2013, 05:47 AM
almost no one i know under age 40 watches regular tv anymore.

8th April 2013, 06:28 AM
6 years for me.

big country
8th April 2013, 08:21 AM
We techincally still have a TV, but we do not have any cable/sattelite/antenna for it.

I do have a ROKU that I use to steam Amazon Prime streaming to it for one or two shows that I care to watch/buy...Duck Dynasty being the primary one. (I pay for it for their shipping service, the TV part is extra fluff, I wouldn't pay just for the TV part)
It also have a DVD player attached to it for family movie night or if we just really want to watch something like Lord of the Rings. I might watch one show or movie per month.

The TV is in the basement, not in the primary living room so I really have to go out of my way to watch something.

We'll never have TV again, especially now that we have kids. Too damaging and destructive. I want my children to be creative and have an imagination, not just mindless drones. Also, TV is a porr babysitter that I see parents use too often when they don't want to be parents...My kids are crying and being annoying kids, here watch this show and stay out of my way...ugh.

8th April 2013, 11:01 AM
I saw a commercial yesterday for shampoo with a black man following around, lusting after the white woman.

8th April 2013, 11:18 AM
Look, I found it. Hilarious. All your white women belong to us.


8th April 2013, 11:20 AM
Look, I found it. Hilarious. All your white women are belong to us.

Fixt it for you.

8th April 2013, 11:26 AM
Look, I found it. Hilarious. All your white women belong to us.


The actress was probably a chosen one.

8th April 2013, 12:16 PM
Samsung: Marry A Black Man

McDonald's: Git White Women With a BigMac

Why Sane White People Are Disconnecting Teevee


8th April 2013, 01:13 PM
television free since 1997 - except for Netflix.