View Full Version : Palestinian prisoner: ‘This hospital is like jail in fascist Germany during Holocaust

8th April 2013, 12:22 AM
Riots over the death of a Palestinian prisoner in an Israeli jail rampaged across the West Bank and Gaza this week. One of the detainees RT managed to reach said 25 of his fellow inmates had cancer and were being denied treatment.

The prisoner, whose anonymity is preserved for security reasons, believes medical assistance in the Israeli jails is withheld on purpose, “to break the will of the detainees.” Speaking to RT, he described the negligence sick Palestinian detainees are faced with.

“We suffer from an incredibly low standard of medical assistance. Among those detained here, there are at least 25 people who suffer from cancer - and they’re not getting the treatment they need. They are only given painkillers,” he said, adding that the prison hospital is “like a jail, like the ones in fascist Germany during the Holocaust. It only has a small infirmary, if you get placed there for 15 hours - you leave with sick kidneys or liver, or any other kind of disease.”

Vid at link


8th April 2013, 04:05 AM
Too bad prisoner cited joosh lies about ww2 Germany, eeeeevil nazis, & he enshrined the holohoax (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%99-Hoax&p=623752&viewfull=1#post623752)- the fake reason for izzy's very creation & existence.

Needs to compare to the jewish-bolshevik-communist-soviet (http://truthtellers.org/alerts/jewishactivistscommunism.html) gulags if he wants an apt historical comparison... not joosh lies about eeeevil nazis & the holohoax.

The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956 Quotes By Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (http://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2944012-1918-1956)

Ironically, in modern day Russia, Russia moves to criminalize Holocaust denial (http://rt.com/politics/denial-holocaust-criminalize-moves-russia-853/)

TORTURE IN ISRAELI PRISONS (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/tortureinisraeliprisons_reprint.html)

8th April 2013, 07:34 AM
At some point its has to become self evident that these actions are somewhat less than Biblical.

8th April 2013, 07:44 AM
Holohoax Survivors who Tell the Truth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm8UmMuRSSw)

video ^ warns before playing,

The following content has been identified by the joo YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is advised.

U must okay that msg ^ to proceed to the YT page to watch:


Holohoax Survivors who Tell the Truth

http://i3.ytimg.com/i/BDp6QHHZEhh-7Q1pz4zAtA/1.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/Theaxe999?feature=watch)Theaxe999 (http://www.youtube.com/user/Theaxe999?feature=watch)·91 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/Theaxe999/videos)
841 144,345
http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 1,441 http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 341

Uploaded on May 29, 2011
Taken from the documentary "The Last Days of the Big Lie".
See the full version here:

Spielberg's Cabal Banned Me from Stanford Libraries
By Eric Hunt:
http://www.holocaustdenier.com/2011/0... (http://www.holocaustdenier.com/2011/09/spielberg%E2%80%99s-cabal-banned-me-from-stanford-libraries/)



8th April 2013, 12:21 PM
U must okay that msg ^ to proceed to the YT page to watch:

The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is advised.

Dios mio, I've never seen such a rating intercept before.

Between this and the Google warnings I feel defamed upon.

8th April 2013, 01:12 PM
obviously that Palestinian prisoner has been denied access to the facts, as well as access to food and water.

German internment camps for the Jews had swimming pools, soccer leagues, & drama programs.

i don't think any Israeli internment camps have similar benefits.

the Israeli's treat the Palestinians far worse than Germany treated the Jews.

8th April 2013, 10:42 PM
Holohoax Survivors who Tell the Truth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm8UmMuRSSw)

video ^ warns before playing,

I can't get over how this video has some viewer discretion note and block on it from the youtube community,

there's nothing violent about it.

yet this video below is available without one.


8th April 2013, 11:10 PM
If you recently used Google to search for the word “Jew,” you may have seen results that were very disturbing. We assure you that the views expressed by the sites in your results are not in any way endorsed by Google. We’d like to explain why you’re seeing these results when you conduct this search.

A site’s ranking in Google’s search results relies heavily on computer algorithms using thousands of factors to calculate a page’s relevance to a given query. Sometimes subtleties of language cause anomalies to appear that cannot be predicted. A search for “Jew” brings up one such unexpected result.
If you use Google to search for “Judaism,” “Jewish” or “Jewish people,” the results are informative and relevant. So why is a search for “Jew” different? One reason is that the word “Jew” is often used in an anti-Semitic context. Jewish organizations are more likely to use the word “Jewish” when talking about members of their faith. The word has become somewhat charged linguistically, as noted on websites devoted to Jewish topics such as these:


Someone searching for information on Jewish people would be more likely to enter terms like “Judaism,” “Jewish people,” or “Jews” than the single word “Jew” In fact, prior to this incident, the word “Jew” only appeared about once in every 10 million search queries. Now it’s likely that the great majority of searches on Google for “Jew” are by people who have heard about this issue and want to see the results for themselves.
The beliefs and preferences of those who work at Google, as well as the opinions of the general public, do not determine or impact our search results. Individual citizens and public interest groups do periodically urge us to remove particular links or otherwise adjust search results. Although Google reserves the right to address such requests individually, Google views the comprehensiveness of our search results as an extremely important priority. Accordingly, we do not remove a page from our search results simply because its content is unpopular or because we receive complaints concerning it. We will, however, remove pages from our results if we believe the page (or its site) violates our Webmaster Guidelines, if we believe we are required to do so by law, or at the request of the webmaster who is responsible for the page.
We apologize for the upsetting nature of the experience you had using Google and appreciate your taking the time to inform us about it.
The Google Team
P.S. You may be interested in some additional information the Anti-Defamation League has posted about this issue at http://www.adl.org/rumors/google_search_rumors.asp. In addition, we call your attention to Google’s search results (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=anti-semitism) on this topic.
